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Copyright ©️2019 R. A. Michael (Kintenara)

A/N: This is a mature scene, beware. Those who can't handle it can skip to the next part.

Liam's POV

Sometimes, we get a bubbling feeling deep down when something good is about to happen or someone amazing is about to enter our lives.

I had that feeling when I met Kendra, she was like a breath of fresh air on a warm spring day. She had a way of making me smile and looking past my faults. I was far from perfect but Kendra made me feel like I was sculpted in gold.

That first encounter at the airport was everything to me and I would not change it for anything. I was having a really bad day that day, my father handed my position in his company to somebody else and demoted me to being less than I deserved.

I was so angry that I was looking for a way out, I wanted to go far away from here without looking back. I had my ticket in hand and was willing to board a plane that'll take me to the ends of the earth if it was possible.

But running away from my problems can never solve them, it'll only be on sleep mode until I get the balls to face them again. That day I had a change of heart and decided to head back home and face the situation head on.

I was not looking when I turned back and hit the most beautiful lady that was just behind me. Her eyes were like that of the sea, blue like the depths of the ocean. She light up something in me that day, she was like an ember in a tunnel.

She made my day, she turned my frown upside down, literally. I was left smiling at her, she didn't say anything funny but I found myself smiling for no reason.

She was like a magnet pulling me to her, the way her body pulled me was mind blowing. I felt like my cheeks would explode from too much smiling. We parted ways that day but she was my destiny and no matter how long it took, we will always find our destiny.

I felt like I was going bonkers when I saw her again. It was surreal and I couldn't believe that she was indeed the same person before me. I felt that pull towards her, that brightness that can always lighten up the day. It was not just coincidence that we met again, even if it was, I was chalking it off as fate.

I was lost again in those eyes, I prayed to see her again and my wish came true. She is the light that has come to brighten up my already dim life and I was damn well shitting myself if I was to let her slip through my fingers again.


Just one more minute and I'll get to see those eyes again. She is the best part of my day, my Kendra always has a way to make even the gloomiest days light up. She is what I look forward to everyday, seeing her, having lunch with her before I go back to the confines of the office and spending the rest of the evening by her side.

I watch the clock, thirty seconds till lunch time. I try to turn my attention back to my screen but I find my mind drifting back to the clock on the wall.

"Five... Four... Three... Two... One!"

I drop my pen and closed the file I was working on, stood up and took my jacket to leave. I shrug into my suit jacket as I walk out of my office to go out to lunch.

"Liam! Liam!" Matilda called out to me.

"Tilly!" I turn to see my secretary on my tracks.

"Oh Liam! I can never get used to the way you call my name." she smiled and place a finger on her lower lip.

I've known about Matilda's crush on me for quite sometime but I never saw her that way. She makes every remark I make sound erotic, she calls my name like the way she'll call a lover in the bedroom. She is way in over her head if she ever thought that the feeling was mutual.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" I was growing impatient, she was keeping me from going out to see my Kendra.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Greg called, he wishes to speak to you about the 'deal' between you two." she said, making air quotes.

"Make an appointment with him, check my free day and schedule him in it." I move past her and walk towards the lift.

"Yes sirrrr," she said, rolling the 'r' in sir. I knew she was flirting with me but I've never been interested in her and it won't start now!

"Are you going out to lunch sir?" she followed behind me and straightened her skirt as she looked at me deep in my eyes.

Her light brown eyes accentuated innocence but Matilda was far from being innocent. She was a fox and I tread carefully whenever I am with her.

"I told you, call me Liam. Sir makes me feel old." I stopped in front of the lift and pushed the button.

I wonder why she switched to 'sir'. She just called me by my name few seconds ago.

"OK Liiiaaammm." she smiled.

I laughed "To answer your question, yes I am going out to lunch."

"Care if I join you?" she rolled a stray hair around her finger as she blinked slowly.

"Actually its going to be just me and Kendra." I straightened and faced the lift, every trace of smile gone from my lips.

"Take care then." she said in an angry tone and stormed off to her desk.

I couldn't give a rat's ass what is going on in her head. She's a tunnel of dirt, the more you dig, the more you'll find. I was not going to get my fingers dirty by digging, God knows what I'll find if I venture to look deep in her head.

I ignore her and walked into the lift, I was not going to let Matilda's sassy attitude spoil mine. Kendra's the only thing that matters and I look forward to our lunch date at the coffee shop.

*    *      *

I was seated at our usual spot at the coffee shop when I saw my girl through the glass. Her brown hair flowed in the wind as she walked with grace, her blue eyes glistened in the sun. She looked like a Victoria Secret model walking into the café.

She was dressed in a see-through black chiffon blouse tucked into her grey pencil skirt with perfectly fitted black stilettos making me hot all round. I could be with this woman twenty-four seven, three hundred and sixty-five days and I'll still be entranced in her beauty. She's the only woman for me, the only one I see. My woman, my world, my Kendra.

"Hi." she came up to me and planted a kiss on my lips.

"Hey." I replied and returned the kiss.

"I'm sorry I'm a bit late, Damien left a load of work for me as punishment for being late." she took a sit across the table and took a sip of my coffee.

"I took the liberty to order you a burger and a milkshake, it's on its way so you shouldn't drink my coffee or else I'll eat your burger." I watched as her eyes widen as she gasped, I couldn't help but smile. She will kill me if I ever touch her burger, sometimes I wonder how she eats all that junk and still maintain the perfect figure.

"So, what made you late?" I asked her when the waitress dropped her food in front of her.

"Um..." she took a sip of the milkshake and moaned a bit.

"Well, tell me." I raise an eyebrow at her.

"Nothing, how are you today?" she took a bite of the burger.

"Changing the subject now eh? Okay I'll just go with it, I'm good but for a moment I was a bit horny." I said with a smirk on my face.

"Oh! And what could've made you horny Mr Liam Bates?" she smiled and licked the milk off her lips.

"YOU!" Immediately she turned pink and started feeling hot all of a sudden.

"Did someone turn on the heat here? I'm really hot." she used her hand to fan her face.

"Yes you are. Come by my apartment tonight. I'll show you how hot you really are." I was toying with her and if it wasn't for the public place that we're in, I would take her right here, right now.

"Liam!" I smiled at her, flashing my 'perfect smile' as she calls it.

"I have to get back to work." I said to her rising from my seat.

"Couldn't you stay a bit?" she said taking the last piece of burger.

"Just because it's my dad's accounting firm doesn't mean I can't get fired! I'm just an employee and you know how stubborn I can get, he won't hesitate to fire me. Besides, don't you have a load of work waiting for you?" I knew that will get her to stand up.

"Ugh! Don't remind me! I'll try my best to be done on time so I can come over to your place." she took one last sip of the milkshake before standing.

I dropped the cash on the table and we walked out together. I didn't want to leave her and she didn't want to leave me either but we both have to work.

I walked her to the building with a huge 'WP' sign, our lunch break was over and we both had to part.

"Be careful okay?" I dragged her closer to me and leaned in for a kiss when we were standing in front of the entrance. I waited until she entered the building before I headed to mine.

                  *           *           *

Anxiety was not my best suit and Kendra always knows how to keep me anxious. She promised to be here at six, I've waited two extra hours and still no sign of her. I know she said she had a ton of work to do but she promised she'd be here, there was not a single crazy thought that wasn't coming into my head.

What if something bad had happened to her on the way?

I will myself not to think bad thoughts and take my mind off it by making dinner.

With everything cooking and she was still a no show, I started the laundry, trying to make myself stop thinking.

I heard the sound of the doorbell and hurriedly rushed to the door. Without asking so much as a 'who is it?', I swing the door open and there she was standing before me.

"Kendra!" I hugged her, planting kisses all over her face, "do you know how worried I've been?" I lock the door and lead her into the living room.

"I'm sorry, I had to finish up with the extra work I had on my desk. I'm so sorry." she said kissing me back.

"It's all right, do you want to have dinner? A nice sweet pot of rice is cooking." I stopped myself to ask.

"I'm having it right here, right now." she grabbed my head and kissed me deeply.

My girl! I kissed her with all the force in my body, my hand caressing her. I grabbed her breast and my hand found its way to her blouse. My fingers fumbled with the button as I rushed to undo it.

I pulled down her bra and my tongue fondled with her nipples, I sucked on it as she gasped and buried her hands in my hair. She tugged at my head, urging me to keep going, I scooped her up and headed to the bedroom.

I layed her gently on the bed and moved to take off my clothes but she grabbed me by the collar and kissed me deeply. She tugged at the buttons and some of them came flying to the floor. With my shirt gone, her hands found my belt and it was next to go.

"Hold on, not so fast. I want you to feel every moment of this." I grab her hands to look into her eyes hungry with desire.

I saw the glimmer in her blue eyes and I couldn't hold it in, I leaned in and kissed her deeply. I know her lips would be swollen by morning but I didn't care, I just wanted to feel her and I wanted her to feel me, every inch of me.

I took off her skirt and playfully removed her underwear, I fondled her thigh with one hand, and my other hand found her breasts. My fingers encircled the perks as I squeezed it gently. I want to take her to the heavens, I want her to feel how much she is loved. I went down to lick and suck between her sensitive part, it was wet and inviting. My arousal was hard and ready for the taking but it was not about me, it was about pleasing her.

I sucked and dip my finger to take her to her peak, she moaned aloud and grabbed my shoulder to pull me to her. Her moans echoed in my head and my throbbing cock dripped, it wanted her, I wanted her.

I release my mouth and drove my fullness into her. She was ready for me and I was ready for her.

"Don't stop." she moaned and dug her nails in my back as she pulled me deeper.

I drove myself deeper and harder into her, and with each blow, she climaxed. I fucked, sucked, kissed every part of her until I came.

I don't know if it was possible to love someone this much but Kendra is my world and for her, I'll do stupid things!

A/N: That was intense! It can make anyone wet themselves. I am sorry if I made anyone uncomfortable, do forgive me but this book is for mature audiences only. If you feel like it's too strong for you feel free to stop because there will be more mature scenes in the future.

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