Chapter 15

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"And they're a few other chandeliers in the other rooms."

My goodness, the bride is the most boring human being on the planet.

She's been talking for years and there wasn't a hint of fun in what she was saying. Something about dresses and chandeliers. Yet, some of these women looked at her like a trophy up for showcase.

While Antonio spoke with her husband at the other end of the room, I was stuck with Gina, the bride who didn't know when to stop. It was just me and her and there were a few other people that stopped to say hi a few times. While her groom dressed in a casual suit and tie to match, she had the most beautiful dress on and the germs sparkled under the light. She had very minimal makeup on but her flawless glassy skin popped under the light layers.

It's impossible to not notice she showed off her ring with every chance she got.

"Mrs Russel?"

"Who's that?_Oh, you mean me?"

"Yes silly, aren't you happy to have a man like David wrapped around your finger? You know I used to think there would never be a woman to take a man like him, I see you've done quite the job"

"Yeah" I laughed "He's quite a handful"

I glanced at Antonio across the room, our eyes locking in the process. While the man in front of him rambled on, he raised an eyebrow at me and I responded by looking away.

"I can testify to that" She laughed, eyes going straight to the ground. There was a hint of discomfort when she said those words and it triggered my curiosity. Even though it was Antonio's business, strictly if I might add, there was something in me that spiked up.

"It seems you know a lot about him," I said, in a desperate effort to get some information from her. "You guys worked together before?"

"Really? You don't know David and I were once together?"

That was unexpected and it's surprising how I didn't think of that. It's more logical he would be with a woman like Gina. One, because she's just as rich and famous as he was and also because her father's wealth was insane. They made the perfect combination but putting all of that aside, he attended his ex's wedding?

The dots were finally connected and it makes sense that he pushed me into agreeing to marry him so quickly. It's because he wanted to prove to Gina he could find someone else, which is why she's the only one he left me to have a conversation with.

He could've chosen any other woman, preferably one that had enough wealth and a good reputation. Not a coffee girl he got caught with. It's almost as if he chose me because he had no choice, which is the most likely reason if I might add.


"Yeah great" she repeated "It's a wonder, you know? That he settled with you"

"You know the old saying, love is blind"

"Blind enough to marry a girl from a coffee shop?"

"No, blind enough to leave the wrong option"

Her eyes shot straight up and there was this look she had on her face. Something in between surprise and anger but it only lasted a second or two before she covered it up with a smile.

If we were going to play a game, I might as well be the winner. Fake wife or not.

"I see, you now have a tongue. What sudden money and influence can do." She chuckled, nails toying with the tip of her wine glass. I guess it's now obvious Gina, who used to be a happy little bride, is interested in her ex and that automatically makes me the bad guy. "Can I give you a piece of advice Kiara?"

"Is it related to the fact I'm with your ex? Sorry, there's nothing I can do about that"

"This isn't going to end well, David is a very cold man. He will never see you beyond the advantages he gets from you. Trust me, I've seen it before"

If I didn't know Antonio, I would've gone ahead to say she was just jealous. Even if she wasn't the nicest, she couldn't be any more right. He was truly a very cold man, unbelievably cold. So cold, that he would strangle a man for going as far as talking about him.

The things fame and money concealed.

Whether she knew about the other side of him, I didn't know but the little I'd seen on the surface was enough to prove who he was.

"Thank you, Gina"

I walked away from her, eyes still glued to the petite-sized female. I had so much in my mind, that I didn't notice that my heel had caught my dress. We all know what that means, it's the fall of the century. My body shot straight down and it happened so fast, I didn't understand what was happening until was close to the ground. It could have truly been the fall of the century if a pair of hands didn't catch me.

I was pulled back up swiftly like my slightly above-average body weighed no more than a bag of chips. Every single pair of eyes were on me. In a few seconds, I'd become the center of attention. There were a few whispers here and there, I couldn't bring myself to look anyone straight in the eye.

Antonio's going to kill me after this.

"Are you okay?"

My gaze landed on the man who saved me from falling. A very young man, he looked like he was still in his twenties with a simple white shirt and blue pants. His white pair of teeth was on display in the most welcoming smile and his sea-blue eyes wandered around every corner and edge of my face.

"Yes, thank you"

"You're Kiara, aren't you?"

"You know my name?"

"I guess it's only fair to know the name of the most beautiful woman in the room. I'm Ronald Crowell, nice to meet you"

The name rang a bell, he's the son Luke spoke of when we were just about to enter, and from the looks of it, he was quite the influential one. "Nice to meet you too"

"Heard you're Russel's girl, how's that going?"


"Mr Crowell" Luke spoke up from behind me as he made his way to the midst of Ronald and me "Pleasure to meet you again."

"Luke, isn't it? The alleged assistant"

"Yes, If you don't mind, I'll have to take Miss Sky with me now"

Ronald gave me a nod and walked away while Luke signaled for us to leave.

Great, another party where we don't make it to the end.

"What's going on Luke? Did I do anything wrong?"

"You weren't supposed to fall"

"Well I'm not gravity, I don't make the decisions"

"Everybody's watching Kiara, you don't just zone out and trip on your dress"

"At least I didn't fall thanks to Ronald"

"He's not the best influence"

"It's not like I was caught with him or something, don't be so dramatic"

"If you haven't registered it yet, you're the next in line for a wedding"

One sentence enough to shut a woman like me up and for the record, I hadn't realized it yet because I wasn't given the time to. And on top of all of that, I met his weird ex. As if that wasn't enough, I tripped and fell and the man who caught me is not the best influence.

A beautiful day it is, isn't it?

"So we're going home? Without having a slice of cake?"

Luke led us both outside where the car was already waiting. Antonio was nowhere in sight and there was just one car for us both. Which means we were the only ones who wouldn't have a taste of the fancy meals and most importantly, the cake.

(A/N: Sorry for the short chapter my loves❤)

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