Chapter 1 - "There is one condition."

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"Welcome to Henderson Records, how can I help you?" the front desk woman asked.

Light poured into the lobby through the glass front windows, bouncing off the polished floor. Half moon couches curved around metal coffee tables. Rolling Stones covers lined the walls, highlighting the Records labels largest stars, including Hey Farewell, America's hottest band.

"Lennon Kayhill and Jordan Knight to see Matt Watkins," Jordan said.

"If you will take a seat, someone will be right with you."

Lennon led the way to the closest couch and sat. She straightened the skirt of her dress and brushed aside the few brown strands of hair that had fallen loose from her bun.

There were magazines on the table near the couch and she picked one up. The magazine flipped open to a two page picture of the three members of Hey Farewell. The large caption on the bottom of the page announced their worldwide tour to support their fourth album, Vacant Rooms.

Lennon, needing something to distract her nerves, read the article. While it started out talking about the band's new album and tour, it quickly transitioned to talking about the lead singer, Kade Matthews. He had just returned from a year break and was finishing a month long apology tour for his former indiscretions.

"How are you doing?" Jordan asked, pulling Lennon away from the article.

Lennon looked around the large lobby, feeling the weight of where she sat.

"It's overwhelming. But I'm excited," she said, trying to ignore the nerves racing through her veins.

"That's understandable."

"I mean this is the big leagues! Opening for Hey Farewell is any small time singer's dream," she said. "This is far from the open mic nights I was playing two years ago. I mean, this could mean I'll be playing for thousands of people instead of a hundred."

"Not just thousands, hundreds of thousands," Jordan said.

Lennon gripped her knees, trying to contain the excitement that idea brought. Jordan smiled.

"Miss Kayhill and Mr. Knight?"

Lennon and Jordan looked up to see a tall man with dark hair trying to get their attention.

"Hi," Lennon said, standing with Jordan.

"I'm Kevin, Mr Watkins's assistant. If you'll follow me."

Kevin led them into the elevator and then down a long white hallway, framed platinum records lining the wall. She noticed three of them held Hey Farewell's name.

"This is where I leave you. Mr Watkins will be with you shortly," Kevin said, leading them into a large conference room.

"Thank you," Lennon said.

They were both silent, looking out the large windows overlooking downtown LA when Matt Watkins walked in.

"Jordan, it's good to see you," he said friendly, offering his hand. "And you must be Lennon Kayhill."

"Thank you so much. It's nice to meet you," Lennon said, shaking his hand.

"I didn't know you knew each other" she said, giving Jordan an inquisitive look.

"Jordan and I go way back," Matt said, giving Jordan a friendly slap on the back. "I wouldn't have made it through my business math class without this guy."

"He's exaggerating," Jordan said.

"We went to college together," Matt clarified. "Shall we sit?"

They all took seats around the table.

"So let me get right to the point, I've been watching your career the last couple of months. I am very interested in having you open for Hey Farewell. You have created a great clean image that the label likes."

"Thank you!" was all Lennon could say.

"Hey Farewell will tour America from May until July. Then after a week break, they will be on to their European tour. We'd love for you to be on the tour with them."

"That sounds amazing," Lennon said.

"There is one condition," Matt said, his tone shifted.

"Miss Kayhill, I am sure you are aware of the not so pleasant press that was surrounding Mr Matthews about a year ago," he said.

Lennon had seen the headlines of Kade's drunken brawls, bouncing between girls and his crazy partying.

"I've seen something along those lines," she answered.

"Kade took some time out of the spotlight to reevaluate some things. Coming back, he has spent the last month trying to remedy his indiscretions before any permanent damage to the band occurs."

Lennon felt at a loss as to why Matt was telling her this. She was also getting the feeling that Jordan was becoming nervous.

"I believe this tour will be a perfect opportunity to show the new side of Kade," Matt said. "And that is also where you come in."

"Lennon, opening for Hey Farewell is an amazing opportunity," Jordan said. "Not only will you reach thousands of new people but the tour will get press buzz. They will undoubtedly mention you also. This is a big step is getting the fanbase we have been striving for."

"I agree," Lennon said.

She felt as if they were trying to convince her about something she already was on board with.

"That's great! There is just one thing," Matt said.

Lennon could feel Jordan tensing next to her.

"Since a part of the bad press around Kade has been his short-term relationships with women, we believe a long lasting relationship will help convince the public Kade's changed."

Lennon remained silent, waiting for him to get to the point.

"While relationships of the romantic sort can be unpredictable we are looking for something stable and predictable. Let's just say we don't want the future of Hey Farewell to rest on the changing moods and feelings a relationship can bring."

"While it may seem cold, the relationship will be mutually beneficial to both parties" Jordan chimed in. "It will help make Kade look committed and changed. On the flip side, Kade's fame reaches far and anyone connected to him will be instant news."

"That sounds like a great strategy," Lennon said, cautious.

She had heard about relationships like this before. Two big stars act like they are together, get photographed at some parties and then drop a single together. The song shoots to the top of the charts because the fans are convinced it's about how much they love each other and will be together forever. They stick it out for a few months and then go their separate ways.

"Here's the thing," Matt started to say.

Lennon could sense Jordan sitting on the edge of the chair.

"We want you to date Kade."


Hey everyone!

Just wanted to say hi and thank you so much for reading! I am assuming you read the chapter since you are now reading this! If not and you just scrolled to the bottom just to hear my voice then that takes dedication and I applaud you :)

This story is a labor of love! I wrote it while commuting to work everyday on the train! And I have to tell writing on a train full of people is awkward. I am always paranoid they are reading over my shoulder. Lets hope they like it. And yes I'm talking to you dude in the black suit! :)

So happy you have decided to join me on this journey. Lets see where Lennon and Kade take us!

Vote, comment, follow, share, if you wanna show me your love or know more about my adventure of writing on the train!

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