Chapter 28 - Weapons, Commands, and Re-Routed Calls

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The Doctor donned a new suit, and carried the oxygen tank on his back. He exited the closet, and walked over to the mirror. It reflected his room, which was only sparsely furnished. A bed, with white and blue sheets, and a couch. Which was TARDIS blue. Vain ship. He looked at his reflection, ran a hand through his hair, and adjusted his bowtie.

Opening the drawer, he pulled out a very old, very tattered, and very filled album. Flipping through, he spied all the happy memories, all the old faces. The foxy brown haired one, posing with Donna Noble. The one with the big ears, grinning with Rose Tyler. And the very first one, posing with Susan and Ian. Flipping to the end, he spied a selfie with Rory and Amy. Slamming it shut, he strode out of the room, and stopped dead. Turning around, he saw the slightly ajar closet door. With a breath, he stepped into it, and saw the blaster laying on the floor.

He shouldn't, he really shouldn't. Guns weren't good. Never the guns. But all those people, all those companions. What if he had had a gun? Would they have been alright. Stoooping, he laid a hand on the cold metal.

"Sorry old girl" he murmured, as he holstered the weapon at his waist, and strode out of the room.

"You ready?" Katsumi asked, as he swept into the console room.

"Yes. And I can track her through the sonic. Are you?" The door gave its familiar creak as he strode outside and surveyed the landscape. This planet... he never wanted to come back here again. She stepped out beside him, took the gun out of the holster, and loaded it with an efficient click.

"Yes." She responded, as he looked at her in disdain.

They started down the slope, and stood at the beach. There were no footprints or anything, and it was desolate. Endless white sand stretched as far as they could see. The Doctor reached into his coat pocket to take his sonic out, but Katsumi held out a hand to stop him. She ran further down the beach, and came to a halt. The Doctor followed her, and saw the deep indent.

"Something heavy was here, and it's been pushed further down the beach. Possibly into the sea, but the tracks closest to the water have been washed away." Sand shifted beneath her feet as she crouched to survey the impression.

"Hmm, and look here." The Doctor spied a clump of fur next stuck on a nearby twig, and he scanned it with his sonic.

"It's animal, and the DNA is a mix between fish and cow. That's odd... Have you ever seen an animal like this before? Mixes... like the odd bear. Something doesn't add up here." His brow furrowed as he played with the soft fur.

"I haven't, I mean, I don't live here, do I?"

"Wait, so you came here just for a wedding? How rich is Floriente?"

"Very. Thanks to him being the ringleader of the iguana trafficking industry. And fish-cows, you say?" A worried expression crossed Katsumi's face.

"Yes, yes, I'm quite sure." The Doctor straightened, and looked down at her pale face. "Tell me what you know. Right now."

"Do a scan for Rebecca's DNA" She said clearly, without an iota of fear.

"Tell me what you know." He challenged back.

"Just do it" A threat entered her eyes, and she let her hand ever so subtly brush the holster of her weapon, as if to remind the Doctor who was in charge of the investigation. Frowning down at her, he obeyed, and the sonic began beeping, picking up traces.

"Tell me what you know."

"Floriente" Katsumi began pacing "He... he's the human ringleader. See, he's the only human. I've tracked him before, to this specific planet. That's why I suggested it for the wedding. I hoped that I could catch him in the act again, more proof is even better. You see, he trades the iguanas with strange creatures. I've never caught a proper photo of them, only glimpses. But I would hazard that fish-cow is pretty darn close."

"You're not saying..."

"I'm guessing they took Rebecca"

"Give me your phone" he commanded. Confused, Katsumi obeyed. He waved his sonic over it, and then handed it back. "I've re-routed all calls from the TARDIS to your phone."

Before she could respond, he wore his scuba suit and started swimming. Katsumi had no choice but to follow.

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