The Date

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Lucas leads Riley to the roof of her apartment building confusing her a bit but she doesn't say anything.

When they reach the door Lucas bows down gesturing to the door and says, "After you milady."

Riley pushes the door open to find the roof decorated with flowers around a picnic blanket set in the middle.

She also notices fairy lights set up to make it look like stars in the night sky.

Lucas had planned a picnic under the stars just for her.

She looks around the roof in amazement while Lucas places the basket on the blanket.

He turns to see Riley still looking around and asks nervously, "Do you... Do you like it?"

Riley turns and looks at him lovingly saying, "Do I like it? Lucas, I love it. I can't believe you did all of this for me. I can't believe you remembered our conversation about the stars from last year."

Lucas replies, "I would do anything for you Riley. I know that first dates are an important landmark in a girl's life so I wanted to do something really memorable. A picnic under the stars seemed like a good idea to go with. And Riley I remember everything we talk about because those conversations are very important to me. Beside it's also my job as your boyfriend to remember the things you like and dislike."

Riley asks, "How did you manage to study all the notes I left you and even manage to set all this up?"

Lucas smirks and replies, "Thanks to my amazing talents."

Riley giggles in response and Lucas continues, "On a serious note though, Topanga and Auggie helped me out with everything."

Riley smiles and says, "I'm so glad that you get along so well with my family. Auggie and my mother simply adore you. My father does too but he doesn't show it because he still doesn't want to believe that I'm growing up."

Lucas replies, "He doesn't want to lose you Riley. I don't really blame him. I mean technically I am taking his baby girl away from him."

Riley says, "I understand that but I haven't exactly been his baby girl for a really long time now. You would think that he would be used to that by now."

Lucas laughs and replies, "To him, you'll always be his baby girl even after you're married and have kids of your own. I think it's a normal reaction for any father."

Riley says, "Agreed but my father definitely takes it to another level."

Lucas nods agreeing and says, "That he does."

Lucas pauses for a moment before he continues, "Now if you don't mind we should probably get back to our date before the food gets cold."

Riley quickly goes and sits down on the blanket while Lucas removes their food.

Riley sees the pasta and lets out a "Yay" making Lucas laugh.

Riley takes the first bite and moans in delight.

She says, "Lucas this is amazing. Thank you for making it."

Lucas looks confused and asks, "How do you know I made it?"

Riley replies, "I like to think that I know my mother's cooking well enough."

She points to the pasta and continues, "This is definitely not made by her. And judging by your reaction I know that I'm right."

Lucas says, "Yeah. I made it but your mother and Auggie helped me a lot. He looked quite pleased with himself when we were done."

They eat together, occasionally feeding each other.

Once they're done, Lucas says, "Now for the sweet dish is chocolate cake from the bakery. I would have made something myself but I didn't exactly have much time."

Riley replies, "It's alright Lucas. It's the thought that counts. Besides I don't think this is going to be our last date so you can make it some other time."

Lucas mutters, "I hope not"

Riley holds Lucas' face in her hands and looks him directly in the eyes before she says, "Hey I don't want to hear you talking yourself down like that ever again. I don't want you to ever think that you don't deserve me or something like that. I love you for who you are. I don't want you to ever change. You hear me."

Lucas smiles and replies, "I hear ya."

Riley slowly leans in and kisses Lucas. Lucas pulls her closer and deepens the kiss.

They eventually part for air and smile.

Lucas says, "That's the second time you've kissed me you know."

They both then start to remember the first time they kissed when they were on their first date on the subway.


Riley falls into Lucas's lap just like she had when they first met. Maya had pushed her once again.

Riley says, "Hi, I'm Riley. We were just talking about you."

Lucas laughs remembering their first conversation and replies, "I'm Lucas."

Riley smiles and says, "I love it."

She then pauses for a moment before she continues, "You know those moments that you were talking about that we're going to remember forever?"

Lucas looks confused and replies, "Yeah?"

Riley grabs Lucas's face and kisses him lightly. They both part smiling.


Riley smiles and continues, "You know since you're living with us until further notice, maybe we can make it together one day."

Lucas thinks for a moment and says, "That's actually not a bad idea. I'd really like that."

Riley and Lucas eat the cake together enjoying their date.


Once they're done, Riley asks, "So do you want to talk now?"

Lucas sighs and says, "Yeah we probably should."

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