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"Alice I'm bored, what do we do today?" I asked. "I don't know, this book is entertaining me, I'm not bored at all" Alice replied. I was laying down on my bed in my pjs that is a black tang top, and fuzzy skeleton pants. I took out my laptop and started playing minecraft, I texted Kitty to see if she was playing minecraft too.

-on the phone-

Me: hello?

Kitty: hi Aria

Me: are you on minecraft?

Kitty: always

Me: ok good I'm join your party.

Kitty: ok see you there.


As I was playing, I looked outside and noticed it was getting really dark outside. "Alice didn't you tell me the weather was going to nice outside today?" "Yea it was supposed to be, I guess the weather man made a mistake" she said. "Oh! I forgot to ask. What were you and Tomoe doing outside in the garden~?"

My face was heating up, and I couldn't speak. "I have to go to the bathroom" escaping her question she tackled me and brought both of my arms behind my back. "Start talking" she said. I sighed and explained everything including the kiss. I didn't look at her because I was to embarrassed to. "Awww that's adorable my little Aria is growing up" she said patting my head. "And how old are you?" I said. She laughed and went back to reading. "I'm going to go to the girls lounge if you need me, k?" I said. "Okay." Walking through the hall ways, I just couldn't help but love the carpet on the ground, I adore it.

I got some red blood punch "yum~". I noticed Scarlet sitting on the couch in front of the tv. "What are you watching?" I asked. "south park with Erika" she said. I looked around and didn't see Erika, "Where's Erika?" "Bathroom. She takes like 20 minutes to use the fucken toilet when she goes by herself. I better go check on her." Scarlet went to check on Erika leaving me alone. I was walking back to my room when I heard some boxes fall in the janitors room. ' should I go see what it is?' I thought about it and decided to check it out. When I opened the door, something pulled me and pinned me to the ground. I looked up to see....Ben. That pervert. "Who do we have here--?" Ben was cut off, suddenly realizing that it was me he captured. I gave him the death glare. "Oh Aria! Heh heh....gotta go!" And he disappeared. Weirdo.

When I went back into my room, it was a complete mess. My eyes widened, the mirror was broken, scratches were on the beds and wall. And a bit of blood. The window was broken so this means.....shes been kidnapped. I used my magic and changed into black jeans, black converse, and a striped black and white sweater. I took a step back, and jumped through window. Falling from the building, someone caught me and slowly brought me to the ground. "Aria are trying to commit suicide?" Tomoe asked putting me down. "A-Alice is missing...I f-feel like she's in danger. We have to find her" I said, and little tear drops was falling from my face. "We'll find her" he said handing me a handkerchief. I used and wiping my small tears. Why was I crying? Is Alice this important to me? Oh well, we have to find her. "Tomoe you check the whole school and I'll check near the entrance of the school, okay?" He nodded. We both ran in different directions. As I was searching, I found a trail of blood and it was leading to the forest. I followed the trail of blood when I began to hear laughter. It wasn't Alice laughing thats what I know for sure. I was then kicked really hard on my stomach, that sent me to a tree.

I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. It was blurry, and I saw one person walking up to me. It was girl, but she looked familiar. "Come on!!! Fight back! I know you can!!!" She yelled. She pulled my hair, and lifted me up. She began spinning, and holding me by the hair, once her spinning was at maximum speed she let go of me. I flew into another tree. I already had cuts, bruises, and a black eye. I didn't know I could get her in this form. My real self doesn't even feel pain, but this does body does. Fuck. What did I have to do again? Dang it, it was a great idea that can help me in this situation. The only idea I had was to call for help. The girl was walking to me, then someone was standing over me. "Hello miss, today will be your death" he said. "TOMOE!!!!!!!"

°tomoe pov°

I couldn't find Alice anywhere. Where the hell is she? I hope Aria's okay. I then saw Jeff and toby walking. I ran to them and stopped immediately in front of them making them jump in surprise and fall to the ground. "Tomoe you better have a good explanation!" Jeff told me. "Have you guys seen Alice--" then I heard a voice yell out my name. "TOMOE!!!!!!!"

"that sounded like Aria" toby said. Jeff was looking down, I couldn't make out on how he was feeling, but I don't think it was a good one. "Dammit Tomoe your supposed to be protecting Aria!" He yelled and tried to punch me. I caught his punch, "Jeff get the others and go to the forest."

I ran full speed in the direction of the scream. I was filled with anger. Then a scythe was coming towards my neck, I ducked to ground and looked up to see who it was. Alice. She looked...well lifelesss. I noticed her eyes weren't blue, the eyeball was pitch black. She lunged towards me and slashed her scythe towards me. I dodged each swing, then she cut my arm. I jumped back and held my injury. "Alice what are doing?!" I yelled out to her. She didn't say anything. I noticed how she moves around, and the way she used her scythe. It was like she was controlled. Like a puppet. I looked around me to see if I found the person controlling her, when I suddenly felt this cold chill down my back. I jumped up in the air and landed on to a tree branch. The person who tried to attack me was a man in a suit plus a tail coat attached to it , he had raven black hair. It was obvious that he was a demon, but what is he for? "Who are you?" I asked. "Who am i? Who are you?" He said bringing the question back to me. "What? No. I asked first." "My name is Sebastion, you?" He said like we were having a friendly conversation. "Tomoe. And that's all you'll need to know" I threw fox fire at him, Alice jumped in front of it, about to take the hit I made the fire disappear. "Why did you take Alice?" I asked. "I have my reasons" he replied. He moved his hand forward, and Alice came charging towards me. I dodged at each swing, I think she'd be a real challenge if she weren't controlled. While fighting Alice I noticed on Sebastion head there was a crown like thing made out of metal. What's that? I got distracted and Alice's scythe was in front of my face. Shit.

▪Aria's pov▪

This girl is pretty strong I wonder what kind of monster she is. She lunged at me again about to punch me 50th time, when she was sent flying in the other direction. What? I didn't see anyone.

That's all I can do for you for now.

Crystal!......thank you, I needed it. I got up and started warming up. The girl got up and was now walking to me "Oh I see you asked your imaginary friend to help you out." How did she know....unless she is someone I used to know. She charged at me and I charged at her. We threw eachother punches I dodged all of her but she couldn't dodge mine. I did a strong uppercut to her face. She was in the air, I jumped up and kicked her back down to the ground. She opened her eyes and started laughing like an insane person. "Were you starting to think that this was over!" Her smile was big and looked hungry. She was then hugging herself giggling, then wings formed on her back and big horns on her head. So she's a Demon. She then appeared behind and clawed my back which pushed me away.

I never felt so weak. When something clawed her face and pushed her. "You mess with her, you mess with us!! Is that's how it's supposed to be said?" Taokaka said. Kitty and Scarlet face palmed. Erika laughed. I stood up and walked over to them when the girl pushed me away with her hand. They then turned serious and attacked her.

This battle was pretty intense, but why couldn't I fight. My magic was weak, my body is damaged. Why can't I remember my great idea? Erika came over to me and used her magic wand to heal me. I felt much better, she helped me up. I looked at the battle, my eyes widened. Kitty Scarlet, Taokaka were down. They looked dead. "Erika go heal them" I ordered. She nodded and hurried to them.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked. "He ordered us to!" The girl yelled at us. He? Who's that?

That was then a spear was stabbed through my eye. I never felt some much pain. When the man took the spear out, my left eyeball was also pulled out. "Aw that's to bad. I guess your gonna have to see things the right way" he said winking to that stupid pun or joke. He then squished my eye. Great now I don't have left eye.

I coughed up blood. "Finish her god Dammit" the girl said. Now that I got a closer look, they both have something on there head, and there eyes it looked green-ish. Mind control. As the man was about to stab me again, Tomoe appeared behind him, and kicked him away.

Tomoe, Jeff, toby, masky, hoodie, Taokaka, and Melody came. I'm glad there here, but I don't think it's enough. I mean the man and girl are demons, they can kill them less than a second.

Scarlet then tried to attack the girl. But with just a single touch the girl made scarlet crash into a tombstone. Kitty and Taokaka tried to work together and attack the girl, but Alice came in and fought them. What is she doing?

Jeff and Tomoe came to help me up. "What happened to you?" Tomoe asked. "Let's just say they took my eye" I said. I looked over to jeff and he didn't look so happy, "Jeff...are you okay?" He didn't say anything, he came up to me and hugged me. I blinked a few times to think of what was going on.

"Aria please promise us you won't die" he said. I hugged back "I promise." This is the first time he called me by my first name instead of sunshine. He must be serious about this. We let go of each other. "Tomoe do you know anything about them yet?" I asked. "The man is named Sebastion. They have these devices on their head, and I don't think they've always had it on" Tomoe said.

"Mind control. Someone else is behind this" I stated. Everybody tried to kill them but they weren't strong enough.

I saw Alice twirling her scythe and then slice Masky horizontally in half. Hoodie yelled "Noooooo!!!!!" He stabbed Alice and then pushed her away. He kneeled beside Masky, holding him tight crying. "H-hoodie please don't leave me. Your my bestfriend, there are s-still more people we need to kill together. Your like a brother to me. Please don't go." Masky slowly took his mask off, his eyes looked exhausted and his face very pale. He pulled out a cigarette from his pocket. Hoodie placed a lighter near the edge of his cigarette. Masky smoked, "Hoodie what did I say about you crying. I'm sorry I couldn't stay with you like we planned. I didn't think I die so soon." "Stop it Masky. Don't talk like that." "Think of it this way, like...I'm going to a better place now. Or I am always by your side, watching over you. K?" Masky was losing his breath, and started closing his eyes. Hoodie began panicking "W-woah Woah woah, Masky don't do that. Please anything but that. Stop it...." Masky stopped breathing. Hoodie didn't let Masky go, he was crying a lot. I've never seen him cry before.

I saw Ticci Toby walk beside him and cry on his shoulder. Before I knew it a massive pain striked through my whole body. It hurt near my heart, but I know they weren't emotional feelings. Sebastion stabbed my heart with his spear. I backed away from him and fell on my knees. It was getting hard to breath, my strength was weakening. Tomoe threw a massive ball of fire at him, that sent him miles away from us.

As I fell back tomoe caught me in his arms. At that instant the idea came up. Now I know what to do. Tomoe took out the spear, and the girl was now flying towards us. He threw it her which pushed her back. She came back flying towards us again, when Erika jumped and yelled out "TIME FREEZE!!!!!" The girl froze where she was.

I lifted my arm, placed my hand on my rosary, and started lightly tugging on it. It needs to come off. I felt tears come upon my face, was Tomoe crying? For me? I kept tugging on my rosary for it to come off, but I needed more strength. I tried..... "" My voice was weak, I don't think he heard me. He looked at my hand, and wondered what I was trying to say. " needs to........" darkness was begining to overwhelm me "it needs to come off......." it was getting darker, hard to breath.

Tomoe ripped the rosary off, and a bright light was showing.

¤Tomoe's pov¤

After I ripped the rosary off of her a bright light was showing. After it was gone, Aria, she wasn't here. I looked around my self and I couldn't find her. Her rosary was still in my hand. "Tomoe get out!! My time freeze will unfreeze!!" Erika shouted. Soon the girl came charging towards me again and she was coming fast. Her claws were an inch away from my face.......I am so dead. I was expecting a sharp pain but I didn't feel anything. For some reason I surrounded by dust so I couldn't see anything. As the dust cleared I saw a girl. With white hair, and black clothing. The girl in front of me kicked the other girl away. The girl in front of me turned around, and I couldn't believe me eyes.

It was Aria.

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