Someone at practice

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I got up early and got my into my grey breeches and a burgundy top u slipped into my Ariat tall books and tied my hair up. I left the room grabbing my Charles Owen helmet and a granola bar. On my way out, I left a note to heather that read in the stables. Be back @ 8. I munched on my granola bar on my way to the stables. Once I was there, I tacked Mandala up and mounted, I made my way to the indoor arena where I saw a black horse canter smoothly. I entered the arena and the black horses rider halted his horse.
"Hey!" I said. The horse walked closer to me and I made out the face of a boy.
"Hey!" He said on a thick British accent. "I am Eric by the way."
" Ate you new by any chance? I haven't seen you around."
" yes, yes i am. I have been on the show circuit for the past month." He explained.
" the show circuit? Wow! You must have been having the time of your life!" I said imagining myself showing in hue shows like those in the circuit.
" it definitely is amazing, but it is exhausting, you barley get any sleep." He replied chuckling at the end.
"Well, I think we should start working if we want to get to class."
"Yes! Definitely."
With that said, we started our warm up. I worked on extending and shortening my strides as we cantered. I stole glances to Eric, he was an amazing rider. His position was picture perfect and his horse  responded responded to every cue instantly. After a while of working on flat, I decided to set up a bounce line with a couple of jumps. They didn't stand high, but that wasn't my goal for today. I cantered over the jumps several times before I slowed Mandala to a walk to cool her down. After a few minutes, Eric slowed his horse too.
" you were doing amazing over the jumps!" He complimented. I blushed at his comment
" thanks! Although I didn't really feel like if I was doing good, my riding was all over the place." I said honestly.
" don't be so hard on yourself!" Eric told me. We talked for a bit longer before we dismounted. I handed Mandala do Mike, and I took my helmet off letting my brown wavy hair fall. Eric handed his horse witch I now knew was called Noir to Mike too and slso took his helmet off. Now with his helmet off, I took in his features. His brown colored slightly colored heir that sat onto his head. His fair skin and chocolate brown eyes. On top of that, he had a perfect jawline. It was an understatement to say that Eric was hot. We walked to our dorms and I offered to show him around and help him. We parted ways and I made way towards my dorm. I opened the doors to the light gray hallway and went up to love you room unlocking my door, a smile never leaving face. Eric's perfect features were still I my mind before Heather cut through my thoughts.
"Earth to Amber! Are you okay? You look kind of dreamy" she said.
"Yeah. I'm fine." I said as I finished changing into my black jeans and a light blue top. I quickly made my way to the door before Heather stopped me.
"What's the rush?" My friend asked.
" well, I kind of met someone at practices and he is new so he asked me to show him around." I answered her question as a smiled made a way to her face.
" what?" I groaned, I knew that look on heather.
" did you say 'he'?" She said excitedly
" yes heather. I did say 'He'." I said as I playfully rolling  my eyes and I left before heather could stop me again. I walked quickly to where Eric and I were going to meet up. When I saw him, I couldn't help but smile. We walked to our first class which happened to be biology that we had together. In biology, Mr.Keating started explaining cell membranes but I kind of zoned out. I felt someone slip a note to me which read are u doing to practice after school? It was Eric's. I wrote that I was going to work with Eclipse and since today was Monday, we didn't have a specific lesson planned out, so Eric and I were going to practice jumping together.

The day couldn't go by any slower, it felt like ages and we had just  been dismissed to go have lunch. 'only two more hours left'i said to my self. i was sitting at my usual table that overlooked the stables along with Heather, Lucy, Bri and Eric. We talked about random things before the bell rang indicating us to go back to class. I didn't  have my last two class hours with Eric so we decided on meeting at the stables at 2:30. After the school bell rang announcing it school was over, i went to my room and changed into riding clothes and made my way to the stables. once i got there, I spotted Eric opening the door to Noirs stall and I walked to grab Eclipse. On record time, we were both in the arena warming up. After working on flat, we set up a course that had lots of turnes and bending lines, it was something we both needed to work on. Eric went first and I admired the way he tackles the course with his black horse. Eric and Noir loves in perfect sync and they cleared each jump with feet to spare. After the last jump, they halted next to us.
"That was a terrible round. I was having trouble keeping the rhythm." He said.
" a terrible round?! That was perfect!!" I exclaimed. What was a good round for him then?

"thanks" he said and motioned me to have a go at the course.

i cantered and directed Eclipse to the first jump with we tackled perfectly, and the rest of the course we got the distance right and cleared all the jumps. we trotted back to where Noir and Eric were standing.

"You are so good! Eclipse listened to you perfectly and you did amazing!" he said, i just grinned. We went over the course a couple of more times before we slowed to a walk.

" hey, would you like to go on a trail ride?" i asked.

"sure, that would be awesome!" with that said, I led Eric to a longish trail. we let our horses walk calmly side by side as we talked to each other and learnt more about one and other.

"so, for how long have you been riding?"Eric questioned me.

"all my life. i have been riding since a very young age along with my sister." i responded. "what about you?"

"same here. my father is a show jumping breeder so i have been with horses all my life but i only started like competing sriously when my father hired Scott to train me. Scott thought me a lot and before i knew it, i was in the show circuit." scott.... that name sounded familiar, thats when Scott Brash came to my mind.

"Scott brash? like scott brash scott brash? like show jumping champion Scott Brash? Like Hello Sanctos Scott Brash?" I blutered out out.

eric chuckled and said "Yes, Scott Brash Scott Brash." he said grinning. I was in awe.

we continued talking and we were nearing the stables again.

"So, i am taking you are from the UK, right?" he nodded and i continued. " What made you come to America?"

"Well, my father has always wanted me to be the best, so when he heard about Iron Hooves, the best equestrian academy around, he didn't doubt to enroll me. I was quite sure because most people don't get enrolled, most win their spot here, i didn't know what people would think of me." he confessed. He was right, most people don't get enrolled, it was very expensive, like out of many peroples budget. Thats when i connected the dots, he trained with an olympic champion, and he competed in the European show circuit, that was ridiculously expensive, did that mean...

"I am sorry if this is rude, you don't have to answer it if you want,.. but are you rich?" i asked slowly, then i realized what i ad said, my face turned red in embarrassment, but he didn't mind.

"Yes, my family is rich." he said " but please, don't treat me differently because of it, most people do, they don't understand that i am a normal guy. People have so many stareotypes of rich kids, and think i am one of those, and they are just my friend because of it, and that the end they always turn their back on me." he said in a sad tone.

" i promise i won't. you are a really nice guy, you know?" i promised.

"thanks!" he said. shortly after we reached the stables and we sgot our horses ready for the night, and we walked back to our respective doors. before we parted ways he said,

" it was really nice to meet you amber, it would be nice if we could hang out some time!"

"i would love too" i repied as i looked into his chocolate eyes. we said goodbye and parted ways.

i got to my dorm and found heather staring at me with a tell me everything look, so i did.

"you like him!!" she said excitedly, i blushed a bit and denied it. I changed topic and i got ready to go to bed. i rested my head on the pillow and got lost in thought. I thought about what heather had said, could i possibly like him? on that thought, a image of his face popped into my mind. His brown hair and soft eyes matching his hair color, the way he smiled, and his accent was to die for. and most importanly how nice he was. he was so polite and modest, he didn't want attention. Who am I kidding? Of course i like him! i said to myself. i thought about Eric and eventually fell into a peaceful slumber.

Hey! I hope you liked this chapter. The person in te media is Eric, yes it is Tom Holland, I am obsessed with him.  Anywayssss j hope you enjoyed it!

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