A dream and a letter

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I was running around the forest with my 2 best friends, a girl that looks like a cat named Taokaka, and a boy that looks like a fox because of his ears and tail. 'Strange, why can't I remember his name...............Oh well .We were playing hide-and-seek tag in the forest. Taokaka was it, and me and boy had to run as far away as possible.

"Taokaka is COMING!!!! ~meow~"

Me and the boy were still running away because our friend who is it, can smell things from a distance. We heard every footstep she made, cause she was jumping from tree to tree.

"Come on" I said.
"Okay" he said.

Me and the boy were still running, hiding behind a tree, and then moving to the next further one. This was all going so well until, he tripped, and made us tumble down the hill. Our bodies scratched on the sticks and rocks.There was a cliff up head. 'Were going to die.' (A/N: at this time, Aria didn't know that she couldn't die)

The boy reached for my wrist, and grabbed on tightly. While we were still rolling down the hill uncontrollably, the boy tried to use his and dig it in the ground, but couldn't.

It was to late.

We then fell off the edge of the cliff. I began to cry, and he screamed. I was to scared to even look down, so i closed my eyes. We were still falling until I felt something around my tummy (a/n: hahaha I used 'tummy'.)

It felt like a rope , but thicker. And then we we stopped falling. It was like we're hanged on to something. I looked around, and saw the boy was alright, but something black was around his tummy too.

I looked under and saw, a black tentacle, I think. We were then pulled up really fast. I saw the trees becoming more distance. Was the cliff really this high.

This tentacle around, it looks familiar. 'Wait is it who I think it is.' We then we're put gently on to the ground. I turned around and saw uncle.

"Uncle Slendy, Thank you so much." I went over to him and hugged him.

The boy was in shock, and looked scared of uncle.

"Oh, don't be scared of him, he won't hurt you, he is my uncle."

He stood up. "Hello Mister."

Uncle Slendy greeted him saying, "hello child, I am Slenderman. And you are?" "My name is *static noise occurs while the boy says his name*." "Hey uncle, have you seen Taokaka" I asked. "Yes I have, she is at the lake looking for fish again."

Mann, taokaka is always looking for fish, and forgets that were playing a game. "Can you lead us to her" I asked. "Sure."

Uncle Slendy carried me and the boy on his shoulders.

We saw taokaka at the pond. Just as I was going to say something it looked like she caught a fish. She was about to eat it, a mysterious rock was thrown to her fish. The fish then swam deep into the lake.

"Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!, MY FISH!!!!!!! It's gone. Who ever made my fish escape, will pay, ~meow~!!!!!!." She looked around her and saw us.

"Do you know who let my fish escape?" She asked. Me and uncle shook. However the boy didn't respond. She went close to him, and sniffed him.

"I smell Lies...."
"I don't know what you are talking about" the boy said to her.

"Fine" She walked away, until another rock was thrown to her but this time she caught it.

"Y-Yooooooooouuuuuuuu!!!!! You let my fish escape!!!!" Taokaka yelled at the boy. The boy then said "tsk, tsk, tsk, do you have any proof that I threw the rock."

Taokaka stuck her hand in his pocket, and took out rocks. 'BUSTED.' "You Will PAYYYY!!!" She punched his face. Then he tackled her down.

"Okay, ladie-" I realized only my uncle was the audience. "Okay everybody, let's rrrruuuuummmmmbbbblllllleeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


The boy charged to her first, but taokaka stepped aside and stuck her foot out. He fell forward, and slid across the ground. He did an uppercut to taokaka and a high kick under the jaw. She went flying.

She then charged tat him from above and yelled "TAOKAKA FULL POWER ATTACK!!!!" She punched him to the ground.

There was a deep whole and the boy was in the middle, and unconscious. Taokaka jumped out and said "I win!!"

Me and uncle were in shock.

"Looks like we have a winner!!!! Taokaka wins again!!"

The boy groaned in pain. Uncle then used his tentacle and hit both of taokaka and the boys head.

"Taokaka you can't always try to hurt someone because they took your fish or made it escape. And you, young man you can't hit girls."

"Sorry" they both said.

I giggled. "Hey Good girl , do you want to fight me" Taokaka asked. "Sorry, I don't know how to fight, and you can just call me Aria, not 'good girl." "That's to bad good girl." 'I just told her to just call me Aria.'

"Let's get going, I will make dinner for you three" Uncle said.

"Thanks" we said in unison.

We talked and laughed while walking to uncles mansion.


*End of Dream*

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. Another day at school. I heard the door open and then close. Alice walked in and said good morning to me. I said the same to her. "Oh Aria, a letter came in for you." "From who?" "I don't know it just says from the 'kaka clan'." My eyes widen, I took the letter, opened it and read it...

Dear Good Girl,

Hey good girl, I finally found you. After your disappearance. You went missing, I know what happened in your family, and I am sorry for your loss. But once I found where you were hiding this whole time, I promised myself to always be by your side, so I am going to enroll mountain high with you. Oh and, our other bestfriend, i forgot his name, but anyway, he has also disappeared. After you left me and our best friend were really sad. He then stopped talking to me and kept to himself. I miss you both. Oh and did you know 'old man'(also kown as Slenderman, your uncle) he is in the human world, killing people who enters this forest. Maybe we can go pay him a visit sometime. Any ways I have heard some rumors in hell that you have a stepbrother. It seems your dad was with another woman, before you were even born. I will explain the rest when I come.



*End of letter*

M-my father never fully loved mama, and I have a step brother. I will have to push this problem aside. Who was our other bestfriend ,I forgot.

Well I can't for taokaka to arrive,I am so excited. We are going to have so much fun. Alice came out of the shower. "Your turn" She said. I nodded. "So who was the letter from she asked.

"An old friend of mine....."

"Are they gonna come and visit" "yes, but only one." "Can't wait to meet them."

'That's weird........just when I dream about them, they send a letter.................Maybe it was just a coincidence.'

Me and Alice got ready to head out. As we walked out of the dorm there were a crowd of girls surrounding something, as if they were fangirls or somethin

We walked over and saw tomoe in the middle, annoyed. 'Why is he here?' He saw and began to walk over to me. Once he was in front of me "ready to go." "Umm where exactly?" "Classes where else." "Oh so you're escorting me there." "Yea, it's my job." The girls were getting angry at our conversation, mostly at me because they 'jelly'.

"Okay but you have to escort me AND Alice to class." "Whatever." "Great, let's go." As we were walking we heard screams.



She pounced from girl to girl. "You're not good girl........neither are you...........you're to ugly................you're to fat...........you're to tall..........you're to small.......GOOD GIRL where are you!!!!!!!" She looked at me then says "there you are!!!" She ran to me, but first punched both Alice and tomoe away. She pounced on me and gave me a hug. Of course I hugged back. "Good girl you look diiferent. How've you been?"

"Fine, thank you."

"Aria who is she!?!??!?!?!?" Alice and tomoe said in unison.

"Oh this is my best friend.......Taokaka."

Sorry I took so long updating, I was just to lazy to even type, we'll iw hope you enjoyed the story.

Bye bye~meow~

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