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Matilda's POV

I got to the hospital in search of the doctor but by the time I got there I was told that his shift had ended and he'd gone home.

I asked for his address but I was turned down then I asked if they could just help me get through to him that it's an emergency. He asked me to meet him in a café just across the hospital. I waited for almost an hour before he arrived.

"I'm truly sorry to have kept you waiting Miss Jones I wasn't expecting any calls from the hospital"

I'd told him on the phone that I was Stacy Jones because I know for a fact that after he sees what I'm about to show him, he's definitely going to ask Kendra about it.

He took a seat across from me

"It's alright, I should've called sooner"

"So what is this emergency you were talking about that just couldn't wait"

"Well it's about your fiancée"

"You know Kendra?"

"As a matter of fact yes, I know her well and I'm here to tell you that she's not what she seems to be"

"What do you mean?"

"Take a look at this"

I pass the envelope to him

"What's in here?"

"Why don't you open it and find out"

He looks at me before opening the envelope

"What is the meaning of this? Where did you get this from? I refuse to believe this it's photoshoped"

He looks at the pictures with keen eyes

"That right there in those pictures is your beautiful fiancée Kendra and her darling Liam. Has she ever mentioned Liam to you before?"

"Yes, she said he's her ex and from what she's told me, he left her"

"Well it looks like they're back together doesn't it?"

"But this person right here isn't Liam, it's her friend Lincoln"

"Oh is that what she told you? Have you ever seen a picture of Liam before? "


"And have you ever met this Lincoln before the day she introduced you both? "


"That right there my good doctor is 100% Liam and not Lincoln. She lied to you"

"Who are you?"

"I'm a friend, a very close friend to Kendra and I don't like what she's doing to you"

"I've never heard of you before Miss Jones"

"That's cos she and I don't see eye to eye anymore since Liam came back into her life, I tried talking to her but she refused and I couldn't let her continue deceiving you so I took these pictures to prove it to you"

"I don't believe this, I think it's photoshoped"

"I knew you'd say that that's why I took a video too. Have a look"

I handed him my phone

"When was this video taken?"

"Last night. They were out on a date, while you were busy working your fiancée was locking lips with another man. Who does that?"

"Thank you for this information Miss Jones I really do appreciate your help. I'll handle the situation now"

"Please be easy on her, and do take care of yourself"

"Thank you for everything "

He shakes me and leaves

Phase one of my plan is a go. Soon Kendra you will be taken out of the picture completely just you wait and see.

Kendra's POV

"Oooh tell me everything! I'm dying to get the deets from last night"

Mia crosses her arms as she sat on my desk looking at me with demanding eyes

"There's nothing much to tell, the date went well and that's it"

I smile

"I'm sure it did but that's not all because your eyes were sparkly the minute you walked in today and even now the shimmering remains. Tell me everything please my gossip buds are itching to get the deets"

"Okay okay, I'll tell you"

"Go on I'm listening"

"It was the perfect date Mia, Liam was a darling. He took me to this very beautiful and very fancy restaurant and he looked so dashing in black tux. Mia I felt like the luckiest woman alive and I couldn't believe that I had my man back. The food there was exquisite and the wine...oh! But the food was nothing compared to what happened after"

"What happened after? Tell me!"

She moves closer to me

"After dinner, we went back to my apartment"

"Oh you're such a slut!"

She laughs heartily

"It was just amazing, better than the ones we've had since his return"

"You've had sex with him recently and you didn't tell me?"

"I can't start telling you about every sexy details now can I?"

"But I thought you hated him, when did you decide to forgive him"

"When I learnt the truth"

"Yeah he really did go through hell"

"You are one lucky ass bitch you know that right? You've got two men after you and some of us got no one"

The smile on her face disappeared

"Oh Mia you have me"

I got up to hug her

"I know but I can't marry you now can I? I'm in my thirties and I still don't have a man"

"He's somewhere out there you just
gotta keep on looking"

"He better make himself visible before my eggs turn to jelly"

We laugh at the same time and my phone rings


"Hey babe"

"Oh hi Dex"

"You don't sound happy to hear my voice, were you expecting someone else?"

"No not at all. How are you? Are you at work?"

"I'm good actually and I'm not at work I'm home my shift ended earlier"

"Oh okay"

"I was hoping we could have dinner at my place?"


"Please Kendra, you haven't really had my time recently and aren't we supposed to be together and plan our wedding? It's next week remember?"

I've forgotten that I had a wedding to plan with Liam in the picture and besides, I'm not even sure the wedding will hold


"Right! yea! sure! I'll be there"

"Alright be here at 7"


"I love you"

"Take care Dex"

I hang up the phone

"What did he want?"

Mia asks

"He wants us to have dinner together at his place"

"Well he is kinda your fiancé"

"I can't keep this up Mia"

"Who do you want?"

"Liam! It'll always be Liam and it's always going to be Liam"

"Then you have got to tell Dexter tonight!"

"I don't want to hurt him"

"Better rip off the bandage fast so it only hurts once than to do it slowly and it hurts even more"

"You're right"

"I'm always right. I better get back to my office"


She stops by the door

"Remember, just rip it off!"

"Sure thing"

* * *

After I'd finished from work I called Liam to tell him that I'll be having dinner with Dexter, he wasn't happy but there's nothing he can do about it.

I took a shower got dressed quickly grabbed my keys and drove to Dexter's house.

The door was unlocked, like he was waiting for me. I open the door and rose petals were scattered on the floor in a trail leading up to the dinning.

Candles were arranged in vertical orders beside the petals and the candle lights illuminated the entire house.

Dexter was holding a bottle of wine standing beside the dining table and he kiss my lips so tenderly as I walk up to meet him.

"What is all this?"

I ask him

"I wanted to remind you how much you mean to me"

"It's beautiful, thank you"

"You're welcome. Have a seat"

He holds out a chair for me and as I sit he push it close to the table

"You're such a gentle man"

"Thank you"

He takes a seat

"I cooked for you"

"You did? That's wonderful"

After some minutes, we finished the food and it was delicious

"Can I ask you a question?"

He says the moment he set his plate aside

"Go ahead"

"Do you love me?"

I almost choked on the water

"Why are you asking me this? We're engaged Dexter"

"An engagement isn't a true qualification of love. People get engaged for different reasons, some as a duty, some out of family wish, some out of desperation maybe because all their friends are getting married and they want that too and some out of love. Did you get engaged for love?"

The time has come. The time for me to tell him the truth.

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