Chapter seven

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Churro jolted with start.

When did he fall asleep?

Was that all a dream? More like a nightmare.

Churro sat up, looking to see Audino stand over him.

He looked to where the Chespin was supposed to be. It seems he was gone.

The bed was clean, and no sign of blood or a Chespin anywhere.

"How long was I asleep?" He asked the Audino who jumped at the sound.

She spun around to gaze at him with a smile.

"You were out as soon as you closed your eyes. You really need to get more rest. Please lay down." The healer begged him.

Churro realized he was standing up. The nightmare must have shocked him to the core.

It wasn't like he wanted the kiss from Eon to be real anyways.

They weren't going to meet up ever again.

"Oh, right. When will I be able to get out of this stinky bed? I don't like laying here and doing nothing." He remarks with a slight growl.

Audino sighed, putting a paw to her face.

"Once your scar heals up a bit more. I have stitched them up, so you can't move too much like that or else they'll open up and you'll start bleeding again. I am not losing another patient in such a ridiculous way again. Just be patient, and when the time is right you will be let out. Now go back to sleep. You're going to need it, especially if you're going to join the squad."

Churro nodded, gritting his teeth in annoyance.

She didn't give him a specific time.

"How many weeks do you suppose I might have to quote on quote 'rest?'" Churro wonders.

Audino glared at him. It was as if she was praying the answer she gave him was enough for him.

It wasn't enough. Churro knew that.

The Audino answered him the best she could: "About two to three weeks gice or take. I'm sorry, but you won't be able to begin working until after that. Please don't argue with me. I'm just here to make sure the Pokémon in this squad stay healthy and alive."

The Treecko hissed, cursing himself for how he wanted to save those Flabebe.

Sure it was good intention, but against a Charizard? Maybe he was being a bit too rash.

Plus I don't know if they were evil or nice. I just helped them with little to no context anyways. But if I didn't....then the Charizard would have blood on his claws. Perhaps it was better than it was for the worst. Either way, I'm here. Might as well get used to it. And complain about it.

Churro snorted as the Audino looked at him.

"What?" She asked, annoyance in her voice.

Churro could already tell this was going to be a long and painfully slow timeframe.

The next day, the black Charizard visited him.

"How are you doing, Churro?" Paarthurnax wonders, putting a paw near the edge of the bed.

The shiny charizard's gaze held concern and a fresh look of calm as he held Churro's gaze.

Churro found the wall more interesting.

"Eh. The old coot won't let me out of this stupid jail cell." He responded with a grunt and a flick of a paw.

Paarthurnax chuckles.

"That's rude of you, my friend. Audino is doing her best to help you heal. Believe it or not we've lost a lot of Starter Squad members. Especially to outlaws. Unfortunately as good as they are when being brute forced by claws and Pokémon moves they're not very good at surviving such hits. She's just making sure you are able to actually join before dying." Paarthurnax puffs out.

"You know what, as soon as you're done healing I'll give you your first mission. Just don't try getting any other scars recklessly like you did with that one."

Paarthurnax points with a claw to Churro's stomach.

"I don't intend to. I'll be the one giving the scars." He snarls with determination.

The black Charizard laughed.

"I'm sure you're an outlaw scarer. You're very determined for a small Treecko. There are many big and bad outlaws out there. There are also thieves and just petty Pokémon out there. I'm sure you'll be able to scare someone."

"I'll bring you a couple of missions tomorrow. You won't be able to complete them right away, and I'm sure these villains are far more elusive, so they won't be captured, unfortunately, by the time you start. Anyways, I've got to go. I've got a whole squad to organize." Paarthurnax remarks.

The Charizard stumbled out of the Medical area, shutting the door loudly behind him.

Churro pressed his paws around where ears should be, but Treecko don't have ears.

So loud. He thought with annoyance.

The Audino pat him gently. "Might want to lie down some more and sleep. It might help." She informed him.

Churro wanted to mock her, but didn't have enough brain power at the moment to start. So he just closed his eyes and did what he was told.

The next morning Paarthurnax returned with a female Pikachu by his side.

It was Lightning. The one from the battle with Tudi and Tisa.

"How are you feeling, buddy?" Paarthurnax asked.

"Like I'm in some horrible game." He responded.

Beds were horrible.

"You must really hate beds." Lightning commented.

"I would rather be up and fighting." He simply remarked.

"Understood. Anyways, sir, why do you have me over here?" She asked him.

"I want you to show him his first mission." Paarthurnax began.

"But he's hurt! He can't just—"

"I know. Let me finish. This is his first mission for when he's healed. I've got a couple of villains he can track down and capture. I think he will recognize a few of them. I gave him the mission of tracking down some of the more easier villains as well. You better explain it to him."

Paarthurnax then exits the room.

"Well, then. Okay. I do know Tudi and Tisa better than you since I've been hunting them myself, so I guess I better explain your missions. Anyways did we ever formally meet? I'm Lightning." The Pikachu introduces with a friendly smile.

"Churro." The Treecko simply grunted, not even taking her paw.

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