Chapter 26

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"It's really big in here and fancy too"

"Yep, we got the best of everything we could. There's always been something peculiar about the place, I wonder why he offered it up in the contract"

The penthouse was huge and Luke had taken it upon himself to take me around for a little tour before Antonio's grumpy old self walks in and deafening silence fills the house again. We went through room after room, the beautiful pool at the top, the gym and even a little movie place that'll definitely get a lot of my attention after the tour.

"Maybe he's finally seeing my worth"

"He sees you as a lucky coffee shop girl"

"Hey!" I exclaimed, making an effort to hit his arm and failing as he dodged the hit. "I used to be a coffee shop girl, all thanks to a stupid scandal"

"And that's it for the tour my lady" Luke said, coming to a abrupt halt. The maze had finally come to a painful end. I didn't think looking through a house would perk up my attention that much or that I wouldn't want it to end.

"Off to the movies"

"Off to getting ready for tomorrow, you mean"

"Oh please, I have the whole of tomorrow to do that"

Reminding myself that I was wasting seconds while a large screen with a comfy couch stayed empty upstairs was like dangling candy in front of me. I wanted the most of the trip and they didn't get it cause vacation to these guys is staying locked up in a room doing some dumb responsibilities. Life's not gonna live itself.

"I'm sure Mr Russel would prefer you do it today"

There was a sudden change in tone. He didn't sound like he used to just a few seconds ago. It was a familiar tone, one he would only use when Antonio is close by or any other person that wasn't just the two of us.

"What?" I chuckled "Stop it"

I didn't get the look in his eyes till I was engulfed in the familiar scent of Antonio's cologne as I felt a presence behind me. I didn't have to turn back to realize he was back in all his glory, just like he said he would.

I didn't think Antonio would keep to his word or that he would come holding something that emitted a savory aroma. My eyes went down to the bag he was holding, it was a colorful bag with two packs of food peeking through it. I could distinctively remember I saw something like it on the way to the penthouse and the kid in me was about to burst with excitement. Maybe I was finally seeing the soft side of Antonio.

"Aw, for me?" I squealed, not waiting for his response before my finger poked the bag "I just knew there's a sweet side to you"


I sat before an almost finished array of seafood. It was almost as if my belly had grown thrice the size with the sight of food. Antonio only ate about half of what I did and my shameless self didn't consider that I was eating more than a man twice my size.

"I see you enjoyed your meal" He said folding the napkin and neatly placing it down.

His statement gave me a questioning feeling. First, he got me food out of the blues, sat at table with me and now this.

The painful truth is, even if he spiked something, I'd taken at least a piece of everything.

"Did you put something in it?"

"Don't you think it's a little too early to ask that question?" He asked, voice dripping with sarcasm.


"I didn't, why would I want to kill you?"

You know that moment of indecision when every single memory starts rushing back in? That's exactly what was happening. It suddenly came to my remembrance that the same Antonio in front of me is the same man involved in some dirty business.

"Oh I don't know, cause you realized how much you'd like your penthouse back and now you want to end me and take it all to yourself"

He let out a deep laugh, one that was as short lived as his temper "I could do that"

"Stop, you'll make me scared"

"Need I remind you that even in your fear, you're still holding on to a lobster"

"Oh" It was more like a reflex action that I had a piece of lobster in my fork and on its way to my mouth. I swear it's not intentional, things like this actually happen.

"I bet you think what you just ate is street food. It's not, just to prove to you I have the best chef in the city"

A gasp escaped my lips and my hand went straight to my chest.

I can't believe it.

He deceived me.

"How could you?"

"I guess none of that matters. It's obvious you like it, you've finished twice of what I ate"

"Because I thought it was street food"

"What difference does it make? You enjoyed every bite"

"You're a liar"

"And you're a drama queen"

"I hate you"

"The feeling is mutual"

The next snarky comment was about to escape my lips when out of nowhere, an alarm went off. The sound wasn't too loud but the transition made me jump out of my seat. The lights went from white to red alternatively and the chandeliers suddenly went off, making the room slightly dimmer than it was before.

My eyes scanned the whole place while trying to find what the problem could be. We were the only two in the room for those few seconds before men I didn't know flooded the room. There were a dozen of them, all hefty and armed like they were prepared for it.

It didn't look like fire broke out and I couldn't find the obvious problem besides the fact the lights had changed and the alarm wouldn't stop.

Antonio remained where he was. Through the lights, I could see that dark look suddenly loom over his previous expression and how his knuckles went white from holding tightly to the cutting knife.

I, being the most inexperienced and naive in the room, stood in one place hyperventilating with no idea where to go or what to do. "Antonio?"

His eyes darted to mine with the coldest expression I'd ever seen. It seems to me everyone forgot I was in the room and that I didn't like any of it. I was shaking on a spot and tears began to flood my vision. "Antonio I'm scared"

My voice didn't exceed a whisper but he heard it.

He rolled his eyes and pulled out his chair to get up as the knife slipped out of his hands to the table. He made it to me in seconds and his hand made it's way to my upper arm, holding it in a firm grip. Lowering his head down to my ear, he whispered "A few seconds from now, this place is going to be filled with bad guys and I'm sure that's not the best sight for an angel like you, is it?"

I shook my head in response as I was close to vomiting everything I'd ingested "Great" He replied before he pulled me to the opposite direction and before I knew it, I was hastily taking steps to meet up with his pace as he took me to the direction of the elevator.

"It shouldn't take too long Kiara, stop crying"

The snarky side of me was gone, killed by fear bubbling up inside. I was trying my best to not cry but that was my only response to a difficult situation.

He stopped by the elevator, pushed a few buttons and it opened. I didn't think it was functional because Luke and I never used it throughout the tour. In his words 'it's for special purposes'

Lucky me, now I see the special purpose.

Antonio practically pushed me in and went ahead to push some buttons to close it back. The elevator, if that's what it is, had it's light white and it reflected on Antonio's face. I could finally see his eyes and how they were slightly red, I saw the small beads of sweat on his forehead and how his finger tapped repeatedly on the edge of the elevator. There were mixed feelings evident in his facial expression. It was something in between fear and anger and boy was the anger overpowering.

"Not a single word Kiara, I'm not joking this time and don't even try to get out of this box cause you wouldn't be able to. Not until I come back for you. If you hear anything, keep your mouth shut and if you don't, still keep your mouth shut. Am I clear?"


"This isn't the time for emotions Kiara_"

"Please don't kill anyone, you'll make me scared"

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