Chapter 17

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(Quick A/N: Please do me a favour and share this book with four friends, let's get ASWMCEO up to 10k. Your votes and comments also go a long way, thanks in advance!)


It was one of those days when I aimlessly followed both men to work even when I had no reason to be there. It rained throughout the night and drizzles fell from the dark sky early that morning but instead of a hot cup of cocoa and a perfect Netflix playlist, we were on our way to work. Just like they did every single day, like programmed robots.

My head rested on the cold glass of the tinted windows while I and the driver stayed in one car and the vehicle in front, Antonio, and Luke. He still hadn't gotten over the fact that we would never stay in the same car. The only difference is that the past few days had been danger-free and I was getting a little too used to it. Both men were also going to work normally and I hardly heard of or saw anything related to his other life. So it's safe to say these past few days have been normal.

There's also been no talk about the marriage and even though the internet was carrying false information about me I'd been getting quite an amount of stares. It would resolve on its own, they said, but my email has been blowing up and I couldn't walk around without people with me.

When the car stopped, we were in the same establishment I was when I first met Antonio. Last time I came as a six-year-old dressed for a birthday party, this time I come as the alleged wife. Coincidence that he intentionally brought me here? I think not.

"Why are we here Luke?" I asked as I slammed the door behind me shut. Both I and Luke were walking behind Antonio like chicks behind the mother hen and it was difficult for my feet in heels to meet up with their speed.

"I don't make the decisions"

"I'm beginning to think you're no longer on my side"

"I was never on anyone's side"

"This better not be a waste of time"

There were choruses of 'good morning' when we walked in and Antonio, being the chucklehead he was, didn't give a single reply. I tried making up for some of them but his steps were too fast to meet up with and I didn't have a second of rest till we made it to his office. At that point, there was only one other man besides I and Luke and it was very likely they were just going to dump me in one room and I would stay there for hours.

When the door opened, it revealed an elegant office. White and grey themed with the walls in white and furniture in grey and black. There was a chandelier that hung from the top and the floor was covered in shiny grey tiles. There were two parts to it, one that looked like a regular sitting room with a table right in the middle, and the other part had a huge desk, one chair behind, and three computers with big screens facing the chair.

"This is beautiful"

"I know," Antonio said as we made our way inside. The door was closed with Luke still outside and it was then everything in me wanted to get out.


"Has important things to do as my assistant, things you would have understood if you passed the interview"

"Technically, I'm playing the role of the assistant here cause I'm here in your office"

"Is that how things work in your coffee shop?"


"In case you haven't noticed, this isn't a cheap establishment. Every assistant gets an office"

"What am I doing here then?"

"Can you do anything without questioning me Kiara?"


"We have a meeting"



"So what am I supposed to do? Read the minute?"

"You'll know when you see it"

I couldn't utter my next word as the door opened and the man who walked in was Walter, my father's assistant. A man that worked with the family for years, till his hair became white and his skin folded with wrinkles. He became very familiar with us and if it wasn't for the state of the family, maybe he would've been one of us.

Standing by the door with a black suit on, he looked even older than I last saw him. It was as though all the life had been drawn out of him. Our eyes met for nothing more than a second and all I could feel was pity. Pity that he would never get out of a mess with a man like my father.

If Walter's here then_

"Pleasure to meet you, Mr Sky"

When he came in, it was as though all the blood was drawn out of my body. Short and plump with a shiny bald head and golden brown skin, it was the man I left my entire life behind to be free from. He didn't look different, only that his wheelchair was gone and he had a walking stick supporting him.

"Mr Russel, I've waited so long to have this opportunity with you," He said, with his signature smile that made his eyes crease at the side "Mrs Russel, I suppose"

He turned to me and it was at that moment I wished I could crawl somewhere and hide till all of this would be over. Every pair of eyes were on me, from Walter to my father and Antonio too, only that he had a wicked glint to them.

"Have your seat Mr Sky, I'm sure it was quite the journey after very short notice"

"But I wouldn't miss the opportunity to meet my soon-to-be son-in-law"

Something in his words made me feel disgusted. He was here for the opportunities and money he was going to get from my marriage with Antonio. The fame, the influence, that's what it has always been about. He had always been thirsty for this, that's all I remember him to be. After many years apart, he came back and it was for my benefit, not because he wanted to see me.

Antonio signaled for me to come sit with him and in fear of what this would become, I followed like a lost puppy. This could end in two ways, either Antonio getting what he wants or my dad seeing me as the failure he promised I would be and from the looks of it, the former was looking very likely.

"Kiara, I see the years have done you well. I brought you gifts, a token of good luck for your new life"

No, an apology offering so I wouldn't let Antonio know how much of a pig you are. Funny of him to think I would be marrying a man who didn't know a thing about my family and it's sad to know it's true. All he knew about my family was because he found out himself, the relationship was not built on trust cause we knew too little of each other.

"Scarlett says Hi, she's growing to be the perfect woman, fit for our legacy"

Scarlett was my only motivation, all I tried to be was so I would get full custody over her. If he got his way, she would grow to be a monster like him, just like he grew after his father. If I hadn't run away, it would've been me and after I did run away, I felt like the most selfish person on the planet cause I left her to live the life I was supposed to live.

"She'd be present for the wedding, of course, she's eager to see you too. After so many years"

"She would be present before the wedding and after"

"I see you care about your wife" He laughed. He was the only one laughing in the room and I knew from there that something was about to happen "Unfortunately, Scarlett has to stay with me"

"Mr Sky we're taking full custody of your daughter"

He stopped laughing and his eyes went straight to me, as if to ask what was going on. I couldn't explain the look on Antonio's face, it was difficult to tell why he would go out of his way to do this for me. Everything came with an advantage for a man like him. He brought my father over here to tell him we were taking full custody of Scarlett when I didn't even agree to the marriage.

"She's my child"

"It's not a request, she'll be out of your house by next week, as my wife wishes" He paused and turned to me "Isn't that right, sweetheart?"

Now I understand, it's the push I needed to sign those papers.

(Quick A/N: Please do me a favour and share this book with four friends, let's get ASWMCEO up to 10k. Your votes and comments also go a long way, thanks in advance!)

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