Secrets Revealed

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Back in New York, the teens start getting worried when Lucas doesn't show up for a few more days.

"It's not like Lucas to skip school like this." Farkle pointed out.

"It's not like him to not tell anyone if he's not coming either." Zay adds.

"Honestly after the last interaction, we had with him, I'm not very surprised that he didn't tell any of us that he wasn't coming to school for a few days." Smackle replies.

"Do you think he's skipping school just to avoid us?" Maya asks.

"I wouldn't blame him if that's true either." Riley adds thoughtfully.

They continue their day and decide to meet up at the bay window to think about what they should do next after school.

Just as they are about to enter the house they overhear Topanga and Auggie talking.

"You know mommy, I think that Lucas is the best one out of all of Riley's friends. None of them spend time with me nor do any of them leave Riley with any time to play with me. Since Maya became friends with Riley, she prefers to spend time with her. You saw what happened when I asked to let Riley babysit me the first time." Auggie then pauses and asks, "Why does Lucas spend so much time with me?"

Topanga thinks for a moment and then answers, "It's a bit complicated sweetie because I don't think you'll understand it completely. Lucas just doesn't like spending much time with the others because of some things going on with them. I'm not saying that they're fighting but some things are going on. Also he loves to spend time with you."

"Then why won't he come to play baseball with me this weekend? Last time he said we would be playing this weekend." Auggie asks innocently.

"He had to go for some important work, Auggie. He sent a message saying he was sorry and that he'll make it up to you as soon as possible." Topanga replies.

"Is it because of what is happening between him and Riley? I know that I warned him to not hurt my sister but now I think he's the one who needs protecting. He always looks so sad when he thinks I'm not looking at him." says Auggie, sadly.

Topanga smiles and replies, "You had that talk with him because you thought it was your duty as Riley's brother. You couldn't have known what exactly was going on. But I can tell you that Lucas will keep his promise because that's the kind of person he is. Also don't forget that Lucas is always so happy to see you. He might be feeling sad but you always make him happy when you both play, don't you?"

"I'm glad I can make him happy because I don't like seeing him so down. I wish he could be happy like that all the time. He's like a cool big brother who always makes time for me. We're lucky to have him in our lives." Auggie says happily.

Topanga lets out and laugh and says, "We definitely are but if you ask Lucas you know that he'll say -"

Auggie cuts her off, "He'll say that he is lucky to have people like us who care so much for him."

The teens outside the door are shocked to hear that Lucas had been spending time with Auggie playing baseball and also that Auggie had warned him not to hurt Riley.

Riley is touched by her little brother's concern for her.

They all enter the house pretending not to have heard anything before. They greet Auggie and Topanga before continuing to walk towards Riley's room.


They all sit down at the bay window when Zay asks, "Did any of you even know Lucas had been spending time with Auggie?"

Riley answers, "Auggie is my brother and even I didn't know about this."

Smackle then says, "What is more odd is that a small kid like Auggie knew that something was bothering Lucas when we didn't have the slightest idea? I mean we're supposed to be his friends and yet, none of us had even the faintest idea."

Farkle sadly replies, "I hate to say this but we've been terrible friends lately. He might be good at hiding his emotions but as his friends we really should have realized that something was up."

They are all sitting at the bay window in silence.

Maya then voices a question on everyone's mind, "Guys, for how long have we been ignoring Lucas?"

The others sit there in silence, head hung in shame, not knowing what to say.

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