My Past/nightmare

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When I was 6 years old before my mothers death, she gave me a rosary. She told me if I ever go into the human world I have to where it( setting is in Hell).She explained that it will change my personality and hide all of my strength, it will also make me look a little different. Wait does that mean there will be two of me but one of them is in this rosary. Mother, father and I did many things together. Camping, the park, birthday parties, and played hide and go seek. Everything was perfect in my life, well that what I thought. Until everything changed after this day, me and mother were going to the bank to pay a few bills, when a group of men came in to rob the place. Everybody was screaming when they heard a few gun shots. They blocked the entrance of the building we all hostages. (Note in Hell: they sell demon weapons which can kill both human, monster,........and demons) "You won't get away with this, your pathetic" my mother yelled. "I wouldn't keep running my mouth like that if I were you" one of the men said. They then lifted her head and started beating her. "No stop!!" I pleaded. I then found a crow bar and hit one of the men in their private part. "You little bitch". He took out a gun and aimed it towards my head. I was scared that I couldn't even move.


I saw my mother in front of me then dropping to the ground. "Mama, mama what's wrong." She was hardly breathing. "Tell your father that I love him, and to watch over you, and make sure you watch him too, promise me that." " mama what are you saying, it's going to be okay, I'll get help." I looked and realized that the men were still there. Fuck. She grabbed my hand and she shook her head. "We won't have time for that." I was crying really hard(a/n: Aria is not wearing the rosary, yet). "Don't go mama, don't leave me daddy all by ourselves, it won't be the same with out you." " I love you sweetie, just know that from your heart I will always be by your side." She began to close her eyes slowly. "Wait mama, don't ." I tried healing her with one of my powers but I was still little and in the middle of learning my abilities. I used my fingers and tried to keep her eyes open. Then she let out her last breath. "MAMMMAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "Shut up, brat, or else I'll kill you too!!" 'Kill........Kill............Kill..........Kill.......KILL!' I looked at them with an angry face " you are the ones that are going to be killed" I said in a serious tone. The man that killed my mother pointed the gun at me and yelled "Shut the hell up". He shot three bullets.


One of the men said " I guess it's true, the strong will survive and the weak will perish" the smoke of the gun fire disappeared slowly and there I was standing with the three bullets I caught in my hand, with no injuries. "What the hell, why aren't you dead!" He shot more bullets until he ran out of them. "I will return these to you" I said. Then my angry demon eyes showed and with all of my strength I threw the bullets at them and each one of them died. There were two left standing, I grabbed a back up knife from my boots, and charged at them. With quick speed I stabbed them. All of them were on the ground dead. The guards came, and were telling every to leave the building. I got sleepy , and was very tired, then I was on the ground sleeping, exhausted.

Me and father went through court, and I was found........not guilty. After that we want to my mothers funeral. The grave said " in memory of Victoria Rose, protecting her daughter from harm." It started raining, tears fell from my eyes. I asked father If mama was sleeping. He looked at me in a depressing way, a face that I have never seen from him, "yes, mama is sleeping." After the funeral, father never had time to play with me anymore. He was always at work, I sometimes asked if he wanted to play with me, but said no and he was very busy. Sometimes he would even come home.......drunk. He would destroy a few things, and then he started hitting me a lot. Every day I would find bruises on me. But I promised mom that I would watch over dad, but he wasn't the one watching over me. When I turned 10 years old, I've mastered all of my abilities, father was supposed to teach me, but I had to learn on my own. I don't no why, but for some reason I still loved father. When it was Christmas I waited for father to come as usual from work. It was 9:00pm,father still hasn't came home, I wanted to give my present to him so bad. I was beginning to feel impatient so I ran to the train station where my father would come from. I waited......and waited.........and waited. It was snowing and 12:00 midnight. The last stop came and my father was no where in sight. I then saw so one that looked like father, "PAPA!" I ran but slipped on the snow, and fell to the ground. The man came up to me and asked if I were alright, but it wasn't father. I looked down sadly and nodded my head. He said okay and walked away. I then realized that my father wasn't coming home. I cried a lot. That was the day I became an orphan. I walked home, I waited for father every day for him to come home, but inside I already knew he want going to. I had teach myself education, by reading books, solving math problems, and everything. I then I got mail from the government saying that they will take away the house if I don't pay the bills. I then had the idea of going to the human world. The rosary...........shit where's the rosary. I searched everywhere in my room and found it in one of my drawers. Mother told me what will happen if I wore it. I grabbed a big suitcase and packed everything I will need including a few family photos and food, of course. I left the house in a dress and a hat with cat ears. Before I left the house I found a lot of money but it wasn't enough to pay the bills. I found the door ,to another dimension, it read. I was 13, leaving hell and all of my special memories behind, while I entered I attached the rosary at the same time. Goodbye Home, was the last thing I said before entering the portal.

**end of flashback/dream**

I woke up, I was breathing heavily in fear, was sweating and stains of tears. "Good" it was only a nightmare of my past. Then I went back to sleep.

(I was crying while writing this, it so sad 😭😭😭😭)

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