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"There we go, another beautiful and healthy baby girl!" Valka cooed as she swaddled her new granddaughter in a blanket as she cried her little lungs out.

"Shhhh, it's okay, daddy is right here." Eret murmured as his new daughter was handed to him. "It's okay, mummy is very tired right now but you'll get to meet your older brother and sisters soon."

"Let me...hold her...please?" Skyla asked softly from the bed as she tried to catch her breath. "I just want to...hold my baby girl..."

"Come on Eret, let her take in her mother's presence." Ruffnut chided as she helped Valka pick up the bloody rags that sat at the foot of the bed. "Before she thinks you're her mother!"

"Alright fine, here Sky." Eret gently pressed his crying daughter into his wife's arms and watched as she carefully adjusted her hold on the child, something she had practice with since she was missing half of her left arm.

"Hello little one," Sassa cooed to her infant as her little cries began to cease. "There you go, no need to cry when mummy is here."

"She's so beautiful, look at her!" Eret whispered as he knelt down to be level with his wife and daughter. "This makes her our...sixth child."

"And the last one." Skyla added with a small sigh and looked at her husband apologetically. "I know you've ways talked about having a big family and want to have at least another boy to play with Kristoffer and maybe name after you, but I don't know if I can handle another birth so soon."

"Sky, I don't mind having another girl. And you know I didn't marry you just to continue my family lineage." Eret said softly as he cupped one hand against his wife's  cheek and smiled warmly at her. "I married you because I loved you, and our children are blessings the gods decided to grant us. If you don't want another child after this one, that's fine."

"But if you had a seventh child they'd probably be very lucky!" Ruffnut chirped as she brushed her hands off on her skirt. "Well, gotta head back home before one of the twins succeeds in burning down the kitchen."

"At least our twins haven't done that yet." Skyla muttered as her friend left the room. "They know better than to use their father's dragon to warm up food."

"What prank did they pull today?" Valka asked as she gently took the baby from Skyla to get a look at her new granddaughter. "Aww, she has her father's nose."

"They dropped a bucket of fish on Snotlout." Eret snorted. "And this fish happened to be slathered in fish oil, and there's only one dragon on this island who eats their fish like that."


"Nope, Hookfang and his brood."

"Oh goodness." Valka muttered, covering her mouth as Skyla let out a weary laugh.

"Are you sure I didn't have children with the god of mischief?" Eret scowled a bit.

"Or our children were switched with changelings a few days after their birth."

"Eret, we already checked the day the two of them pulled their first prank." Valka chuckled as she passed back her granddaughter to Skyla. "At least they're harmless pranks and they pull them on just the family, whereas the Thorston twins pulled them on everyone."

"Pulling pranks doesn't get the chores done or get them a job to help see their village through a terrible winter, I've already told them that." Eret scoffed.

"Well maybe someday they'll put their prank in to a good use." Skyla suggested as she blew a strand of hair from her face. Her breath came out cold with frost and sent little snowflakes flying in the air. The infant gurgled and cooed at the sight of the flakes, earning a smile from her mother. "And let's hope this little one won't have what I have."


"She looks ugly." Elia stated as their father placed their newest sibling into the cradle he had built for them many years ago.

"She looks like dad, stupid." Nanna scoffed. "And Ursa too."

"I not ugly!" Ursa screeched angrily, her icy blue eyes narrowed at her older sisters. "You ugly!"

"Stop bickering, you'll wake the baby." Eret scolded his daughters. "And your mother and I already have to wake up in the middle of the night to calm her down. And no one in this house is ugly, be nice to your baby sister."

"I'd like to point out that not all of us were born looking cute, except for Kris." Nanna mumbled as Eret bent down to pick up one of his  younger daughters, little Valka, who was the baby until the new one arrived.

"Was ha name?" She asked her father as he scooped up Ursa into his arms, earning a delighted squeal from her.

"Erette, I'm keeping on the family tradition of naming one of my children after me." Eret replied as he dropped both girls onto the bed they shared while their older sisters scrambled to their hammocks. "Now where's your brother?"

"Probably in your room." Elia replied as she yanked her blanket over her head.

"Mama!" Valka added with a giggle.

"Is mama going to be in pain in a while?" Ursa asked her father as he gently tucked the fur blankets under their chins.

"Just in a few weeks, but I promise you that this is going to be your final sibling." Eret replied as he kissed their foreheads and went to kiss the twins goodnight. "This birth was a bit difficult for her, and I don't want to risk her life with another child."

"She just has to take the herbs." Nanna added. "Just to be sure."

"Yes, we will need to remind her to take the herbs." Eret said with a nod before kissing her forehead. "Sleep well, and wake me up if the baby starts crying."

"Goodnight daddy/papa!" The girls chorused happily as Eret blew out the lantern, enveloping their room in darkness.

He quietly stepped out of the room and walked towards his own room. Skyla was already asleep and Kris was snuggled up next to her. Eret couldn't help but smile at how similar his son looked to his mother when they slept. Every featured Kris had was from his mother, except for his hazel eyes which he inherited from Eret.

"Kristoffer, off to bed." Eret murmured as he gently shook his son awake. Kris muttered something into the pillow before sitting up, his soft white hair sticking up in all directions. He climbed off the bed before giving his father a quick kiss and a hug before hurrying off to bed.

"He warmed up your part of the bed." Skyla murmured sleepily as Eret crawled under the covers.

"How are you feeling?" Eret asked as he and his wife shifted so her head was resting on his arm.

"Tired, my rear still hurts from spending over a day squeezing the baby out of my body." Eret gave a small laugh and Skyla smacked his shoulder in annoyance. "You didn't spend that time squeezing the baby out."

"Well that's true, but I spent a few hours pu-"

"OH MY THOR WE'RE RIGHT NEXT TO YOUR ROOM DAD!" Nanna screamed. Her words were followed by a loud wail from little Erette, earning a groan from both the parents.

"I got it!" Kris yelled.

"Thank Thor for Kris." Skyla sighed, listening to the gentle coos her son made to calm his baby sister down before her wails went silent.

"At least we can sleep a bit longer." Eret sighed with a nod. "Unless she's very hungry like Ursa."

"Ursa has a bottomless pit of a stomach and she's only four."

"Which reminds me, we're going to have to expand the stables soon."

"In case Ursa brings home another Terror?"

"That, and in case one of them brings home a large dragon."

"Gods help us..."


And here's the sequel most of you have been waiting for! In case you're confused on the ages of the kids, this is the age list:

Elia (11)
Nanna (11)
Kristoffer (8)
Ursa (4)
Valka (2)
Erette (0)

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