Chapter 5

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Misty's POV

After we separated, I decided I would go to the dairy section where none of the other girls were going to go to. There were assortments of dairy treats on tables where customers lined up ready to pay for their food.

"Excuse me ma'am, may I please buy the Edam cheese and the milk?" I asked a shopkeeper while pointing at the items.

"Of course." I handed her my money and took the supplies in a bag.

After deciding that was enough of cheese and milk, I began to head back to where we separated from each other but then I heard a scream. More like several screams. Specifically from the vegetables section. My eyes widened in alarm. Leaf was over there.

I swung the bag of milk and cheese over my shoulders and gasped at the weight. Careful not to spill anything from the bag, I ran full speed towards the vegetable section of the market. I saw someone running to the source of the sound as well, they looked very familiar.

I saw Leaf standing there staring at something. Her eyes were wide with horror and her mouth was slightly open in shock. I saw that Gerald guy look at her then at what was on the ground. His eyes also widened to a size they probably shouldn't be at.

I watched as she spoke to Gerald in a rush but I couldn't hear her message due to the huge ruckus people were causing around me. They were shoving and speaking in loud panicked voices. I watched as Leaf ran after Gerald once he left the crowd.

I was about to follow until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Ma'am, I think you should leave the area now. It's not safe." I saw a familiar face under a hood.

I looked around and noticed everyone had left the area and it was just me and this guy. Alf.

"Right." I nodded as I allowed him to guide me through the streets to the exit of the market.

"Are you alright?" I heard Alf ask me in concern although he didn't know who I was.

"Yes I am, thank you." I replied with a small smile.

"Do I know you? You sound quite familiar." He said observing my face.

"I don't think so sir. There are plenty of women around here. It was probably just one of them you heard." I told him.

"Hm, but you sound exactly like someone I met a day ago... but you don't have her hair or her Cerulean eyes." Alf said while furrowing his eyebrows.

"Oh?" I replied dumbfounded. He actually remembered me.

"Yes. I've been looking for her. That's why me and my friends are out here today. We wanted to look for these four girls who we met yesterday." He explained.

"Really?" I asked with suspicion.

"Yep. We wanted to ask them about these food thieves." He said with a grin.

I felt a bit disappointed with his answer. That was the only reason why he wanted to find us again. About food. Of course.

"I have to go now and find my friends. Please don't tell anyone you saw me." Alf said hurriedly and then he rushed off pulling his hood over his head a bit more.

I stared after him with a raised eyebrow. Why didn't he want anyone to know I saw him?

I did something I was surely going to regret later. I followed him.

I wove through crowds of people who were hurrying to get to the safety of their homes and I kept my eyes on a certain hooded person who was easily moving through the crowd. I watched as he walked up to the gates of a familiar building.

The castle. But why the castle? I was about to yell at him when I felt someone pull me behind a pillar. I pulled out a stick which I always kept with me and was about to whack whoever grabbed me only to be stopped.

They gripped my wrist firmly and fixed a familiar gaze on me.

"Leaf, What are you doing?" I whispered.

"After that little situation at the market, I handed a piece of paper to Gerald. And I followed him because when I told him to give it to the royals, he went off without question." Leaf explained.

"What if they are the guards?" I asked with wide eyes.

If they were part of the guard, we would be put in a jail cell once we were found for illegally staying in the forest and wandering off the main path.

"But that night, they didn't take us...they could just possibly be the food suppliers. Why else would they be so concerned about the food?" Leaf reasoned.

"That could be true." I nodded in agreement.

Deciding that we should leave now, we turned away from the pillar and back in the direction of our new home.

Dawn's POV

I was going through the market when I heard the screams. I knew the others would've heard it so I found a tall building instead. I climbed up a ladder that would lead me to the roof where I could see what was happening below.

I reached the top of he ladder and I observed the crowd below. People were pushing each other going in different directions. What caught my attention was the thing in the centre of the crowd. Only one person was standing there, and that was Leaf. She was holding onto something stained in a red substance.

I saw Misty as well attempting to approach her but being shoved by the crowd. I was about to climb back down when I heard a voice behind me.

"You shouldn't be up here you know?" It was a male voice.

"And who are you to tell me that?" I asked back.

"None of your concern."

I turned around and I almost froze with shock. It was that damned Paul.

"Then what are you doing on the roof if I can't be up here? You shouldn't be here either." I folded my arms over each other in a sassy way.

"Hmph." He snorted.

"Why so grumpy?" I asked curiously.

"None of your business." He answered coldly.

"Fine. I'm going then." I said in frustration and attempted to head towards the ladder.

I was stopped by his hand.

"What are you doing up here?" He asked with suspicion. "Did you do that?"

He pointed down to the body that lay on the ground where Leaf had left it.

"No. I would never do that." I responded with a glare at his accusation.

"Then why are you on the roof?"

"Because I didn't want to get pushed by the crowd. I came to observe things from up here." I explained. "Now may I leave?"

He stepped aside allowing me to go.

"What is your name?" He called from behind as I climbed back down.

"None of your concern." I replied mockingly.

I heard him growl in irritation and then he disappeared from the rooftop where he'd been a few moments ago not climbing down the ladder like I had. Then I saw a shadow jumping from building to building all the way back to one particular place. Out of curiosity, I followed through the streets, watching the shadow closely. I still get the feeling that I've seen him before.

But before I could reach the castle, I ended up crashing into two people.

"Dawn!?" They both exclaimed in surprise and relief.

"Oh my goodness, Leaf and Misty. I'm so glad I found you guys. It's not safe to be alone now from what I've seen." I said as I helped the others, up after our collision.

"Wait, where's May then?" Misty gasped making us all jolt our heads around in all directions in panic.


I know, another short chapter. Forgive me for my lazy writing. Next chapter is with May so do not worry.

Thanks for reading. I'm going to have to cut this authors note short.

- April

12 Feb, 2018

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