one : hired help

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fuck this stupid party. fuck my birthday. fuck mom for planning this after I told her not to. fuck dad for not stopping her. fuck my life. I was going to be stuck in this stupid ballroom for the next 3 hours.

"whoopee for me.." I muttered, rolling my eyes. Jungkook hit me softly, clearly hearing what I said.
"yoongi hyung, you better not let our moms hear. Apparently, they planned this whole party together." he cautioned, occasionally looking up to make sure our moms weren't around. I rolled my eyes but nodded, knowing and fearing the wrath of his mom and my mom. I quit listening to what he was saying and looked around the room, observing the people with their fake smiles, and poofy hair. It's not even the trend anymore... My eyes landed on a girl around my age. Long brown hair, slender arms, and a small pale body. 
"Hey, whos that?" I asked, nodding my head in the direction past him.
"Were you even listening to me? gosh...her? oh... I think her name is lily. My parents had a list of all the people helping tonight and there were only adults except for one teenager. Funny, we have the same last name too. but like, I want more cake now so bye," he chuckled leaving the table.

I stared at the girl a bit longer, her silky brown swaying everytime she moved her arm. Enough was enough. I walked over to her and tapped her shoulder, "um excuse me miss? hi," I spoke, smiling.

she whipped around. "Prince Yoongi! Ah! S-s-sorry.. was I m-moving too s-slow? Should I move?"
"Oh! no no not at all. im yoongi. whats your name?" I asked. hi, im yoongi. ugh, what was I thinking?!
"Well, hi yoongi," she smiled, "im lily."
I nodded and smiled at her. "How old are you?"

"Im 13," she said, bending down to grab the cleaning supplies from the ground. I reached down to help her and our hands met the handle of the bucket at the same time, intertwining with my hand on top of hers. Call me fucking cliche but I swear I saw a spark.

"Oh haha, sorry about that," I sheepishly said, turning as red as a tomato.

"i-its f-f-fine." she stuttered, her face flushed as well. Too cute.

"MIN YOONGI," a voiced boomed, making Lily scurry away to the next place that needed cleaning and my mom waltzed over to me.

"Why are you associating with the...hired help?" she asked, crinkling her nose in obvious disgust.

"Mother, they are human beings too..." I stated firmly, irritated that Lily was referred to as the hired help. Dear god, i'm already sticking up for this girl i barely know.

"my, my! Does my son have a crush?" she laughed, haughty and insincere. I rolled my eyes. "You will not associate with people like her; Do you understand? If I so much as catch you looking at her, you'll be locked in your room." she sternly spoke, harsh words cutting through my soul.
Anger gripped me, wanting to be released. I grit my teeth together, "Yes, Mother." I bowed, walking away from the toxic situation. Locked in my room? What the hell is this, 18th century?!

"Locked in your room, eh?" Jungkook said, trying hard to hold back laughter.
"Shut up."I spat, giving him the side eye.
"That's what you get for trying to flirt," he shrugged, "Yoongz, don't worry about it. One day, you'll realize that your a chick magnet... no homo though."
I looked at him weird. "One, don't ever call me Yoongz again. And two, once you said no homo it sounded homo.. idiot."
He laughed, putting his hand on my shoulder and then walking away, probably off to go make more connections with the other kingdoms. Aish now where did Lily go...



I scurried away and went into the side room, and started to clean the fireplace. "I can't believe Prince Yoongi was talking... to me.." I started sweeping around the area, ashes flying all over the damn place. It hadn't been more than five minutes when a living nightmare came through the doors.
"Hey. You." a female voice boomed, and I turned around to be met with Queen Min. She ran her fingers through the ashes and dusted them all over where I had already cleaned. A fake grin broke out and she grabbed me by my hair, "If I ever catch you talking to my son again, I'll make sure you will never set foot in this kingdom again. He will marry someone of royal blood, not some filthy street rat who happened to get lucky in finding a job here." Tears streamed down my face out of pain and out of anger and hurt. I nodded fiercely, and she let go, dusting off her hands before wiping them on my face. She left the room, dusting herself off before plastering a smile on her face and walking away.
"stay strong," I told myself, trying to keep everything calm and stop the tears from spilling out. How long will I keep this up? I grabbed the small broom and started all over again started from the outermost corners of the room to the center, and then to the fireplace. I heard the door open and I whipped my head around, afraid of what might happen next; when a brown haired boy came through.

"Hey," he put his arm around me and started rubbing my upper back, "don't worry about it, okay? Don't cry, please. Stay strong. Are you okay?"
I nodded, unable to speak. This was our 'gracious' and 'kind' rulers? I think the fuck not.
"Anyway. My names Jungkook.. if you ever need me let me know," he spoke, comforting and quiet. he smiled at me and i cocked my head to the right. "We should become pen pals! You can sneak letters into the royal postman and he can deliver them to me!" He was self-confident, uplifting, handsome, and smart. Everything I am not. I had no idea who the hell he was, maybe this was pity? I looked at his clothes, a light blue shirt with dark pants. Way too causal for a party like this one... maybe he was a royal helper?

"W-why are y-you helping m-me?" I sniffled, wiping the tears from my eyes. I was confused. I was definitely not of royal blood, and I was sure as hell not worthy of being helped.

"I just think you need some love before you end up falling. Its okay to ask people to save you."

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