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Kendra's POV

Seeing Liam on the floor with blood on his face made me want to scream out loud and fight! But I'm defenceless all tied up to a chair and there's nothing I can do for Liam.

"Lift him!"

Dexter orders the guys

They lift him up and each one holding an arm.

"Liam you think you've taken Kendra away from me but you're lying. I've called for a priest who's gonna come here and officiate my wedding to her and then, I'll leave your fate in this lovely woman's hands"

"What made you so cold? When I met you at the hospital you were nice to me, you even invited me to your wedding even though you'd just met me"

"But that wedding is cancelled now thanks to you. And then I didn't know that you will be the one to ruin my life! Let me tell you a story Liam, I was engaged once to the love of my life, my darling Caroline. Caroline was my every breath, she was my soul and I'd do anything for her. I gave her everything, my heart, my body, and my very existence but I guess she wanted more than I could give. On our fifth year anniversary I tried calling her because I'd planned the best date but her phone was switched off so I decided to visit her at home. I got to her apartment and opened the door with her spare key which she'd given me and I called out to her but there was no response all I could hear were the sounds of moaning."

"What does this have to do with me?"

"I'm not finished! So I walk up to her bedroom and opened the door to find my very sweet Caroline on top of another guy riding him so hard that she didn't hear me come in. I couldn't believe what I saw let alone to think that the one who I'd trusted with my life would betray me. I left and I never looked back she tried contacting me but I didn't want to have anything to do with her. I was heart broken so bad that I went into depression and I was angry at everything and everyone. I had therapy and became better and went back to work which is where I met Kendra who was as broken as I was. Seeing her like that, I knew that she would understand my pain and she would never turn out like Caroline, I connected with her instantly and developed feelings for her which I never thought I'd feel again. But I guess I was wrong, she turned out to be exactly like Caroline! A cheat! A liar! A heart breaker! A betrayer! When Stacy showed me the pictures of you and Kendra, I felt angry and betrayed once again and I didn't want to be the fool once more that's why I poured out my anger on her that night, the anger of being a fool for love. I hated you Kendra! I hated you so bad! But at the same time I wanted you and I didn't want to be the loser like I was with Caroline and then Stacy came up with the most brilliant plan ever and I just couldn't resist."

"I'm really sorry for what happened Dexter but it wasn't Kendra's fault that you were dumped in the first place and its not her fault now that she doesn't want to be with you. She didn't know the reason why I'd left her that's why she went to you, but now I can't let you take or hurt her, she's mine and mine alone"

There are so many things I want to say and this tape isn't letting me say it. I begin to mumble until Matilda removes the tape from my mouth.

"Please Dex! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you!"

"If you didn't love me you could've said so! You led me on and cheated on me while wearing my ring! Just like Caroline!"

"I'm nothing like Caroline Dex believe me! I'm so sorry if I made you feel like you're being used"

"Wait a minute here, you mentioned something, who's Stacy?" Liam asked

"What the fuck! What is it with you and Kendra?"

"Hold on Dexter let me introduce myself, I'm Stacy Liam, Stacy Jones."

"Matilda? How in the world are you Stacy? Your name is Matilda oh wait, she told you she's Stacy?"

"What's going on?"

"Listen to me Dexter, you're a good guy deep down but this two-faced snake is just using you! Her name isn't Stacy or whatever it's Matilda and she's the bloody reason why I got separated from Kendra in the first place. This bitch is no friend but only a bloody foe!"

"Is this true? what's your real name Stacy or Matilda?"

"It's Stacy! Look they're only trying to deceive you!"

"But no matter what two people can't say the same thing, you're lying to me"

In one swift move, she brings out her gun again and points it at Dexter.

"Listen to me here Doctor, I've come so far to have my plan ruined! Whether Stacy or Matilda it doesn't matter, what matters now is that my plan is in motion and you can't stop it. You are going to marry Kendra whether you like it or not and I'm going to Kill Liam right here and you will do nothing to scatter my plans or so help me I will kill you too. We're gonna wait for the priest now so just remain calm"

We waited and waited, Liam was still being held by the thugs and Dexter sat on the floor as Matilda watches us with keen eyes. Fourty minutes had passed and I couldn't take it anymore.

"Matilda please let us go"

"Shut up!"

"Listen Matilda if that's your real name, let's just end this and forget about everything."

Dexter stands to face her

"No! No! I can't! I won't! I'll get my revenge today and nothing will stop me! Do you know how much I've loved Liam? And how much I've dreamt of being in his arms but this woman took him from me and since I can't have him, I'll set them apart forever!"

"I won't let you!"

Dexter rushes up to Matilda and tries to take the gun from her, and as they both struggle for the gun, a shot was released and I looked up hoping to see that its Matilda who was shot but I was wrong. I watch in horror as Dexter falls to the ground.


I cry out as I see him gasping for air, struggling for his life. Liam releases his hands and punches the thugs until they were unconscious.

"Stop! Don't move!"

Matilda points the gun at me

"Matilda no! Please no!"

Liam screams

"I've waited for this moment Liam, I've waited so long that you can't imagine how much I've dreamt of it!"

"Drop the gun Matilda and let's sort this out"

"There is nothing to sort out! I've made up my mind! Goodbye Kendra!"

Liam jumps in front of me as Matilda shoots and the bullet got to him instead of me and I see him fall to the ground.



Police officers storm the warehouse

"Drop your weapon!"

"Oh yeah? Well you're too late!"

She stretches out the gun and before she could take a shot, the officers release fire and she was down in a heartbeat.

Michael rush up to me and frees me from the ropes. I rush to Liam as paramedics gather round him and Dexter, he's still breathing thank God. The police men arrests the thugs and puts them at the back of the vehicle.

"This one's dead"

The paramedic that had gone to attend to Dexter decleared.

"The wound was severe and he lost a lot of blood. If we came sooner maybe we could've saved him, I'm so sorry"

My heart broke, Dexter was here because of me and now he's dead because of me. Liam was put in a stretcher and was taken to the hospital.

"He'll be fine Kendra"

Michael assures me as we drive behind the ambulance.


A/N: The priest was stuck in traffic the whole time and by the time he got to the warehouse it was empty.

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