Chapter 1

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Misty's POV

Dawn and I had been wandering through the forest for a few hours now just searching for food to eat. According to Leaf, we only had 5 dollars left of money that could be spent on nothing due to the raise of pricing in the town nearby. I sighed when I found no luck searching for any berries or fruits. Dawn however was jumping up and down pointing at something. I walked towards her and widened my eyes as I saw what it was.

A whole box of food supplies. But who would leave it here just like this?

"Dawn, how'd you find this?" I asked her suspiciously.

"The box was just laying here so I guess it wouldn't hurt to take it... no one seems to be here to collect it so finders keepers!" Dawn cheered.

I decided that this would be useful to feed the four of us back at the cottage as we were broke and ran out of food. Thanks to a certain someone who overeats...not naming who.

Dawn grabbed the box and lifted it off the ground. We began walking back to the cottage when a voice interrupted our trek back home.

"HEY YOU TWO! GET BACK HERE, THAT FOOD DOESN'T BELONG TO YOU!" The voice shouted from behind us.

We turned around to see a man, more like a soldier charging for us, his hand was armed with a knife.

"Dawn, come on let's move!" I urged her when she was stood still in horror, her eyes staring at the sharpened knife in the soldiers hand.

I shoved her so she stumbled and snapped her head to me in annoyance. Without arguing, she rolled her eyes and ran off with the box and me trailing on her heels. And the soldier still running after us. We began sprinting extremely fast, and thanks to us living in the forest for so long, we had adjusted to easily dodge all the vines, tree branches and sticks and all sorts of hazardous things in the way.

"That food is needed for the royals! Not a bunch of homeless teenagers." The soldier was shouting at us.

Luckily his weapons were weighing him down and he soon disappeared in the distance behind us. I guess he wasn't prepared to be chasing anyone today then.

After a while, we soon stopped for a break. I knew Dawn would want one since she was complaining about her aching arms all the way back.

Later on we had finally arrived back at the cottage we have taken refuge in ever since we left our kingdoms. The four of us were former princesses.

May was the princess of the Fire Kingdom, run by King Norman and Queen Caroline. She had a younger brother who she hadn't seen ever since her Kingdom was destroyed, although she still hoped that he was out there somewhere. May was the fighter out of all four of us. She never gave up until it was over and was very persistent and persuasive. She always made sure to protect us no matter what. But she sure did have a big appetite.

Dawn was the princess of the Wind Kingdom, run by a lonely Queen named Johanna, who refused to marry ever again. Dawn was an only child and had always been close to her mother. Dawn was always the cheerful one of the group, but if angered, she had a fiery temper and that was not one to mess with.

Leaf was princess of the Earth Kingdom, a kingdom run by King Red and Queen Yellow. (A/N I had to make up something...) Like Dawn, Leaf had been an only child but was always friends with the animals that came by the castle. She was like the one who always looked out for us if we were in trouble. Although she doesn't act kind all the time, she had a good heart.

I was princess of the Water Kingdom, a Kingdom run by myself and my sisters. The king and queen also known as my so called mother and father, had abandoned the castle, and myself and my sisters. We were forced to rule the kingdom ourselves. I had been trained to defend myself by my three sisters Lily, Daisy and Violet just in case I had to protect myself. I haven't heard from them since I fled the castle. I was the one who taught May, Dawn and Leaf how to fight properly so we all had a chance of defense.

The Kingdom of the Air had been taking down kingdoms one by one for decades now. But that was when four kingdoms had united and taken down the Kingdom of Air altogether. These four kingdoms had joined forces and created a civilization just at the base of this mountain we lived near. The forest that surrounded us, was the borders of this kingdom.

The four united kingdoms soon called themselves the Kingdom of stars. They had a signature symbol which was a four pointed star with a rose in the center. Although they had a strong army, there were still many who had the potential of wiping them out altogether.

Now the four of us relied on each other for support as we had to try and survive without help from others.

Knocking on the door to the cottage, I grabbed hold of the box from Dawn's hands so she wouldn't have to carry it any longer. She thanked me and rubbed her wrists. The door didn't open so we let ourselves in.

"I guess May and Leaf aren't back from town yet." I stated looking around the empty building.

"I just hope they're alright." Dawn said worriedly.

3rd person

"I chased after two girls who ran off into the forest with our food. They must've taken shelter somewhere there..." A soldier spoke to his King.

"Alright. We send a search party at sunhigh and we clear out the forest for any inhabitants. If you do find them, bring them here immediately. I will see to them myself." The King ordered.

"Of course my King." The soldier bowed and walked out of the room.

"Bring the others here." The king ordered a maid.

"Right away sir." She hurried off not wanting to be in the presence of the King any longer.

A few moments later, she came back with two other men and a woman behind her. All had crowns on their heads and a star engraved on the front.

"King Cilan, you called for us." The one with spiky brown hair said.

"What did I tell you about being formal when we're alone, Blue. We have some matters to discuss. Reggie, Delia, come here." King Cilan beckoned them.

Leaf's POV

The town was busy today. We had just separated from Misty and Dawn in attempt to earning some extra change so we could buy some supplies that we urgently needed.

"May, over there." I told to her as we slipped the crowd silently.

We walked into a bakery that was empty. They were just closing but there was no one inside.

"Where are the employees?" May whispered.

"No idea. We shouldn't be stealing cash... plus there could be someone watching us anyway. This does seem oddly suspicious." I sighed while whispering to her.

Walking out of the store, we looked around to see if we could sell goodies in exchange for money instead.

"Should we sell the cosmic shard?" May asked me quietly.

"No way! That thing may cost a fortune but it's a precious heirloom from your royal family." I gasped.

"But we're desperate Leaf..." She murmured.

"How about the pearls instead?" I asked her.

"Sure, I do know where we can find more anyway." May agreed.

Walking up to some stalls, we bargained with the shopkeepers and ended up earning quite a bit of money. We cheered quietly in triumph after a good days work and started to head back to the cottage. We were about to enter the forest when we were stopped by soldiers.

"Hold it right there! Raise your hands up in the air." One of them said pointing a sword at us both.

May and I hid the money discretely before raising our hands up high in the air.

"Hm, they are two girls. And they were heading into the forest. Maybe these are the ones. Hey you, come over here. I think we found your thieves!" The other soldier called to another soldier.

I stared at May and raised an eyebrow. Thieves? I questioned. May just shrugged as though knowing what I had asked.

The soldier they called for came to stand in front of us and inspected us carefully. He shook his head.

"No, these are just two girls. The two girls I'm looking for are different. One had orange hair tied up into a ponytail and the other had blue hair that reached below her shoulders. Plus, I would've seen them enter the town earlier if they came back. I'll go speak to the King about this." The soldier said before leaving to where I assume was the castle.

May and I just looked at each other with wide eyes. Two girls, one with orange hair and one with blue hair. That was no doubt Misty and Dawn.

"Where were you two going into the forest?" One soldier interrogated us.

"Beyond this forest is a village. I'm sure you should've heard of it. We live over there and we just came out here to get supplies that weren't sold in our own village. We need to cross through the forest to get straight back home. I'm sorry if we caused any troubles." I lied easily. May just nodded in agreement.

"Ah, the river village. Of course, go right away. I'm sorry to hold you two young ladies up. Move along now. Sorry for the mistake earlier." The soldier apologised before going back to his watch post.

After walking deep into the forest, making sure there were no guards around, May and I let out a sigh of relief. That was close.

"We have to get back to Misty and Dawn. They just got us into trouble." I told May.

Upon arriving at the cottage, Dawn opened the door for us, revealing the room with a medium sized box sitting on the ground.

"What's in that?" I asked.

"Food of course." Dawn said.

"You couldn't have found all that around the forest could you have? And where did that box come from?" I asked.

"Long story short, we were searching, found a box filled with food and decided to take it since no one was around. Then a soldier caught us and tried chasing us, claiming the food was for the royals." Misty explained.

"You got caught stealing royal food!?" I gasped in shock.

"Yeah and they have some good food in there you know." Dawn grinned.

"You don't know what trouble you got us all into." May sighed while Misty and Dawn widened their eyes.

"They're onto us now. They figured out someone was living in the forest after they saw you run in this direction instead of the town. I'd expect to see them searching the whole forest soon. That means we're in trouble. If we get caught, who knows what the royals will do to us." I explained to the two of them who just sat there dumbfounded.

"We will leave by morning." Misty announced while we nodded our heads in agreement.

We all went to our designated sleeping bags and went to sleep for the night.

Time skip till morning

"WAKE UP SLEEPY HEADS!" I shouted making May and Dawn groan as the got out of their sleeping bags.

"Pack your bags, we have to get far away from here." Misty stood up saying.

"Alright." We all agreed as we packed up everything.

"I'm not carrying the food again." Dawn told us.

"I'll do it then." Misty rolled her eyes.

The sun cast a bright light on us as we opened the curtains and took all our belongings with us, leaving no trace whatsoever that we had been here at all.

"Let's go." I announced as I opened the door to the cottage and stepped onto the soil of the forest.


And that's the end of the first chapter of my new book. I hoped you enjoyed my terrible writing. I say terrible and horrible way too much.

I just started school recently and I'm so tired already and it's annoying. I'll try to find the time to write a bit more often. Anyways, this is my second book that I have written on this account. Now I have to make sure to update two books at a time. that's okay.

I just hope my writing was good enough.

Okay now, byeeee

Have a great week everyone! ^_^

- April

25 Jan, 2018

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