Familiar Faces

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The next morning Riley wakes up to some noises coming from the kitchen. She wakes up and quickly gets ready for the day.

Eventually she makes her way down curious to see what the commotion was so early in the morning. When she enters the kitchen she is surprised to see her parents and Auggie there.

They all turn to see her when they see Auggie run towards her. Auggie hugs her and says "Good morning Riley. We've been waiting for you to wake up."

Riley smiles and replies, "Good morning to you too Auggie. Not that I'm not happy to see you all but what are you doing here?"

Topanga answers her question saying, "Pappy Joe called us up yesterday telling us about the accident. We figured we should come to see him. We were really worried."

"I also heard that you got a letter from him and I'd like to know about that." Cory adds.

Riley smiles at their concern and tells them about everything Lucas had written down in the letter.

"He apologized to you as well, Auggie." Riley says.

Auggie gives her a sad smile and asks, "You do feel the same way about him, don't you? He's really nice and I approve of him. You won't find a better person than Lucas."

Cory then adds, "Auggie's right. I also approve of the boy. If you're with him, I have no worries. Regardless of the many times I chased him out of your bay window and my classroom, I really do like him."

Topanga looks at him shocked and says, "I expected you to fake a heart attack on hearing that. I'm surprised you are okay with Riley having a boyfriend. I figured it would take a couple more years before you agreed."

Cory smiles knowingly and replies, "I know how the story goes. Besides any boy willing to wait for my daughter, even when he's hurting himself, is worth it."

Riley looks like she's about to burst when she says, "I'm so happy you approve of Lucas. Thank you Daddy. And to answer your question Auggie, yes. I really do love him but don't tell the others. I want Lucas to know before them."

Auggie gives her a thumbs up smiling. Riley sits down to have breakfast with her family and Pappy Joe.

They all eat their breakfast and get ready to go to the hospital.

Auggie is the first one out the door, screaming, "Come on you guys, let's go. I need to see my brother. Come on, hurry up."

Riley looks surprised at Auggie calling Lucas his brother and looks to her parents.

Topanga replies to Auggie, "We're coming Auggie. I want to see my other son too."

She then turns to see Riley's surprised face and adds, "We all know how the story goes."

They leave the house and are walking to the truck when Josh shows up. Riley is surprised to see Josh and freezes.

"Hey family" Josh greets them and on seeing Riley, jokingly adds, "No love for your uncle Riley?"

Riley finally snaps out of her trance and runs to hug him and says, "Uncle Josh. What are you doing here?"

Josh hugs her back smiling and answers, "I came here with your parents. Sorry I didn't meet you before but I wanted to check up on the rest of your friends once before."

Riley smiles back and says, "So you ready to go with us?"

Josh nods and they all get on the truck. Pappy Joe then drives everyone to the hospital.

Riley leads them to Lucas' room while Pappy Joe parks his truck.

Cory and Topanga go in with Auggie first while Riley and Josh wait outside.


Riley turns to Josh and asks, "Why did you come here Uncle Josh? Not that I'm not happy to see you but you don't really know Lucas that well."

Josh takes a deep breath and answers, "You're right that I don't know Lucas very well but I was worried about you all. Even though things haven't been peachy with the two of you based on what I've heard I knew you would be worried about him. Also I wanted to be there for Auggie after I saw how sad he was on hearing about the accident. That boy has definitely made an important place for himself in Auggie's life."

Riley smiles and replies, "You should have seen how impatient he was to get here. You know Auggie called Lucas his brother. I was surprised to hear that so I looked to mom and she called him her other son. He's made a place in everyone's life. Dad even approved of him without even faking a heart attack."

Josh laughs on hearing this and says, "Never thought I'd ever hear or see Cory being okay with you growing up."

On hearing this, Riley also starts laughing with Josh.

Once their laughter dies down Josh asks, "How are you doing?"

Riley smiles sadly and says, "I'm alright but very worried about him. That fall was very bad and the fact that he was unconscious didn't help me feel any better. I saw him yesterday, you know. I almost cried on seeing him look so vulnerable. He looked so weak and fragile and so not like the Lucas I'm used to seeing. Lucas has always been the strong brave friend who always tried to protect us no matter what. I just hope he gets better soon. I just want things to go back to the way they were before I messed up. I need to apologize to him and I need him to hear me."

Josh nods understanding what she means. "He'll be okay. You know why? He'll be okay because he's got the best support system he could ever have. He's got you and from what I heard from Auggie that's all he really needs and wants."

Josh tells her reassuringly. Riley looks at him smiling with watery eyes.

She hugs him tightly and softly says, "Thank you Uncle Josh. I really needed to hear that."

Josh hugs her back and says, "I'm glad I could help you Riley. And remember I'm always with you no matter what."

They sit there waiting for Cory and Topanga to come back out with Auggie.

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