three: a world of trouble

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"What the hell, Lily? Are you *trying* to get yourself fired? Because if so you're doing a wonderful job," A female voice whisper yelled, making me turn around. I came face to face with the head maid, Kang Eunmin. Braw-nell-o-which) I chewed my bottom lip nervously, shaking my head.

"I really don't want to get myself fired. And I'm sorry won't happen again," I lowered my head, tear threatening to spill out.

"My child, its alright. People make mistakes and there are no regrets in life, just lessons. The lesson here would be to not get caught by anyone sneaking out of Prince Yoongi~sunbaenim's room." she shot me a side eye with a smirk. Does she know? I think she knows. Oh my gosh. "I, uh. I have no idea what you are talking about." i stuttered. Way to go, if earlier didnt give it away, that sure as hell did. "Oh, dont play coy. I do know about you and the prince. You aren't exactly the quietest couple. Nasties." She chuckled, making me hide my face in my hands. Jesus christ that Yoongi... "We'd better get into the maid quarters before Queen Min comes in and yells at us." I took her hand and we marched off into the maid HQ. We may be treated like commoners, but the stuff we are provided with never ceases to amaze me. A room for all 75 of us, and with simple clothes. It better than nothing right? As we entered through the doors, Miss Bron~noona left to talk to the heads of the maid departments while I was met with a familiar face.
"Hey. Lily. Rumour has it that Prince Yoongi~hyung likes a certain slut," Hana laughed, an obvious example of pretty face, nasty personality.
"What are you talking about? He doesnt like you." I shot back, smiling while turning away.
"I-...You-... oh you just wait Lily~ssi... karma is a real bitch."
"Im sure you would know hana~ssi considering you are exactly like karma. a bitch."
She stormed off and I just chuckled to myself.
"Hey, Lily for real? Jesus.. you know shes Queen Min's favourite maid, right? She has snitching powers?" Kihyun nervously said, looking around frantically.

"Dont worry kihyun~unnie! We'll be fine. Prince Yoongi would never get rid of us."

"ha, im sure. How long has it been noona?" she questioned.

"its been two and a 3/4 of a year."

"Wow... i hope i be like you when i'm older..."

"trust me, kihyun. you dont really want to be."

i smiled, looking at the smaller innocent. She was only 13, still so much to learn, see and experience. I didnt want her to be like me, hiding a relationship from the entire kingdom. She shrugged, linking her arm to mine so that we could start the daily tasks.

As soon as we walked out the door, I ran into a guy.
"oof!" he groaned, the both of us falling back onto the ground.

"thanks for catching me kihyun..." i mumbled, lying on the floor.
"uh.. sorry!"
I rolled my eyes and then saw a hand reaching for mine.
"No thanks Romeo, I can get myself up."
"Feisty. I'm Prince Namjoon of Sampeol."
"Oh! I humbly apologize Prince Namjoon."
Kihyun and I bowed and he laughed.
"No, dont bow. I'm just here to meet with Prince Yoongi."
I nodded and blushed a little when I heard his name, "Hes in his room."
"Thanks... whats your name?"
"It's Lily."
He gave a slight nod and walked off, in the wrong direction.
"Its the other way!!" Kihyun yelled, making prince namjoon turn around.

I rolled my eyes, linking up with kihyun once again.
"Lets just get these damn chores over with.."

Prince Yoongi's POV

My door recieved three knocks. Kim Namjoon.
"Come in."
He entered, looking a bit dazed. What the hell?
"Jeez... you look like you saved a girl from a dragon."
"Um. Thats sexist for one, and two that doesnt happen in real life. There was a maid outside a few halls away. She literally took my breath away. We ran into each other."
I rolled my eyes.
"I think she said her name was Lily?"
I froze. My lily?
"What? Dude help me ask her out."
"No. I-... It's.. um... complicated."
"So basically you guys are fucking?"
"No! Thats not all."
"Woah, dude. That's messed up, what are you doing with her then?"
"NO! We're... uh... we- yep... uh we're dating."
Laughing, Namjoon rolled his eyes. He saw the dead serious look on my face.
"Are you serious?! Oh my god! Do you know what could happen to her if your relationship is exposed? She will die. Remember those laws? You need to end this!"
"I KNOW! You think I dont know that?! I dont want to be without her, but I want her to be safe."
"You're willing to sacrifice her life for your happiness?! What the hell Yoongi?! You are definetly lucky I heard about this first. Do you even know what would happen is King Hoseok found out and told Queen Min? Now that...that would have ended you. Your relationship with this girl, your reputation, your everything. You need to end this!"

"Alright! ...alright...I'll end this tonight."

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