Meeting him

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(Aria's POV)

I got my schedule, and headed of to the school. There were 9 periods of class. Me and Kitty were in 4 classes together. My classes in order were Advanced Social Studies, Advanced Math, Advanced science, Orchestra, Art, Lunch, Advanced English, Japanese language class, and Gym(days 2 and 4)/study hall(days 1and 3). (the school days are 1,2,3,4 then 1,2,3,4 and so on) Once I got to My first Class the seats were all in rows. i sat where i was assigned (in the corner) to sit then the mysterious boy that I saw yesterday sat next to me. He looked very serious, but ignored me. I didn't really care. Class started, my teacher was Mr. Onigaraw and he was really bald but very nice. He then made us do partner work. My assigned partner was the serious dude next me I was really scared to work with him, that I was shaking. I then said "my name is Aria". I waited....and waited.......and waited. "Tomoe". " what?" I said confused. "My name is Tomoe". It was a very unusual name but it seemed to fit him. I began to start the working he looked straight ahead, but then started working as well. It was silent between us, when the rest of the students in class were talking and not even starting the work sheet. When I finished, he finished ' was he copying me ? '. "Want to compare answers?" I said in a low tone. He nodded and we switched papers. I looked at what he wrote and he neat handwriting, when I looked at his answers they were almost the way I wrote them but different, I guess we sort of think the same. He gave it back to me and said you got it all correct. I was relieved. But then I saw some girls whispering to each other and looking at us, I was getting a nervous feeling. Tomoe then said "what do you like to do for fun?" I was surprised at his question but I couldn't just say nothing. "I like to play the violin". It was the only thing I could think of at that moment. Then he said " oh.......okay". Then it was silent again. I thought ' WHY did he ask that question!?!? '. But after asking that question to me I somehow felt a little calm after panicking about the girls gossiping about me and Tomoe. The bell rang and class ended.

***now it's lunch time brought to you by the Marionette***

After those long classes, I noticed that Tomoe was in most of my classes. I got my lunch and wondered where to sit. Then I spotted a girl at a table alone, I walked towards her and asked if I can sit with her she said yes in a calm voice. "My name is Aria, what's your name?" "I'm kitty it's nice to meet you". I then a asked her what's her monster form. "I am a cat" "interesting, I am a demon". She jumped at the word demon then smiled again. We instantly became friends.

***now after school brought to you by mogeko***

After school i was suddenly being followed by a group of boys. I got scared so i walked faster, but then they caught up. "Wow look a y his hot chic.....she is useful. I got pissed off so i walked away calmly, until they were about to grab me. Oh no. Until they were all of sudden on the ground and to find.......

(Cliff hanger, don't worry i will try to make them as fast as possible)

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