Hanging out with friends: Part 2

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The bus ride took forever since the mall was pretty far. I don't like long bus rides.......

Because they make you fall asleep..

'I know......it's just annoying'

Let me sing you a lullaby.

'Don't you dare.'

Hush now, quite now, it's time to sleepy heads,
hush now, quite no, it's time to go to bed.

'But I'm not going to bed.' I was actually starting to get tired. My eyes were trying to stay open, but couldn't. I was trying to keep still, 'I-I have to take a nap.....'

▪Tomoe's pov▪

I was getting sleepy.....but I have to stay awake to protect Aria in case if danger happens. But....

I then felt something warm on my shoulder. I looked to see it was Aria.........ARIA?!?!?!? 'What the hell?!? .........She looks so peaceful sleeping.....and adorable.......WAIT!! I can't think that, but why am I? Wow.......why do I feel really tired now? It wouldn't hurt just take a little nap.........

♡Erika pov♡

Rina and I were talking about books.... mostly about Harry Potter. I didn't really know what she was talking about......I think it was about Voldemort eating a taco and then about to kill a baby who has a gigantic scar on its booty.......I don't know.

Someone from behind, tapped me on my shoulder. I turned around, and it was Alice with a devil smile. I wonder what she was smiling about. She pointed at somone. I looked to see who it was........and oh how it looked so cute.

Aria sleeping on Tomoe's shoulder, and his head on hers. My nose bleed. Rina handed me the tissue, and looked at Aria and Tomoe, then her nose also spilled blood. Alice was getting out her cell phone, and a flash of light blinked for a second. She showed me the photo she took, "it looks so cute!" I whispered. She nodded. Wow I wonder if I will find my true love...

***Aria's pov***

Something was poking my cheek. "F-five more minutes..."


"Yes mother I will be down in a minute!" I said, sitting straight up. It was Rina who woke me up, "Mother?" "What?" "What? Nevermind, Aria we are already here." I looked right next to me and Tomoe was asleep as well.....he was starting to wake up. He yawned and rubbed his eyes. "Are we here yet" he mumbled. "Yes we are!!" I was filled with excitement, shopping in the mall, with my friends this is going to be so much fun. I grabbed Rina's and Tomoe's hand and ran out of the bus. I saw all of them waiting outside.

All of us saw the humans. Parents, teens, children, and those really fat men. They.....looked.......Delicious.

Why don't you guys do something fun....if you know what I mean.


Once we all entered the mall. Kitty and Taokaka stood in front of us and yelled " Alright let's go have some FUN!!!! But around 2:00 meet at the food court. Now go!" But before they could dash away, Melody got a hold on them. "Guys you two need to change now!!" She yelled. 'Oh.....Taokaka and Kitty had cat ears and a tail, but for Taokaka her face was pitch black with only red eyes and a smile.'

"I can fix that" Tomoe said.


We were all waiting out side of the alley way that is next to the mall. Tomoe can use his leaf power to change their looks.

[Fun fact #3]

Tomoe is a fox demon, and has a unusual power. He has these leaf that are shaped like a plants petal or tree, and wherever he places will change into an item he thinks of, including food, clothing, animals, and people, monsters, etc. He can also revert them back to their regular state 'if' He wanted to.


Tomoe came out, and stood next to me. "Do they look different?" I whispered. "Not kitty, but for Taokaka yes."

Kitty was the first to come out. She looked the same, just no tails and ears, she only had a green Hoodie with blue jeans and black converse shoes. Once Taokaka came out, I was in amazment. Taokaka looked like a girl wearing an orange hoodie with cat ears, with black skinny jeans, and orange converse shoes. She also had orange eyes with golden hair, and this time I can see her skin. They were so pretty.

"Now lets have fun!!"

Both of them ran, to some random store leaving us to decide where each of us are going. "Why don't we look around, see what's interesting" I said, to cut the silence. Then each of us went our own way to a random store.

"Hey! Why don't we walk around Macy's?" "Okay" Tomoe said not showing any kind of emotion. I began to have the feeling that he didn't want to be here. I was getting really worried, I then bumped into a man. "Oh sorry " I said apologizing to him. "It's okay" he said not annoyed. 'Thank god he wasn't pissed.'

"Aria, I think there was a dance or something that's going to happen soon in the school, why not get a dress?" Tomoe suggested. "Really? Okay then let's go to the women's section."

We were looking through many types of dresses.

"Aria what about this dress?"

"Mmm....that's one too short."

"Okay...what about this one?"

"Too long."

"Okay, this one?"

"I don't like orange dresses."

"You're very picky aren't you?"

"No, you just have bad sense of style for women, you can't just pick something randomly and go with it. It needs to look perfect on the person. And orange doesn't go with me."

"What ever" he said annoyed.

*1 hour later*

"PERFECT!!" I yelled with excitement. "I found the dress." I looked to where I thought tomoe was, he wasn't there. Where could he be?I looked for tomoe around the dress section, then to looked around by the walkway, and end up finding him surrounded by a group of girls. Seeing this made me feel weird inside.

Is someone jealous?

'Shut up, no I am not!'

Fine have it your way. But don't worry he wouldn't even want to join those kind people.

Hearing that made me feel better. I had the courage to call him over. "Tomoe!! Look I found it!!"

He turned, so did the other girls. I can already see there disgusted and jealous faces. "If you excuse me, I have to go" he said to the girls.

"Wait but don't go yet!" One girl said. "Ya! Stay with us, we can have alot of fun!" "Fun?........I was actually already having fun with Aria, before you dragged me away."

Oh so that's what happened. I guess they pulled him away thinking that he was alone. See what'd I tell, he ain't going to join them stupid human girls.

Tomoe walked towards me. "Look tomoe I found the dress, isn't it pretty." "Yes it does." "Now just give me a sec, I gotta put it on." We walked to the women's fitting room. "Oh wait hold on" I said and dashed to get some white shoes, and came back. "Now to try these on."

I got them on, and looked into the mirror. What do you think?

You look perfect.

'Thank you.'

Why don't you show it to Tomoe?

My face was now as red as a tomato. "Y-ya i-it wouldn't hurt to show him" I stuttered. I was walking really slow to the exit with the dress on. 'What if he doesn't like it?'

He said it looked nice, and if he isn't amazed on how beautiful you look, then I am going to give him a real beating.

'No no, don't beat him.'

Fine, but he better like it.

When I saw tomoe, instead of being surrounded by teenager girls, there were old ladies. He looked really uncomfortable being surrounded by them.

Once he noticed me, his eyes widened. The old women's turned to see what he was looking at and they all gasped. His blush was beginning to cover his whole face. "So.....lovely-, I-I mean.....you look beautiful " was the compliment he said. My face turned as red as cherry. "T-thank you " I said hesitantly said.

Then the old women surrounded me and all of them kept saying I looked beautiful. But they didn't smell good.....they smelled like old lady.

Aria...those old ladies are complementing you because tomoe did. They don't really mean it. I can see it.

'What do you mean?'

Read their minds.

'Okay...I'll try.'

old lady #1: she does look beautiful. But she sounds spoiled.

Old lady #2: I wish I were still young. I bet he would go out with me rather then her.

Old lady #3: I will just go with whatever the handsome man goes with.

Old lady #4: uggghhhhh....that dress doesn't suit her, if I were young it would look better on me.

'Who knew that old women can be as mean as bullies.'

All of these comments began to make me feel hurt inside. I couldn't say anything other than "I have to go change." I saw the old ladies smirk, but in a mean way.

I was about to walk off to the fitting room. 'What if Tomoe was lying to me?'

Nonsense, he was blushing....that's a sign.

Someone grabbed my hand, pulled me, and twirled me around. It was Tomoe. "See ladies.....isn't she wonderful in this dress." We were in a position, like we were ready to start dancing. When he said that....I felt better.

He smiled down at me, and I smiled back. I let go of him, "Well I better go change."

We both let go of each other. As I looked in the corner if my eye, I saw them frown....in defeat.

Ha! They deserved that.

'They sure did.'

Hey how about, before you guys leave, .....you know.......destroy something.

'You know....that's not a bad idea.'

After I was done changing. Tomoe and I kept walking around macys. "So Tomoe do you want to by yourself a suit?" "I already have one." "Okay then let's buy this dress and go into a different store."

We both went to the cashier and bought the dress.

Once we walked out there was a loud commotion around the corner. "I wonder what's going on?" Tomoe shrugged his shoulders.

I tried not jostle the people in the crowd. There were 2 men. They looked familiar.

Aria it's Jeff and EJ (eyeless jack).

Oh dear...and once again....they are surrounded by the girls before. But in the middle were both of them and an officer.

I ran up to them. "Hey what's going on" I asked the officer.

"These two men look suspicious, like they are going to hurt somone. I just don't want to see anyone hurt" the officer said.

"Well you've already hurt my feelings" Jeff said. EJ snickered and I just giggled. "Didn't your mother ever tell you to never judge a book by its cover" EJ said.

"Okay okay forgive me men, I may have over reacted, but you in the blue, why do you wear a mask?"

"I don't like to show my face, and don't ask me personal questions, it brings back awful memories" and then EJ began to fake cry.

"Look what you've done officer, you made him cry" Jeff complained and patted EJ'S back.

"Okay I am sorry, please forgive me, I won't bother you for today" he said.

"What do you mean for today?" Jeff asked in a serious tone. The police officer started shaking "Sorry I won't mess with you ever, GOOD BYE!" And then the officer ran off.

We all laughed, including tomoe. "Wow that was good, we should do this more often" Jeff said. "Ya, what a weak officer he is, saying that he doesn't want to see anyone hurt, when he ran off just now" EJ replied.

"So sunshine what are you doing here?" Jeff asked. "Oh me and my friends decided to come here and then we each of us were given our own partner and mine is Tomoe!" I grabbed Tomoe's hand and yanked him here. They both stood there.

It was silent.

They were both giving each other death glares. 'Why are they giving each other death glares?'

Ya....I wooonnnnddddeeerrr.

"Tomoe this is Jeff, Jeff this is Tomoe" I said. "Well Tomoe it's been so long, hasn't it?" Jeff said. "I was just beginning to forget about you." Tomoe said. "Isn't that a bit harsh." "Why are you here?" "Hey can't I go and have fun for once with out being scolded from someone." "No I mean why did you come back?" "Its not like I wanted to. Boss sent us to attend the Damn school, but it was worth it seeing Aria again." They kept arguing, me and EJ were just standing there confused.

"Okay so why don't we look around more before 2:00, k?" I said nervously. They ignored me completely and continued their discussion. "You know what forget this, EJ come with me." I dragged EJ with me. I pushed through the crowd of girls who were just watching them argue. Some of them watch me drag EJ away.

Girl #1: "Man why does she always get the hot guys."

Girl #2: "And how come she knows all of them."

Girl #3: "I also some weird people."

Girl #4: "really what we're they like?"

Girl #3: "There were 2 girls who were obsessed with cats."

Girl #4: "wow they do sound weird."

That stopped me. I'll embarrass them for saying such mean thing about Taokaka and Kitty. I used a little magic and pulled their pants and skirts that all of them were wearing, down.

"Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" they screamed. They tried covering themselves.

Tomoe and Jeff stopped and looked. They weren't blushing or have any nose bleed. They showed no emotion. Tomoe and jeff just walked over to us. "Girls these days, always trying to impress the men by stripping" Tomoe said. "Especially human girls" Jeff commented. EJ didn't say anything.

The four of us just went walking around. I spotted a photo booth. "Hey let's go here" I said. All of us managed to fit in, "all right let's take some photos." We took many photos, like when me and Ej were in front all nd Tomoe and Jeff were giving each other death glares. Another was when I hugged all of them. And when me and tomoe were in front, Jeff and EJ were in the back.

I loved it.

"Well it's 1:54 we should start heading towards the food court." We walked to the food court, and everyone was waiting there. Once we approached we all ordered food. And I've noticed EJ is acting a bit strange around Kitty. He even fed her sushi.

I think he is in love with Kitty.

'Ya, no kidding, but he makes it to obvious.'

We were enjoying the rest of the day at the mall, we even went back to the photo booth and took more pictures.

^Third person pov^

Last but not least we went to Victoria secret. "What are these?" Tomoe asked holding a bra. Taokaka snatched it away from him and said "Fox boy, don't touch that, we women put it on our breasts" squeezing her own. "O-oh." "Look EJ, I could probably by these panties for Aria" Jeff said. "B-but that only has a few strings " EJ said getting scared. "I know that's the point" Jeff snickered. "No way in hell" Aria yelled. Aria then forced all boys to wait outside of the store. When the girls came out, they finally were ready to head back.

♡Aria's pov♡

Aria come on let's do something fun before we leave.

'Oh right, I forgot.'

"Umm guys.....do you want to do a little make over to this mall, before we leave?" I asked them

It took them 10 seconds to process in their mind on to what I was talking about and then all of them gave an evil grin.

"Tomoe do you think I can stop the god thing for now and once we are done I will be a god again" I asked. "Ya, I don't really mind, and the god job isn't really that important" Tomoe said. "Then why did I become it?" "I don't really know."

Erika gave each of us a different mask so, the cops don't figure out who we are. I had a mask with a smile.

Once we all entered, we seperated. This time taokaka went to the pet store. They broke the glass and let all of the animals escape. They even clawed the people's faces. Rina went to shut off all surveillance cameras and shut the power down, and security alert system. Erika and Scarlet killed many people. EJ ate most of the humans Kidneys and stored some of them in his pocket. To get the Kidneys out, he had a special scalpel to use. Melody and Cameron ate a few people.Tomoe, Jeff and I were murdering everyone. Jeff's favorite quote to say before killing the person is 'Go To Sleep'. Alice and Rina reaped many souls.

To the humans it was like a terist attack, to us it was like a game. The game is like, who ever could kill the most wins.

[Fun fact #4]

Aria is still wearing the rosary that seals away her true self. But it doesn't seal away 100% of her insanity.


When I found the old women and teen age girls huddling together. Oh their frightening faces, wants me to torture them for the rest of their lives, but I have no time for that. I slit their throats open, and stabbed them. I ate most of their souls, since the human food didn't really fill me up. I cracked their heads open with so much blood gushing out. I found a spoon and scooped their eye balls. Their screams filled me with so much pleasure. Pulling out their arms, legs, heads, and heart, made smile like the devil I am. I was in the middle of eating a heart, when I saw a little girl crying in the corner. I walked over to her, and handed her a knife covered in blood.

She was confused. I took out my own knife and licked the blood off of it. She hesitantly did the same. I quickly made a mask for her and placed it on her face. I dragged out my last victim. The little girl already knew what she needed to do. The victim was crying and pleading for us to not to kill her.

The little girl walked up to her, raising the knife without hesitating, stabbing her multiple times . "M-mommy...you deserve to die!" the little girl yelled. The victim was her mother.

She's a natural.

Once she was done, I picked her up, and carried her with me to the others. All of us grew tired, and decided to end for today. We all ran out of the mall.

"Now for the grand Finale for this entertainment" I said. "Is to let it burn."

Mall was set on fire. It was burning, and spread wildly. We all laughed including the little girl.

Wow.....who knew shopping at the mall would be this much fun.

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