First Day Back

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Lucas was not having the best day at school. He constantly felt people staring at his back wherever he went.

He tried to concentrate on what the teacher was teaching and feeling people staring at him all the time certainly did nothing to help him.

He was eternally grateful to the person who made his schedule because he had his friends in each and every one of his classes.

He was most thankful for having every class with Riley.


Whenever he would hear a comment about his relationship, he would turn to look at Riley.

He feared that Riley might hear the comment and decide that it was all too much for her and break up with him.

Unfortunately he knew what life was like without his princess and he did not wish to experience it again.


Riley always smiled in response so that she wouldn't worry Lucas. The mean comments hurt her but consoling Lucas was much more important to her at the time.

She knew exactly why Lucas looked at her every time there was a comment passed about their new relationship or her.

She had experienced life without her cowboy and she refused to relive it again.


It hurt both Lucas and Riley to hear the comments their classmates would pass about their relationship.

Some people called Riley a 'boyfriend stealer' and a 'horrible friend' which made Lucas' blood boil.

It took everything in him to stop himself from knocking those people out.

Riley could see how the comments affected Lucas and it hurt her.

She was extremely proud of Lucas for not losing his temper but was also hurt to hear the mean comments.


When the lunch bell rang, the two of them packed their things and left as soon as they could.

Riley decided to leave a few books, that she wouldn't need later, in her locker.

She turned to Lucas and said, "Hey Lucas, why don't you go ahead to the lunchroom without me?"

Lucas looked like he was about to protest but she continued, "I'm just going to my locker to leave a few books. I'll join you in a few minutes I promise."

Lucas sighs defeated and replies, "Alright I'll go and meet the others in the lunchroom. But if you're not there in 15 minutes I'm coming after you okay?"

Riley nods knowing that was the only way Lucas would let her go.

They kiss briefly before going their separate ways.


Lucas goes on to the lunchroom and finds his friends sitting on one of the tables. He goes to join them and they all discuss what all happened in their morning classes. Lucas eventually gets bored and takes out his phone.

He was just browsing through his photos when he comes across a few selfies from his date with Riley. He smiles to himself while selecting a picture of the two of them to upload. He feels poetic while writing down the caption:

I hadn't known what love was, the kind that takes over and keeps a beacon of hope shining inside of you, until I met you and lost you.

I love you, Riley Matthews. Always and Forever 😘

He smiles, feeling proud of himself for coming up with the caption.

He suddenly notices the time and wonders what was taking Riley so long. He starts getting worried and his friends notice.

Maya says, "Relax Huckleberry. Riley probably got caught up in a conversation with someone. She'll be here soon."

Knowing that Maya's words would do nothing to help his worried friend, Farkle asks, "What's wrong, Lucas?"

Lucas looks at him and replies, "I don't know but I've got a feeling that something is wrong. I'm worried something bad might happen to Riley. I told her that if she isn't back in 15 minutes I would go after her. And Maya, who will she talk to? Nobody has said a good thing about her since this morning. They all had the audacity to call her a 'horrible friend' in class. Honestly if Riley hadn't been in class, the nurse would have had a couple dozen patients."

Farkle looks shocked but manages to reply by saying, "I'm glad that didn't happen because I seriously doubt Hambone would have been able to help you then. I'll agree on the fact that Riley doesn't really have anyone who would talk to her nicely except for us. Even I heard a few of these comments and I was very tempted to knock those jerks out. I think we should go check up on her. I really hope nothing is wrong though."

The gang all get up before making their way to Riley's locker.


It didn't take Riley very long before she made it to her locker.

She knew that Lucas was worried about her because of all the mean comments their classmates were passing throughout the day.

She was worried herself but she didn't let Lucas know that because he had enough on his mind.

She could see that the staring and murmuring was bothering him enough that he had trouble concentrating in class.

She was just placing her books in her locker when she felt a presence behind her.

She ignored the person and continued placing her books properly in her locker.

She wanted to be done soon so that she could join her friends for lunch.

She also knew that if she took too long then Lucas would worry and come looking for her.

She turned around to find Missy Bradford standing there with an evil grin on her face.

Missy spoke up, "You know Riley, I didn't think you had it in you. I'm surprised you stabbed your best friend Maya in the back. Stealing her boyfriend and rubbing it in her face like that. I'm impressed."

Riley replies, "I didn't stab anyone in the back, Missy. We all talked about it and sorted things out. Lucas confessed that he's loved me from the start."

Missy looks with mock surprise and says, "You really fell for that. Wow you're more naïve than I thought. Maya and Lucas just pity you. There's no way Lucas is in love with a childish girl like you. You're nothing more than a pity girlfriend."

Riley shoots her an unimpressed look and replies, "Believe what you want because I know the truth. I'm not ruining my relationship because of what jealous people like you say to me. Now if you'll excuse me, my boyfriend is waiting for me in the lunchroom."

With that she starts walking towards the lunchroom but Missy pulls her back sharply and says, "Don't you go thinking you're all high and mighty because Lucas agreed to become your boyfriend out of pity. And why would I be jealous of someone like you? I'm popular and I don't take kindly to nobodies like you telling me off. It's time to show you your place in the high school hierarchy."

With that Missy slams Riley into the lockers.

Pain erupts in Riley's body as she slides down to the floor.

She regrets telling Lucas to let her go to her locker alone and now hopes that he comes looking for her soon.

She looks up to see Missy about to kick her when she hears a familiar deep voice screaming, "Stop"

She turns towards the voice and finds Lucas standing there with their friends.

She smiles to let him know that she is fine but it doesn't help because Lucas is already kneeling in front of her.


The moment Lucas sees Riley get slammed into the lockers, he feels his heart stop.

Before he realises what he's doing, he finds himself screaming at Missy to stop.

Missy looks like a deer in headlights on being caught but he doesn't notice because all his attention was on Riley.

He's immediately on his knees and checking to see if she has any injuries.

He lets out a sigh of relief when he sees no visible injuries.

He helps Riley stand up before turning to find a very enraged Maya being held back by Zay.

Farkle also seemed to be angry but Smackle was keeping him from doing something he might regret.

Lucas looked around to see a crowd forming and knew he had to deal with this matter very delicately.

As much as he would love to just knock out a few of his classmates to shut them up, Lucas knew that if he lost his temper now he would just prove his father right.

Lucas was going to deal with this as calmly as possible. He would not let his temper get the better of him.

He had been working on his anger management skills for almost two years now and he refused to become 'Texas Lucas' again.

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