Chapter 17 - "The problem is, you are what I want."

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Lennon watched the crowd on the dance floor, swaying to the music. The lights were low, turning everyone into faceless, moving bodies. The shelves behind the bar were back lit with colorful lights, turning the tall bottles of alcohol into shadows. Her eyes drifted around the VIP area of Las Vegas's hottest club.

She had flown out for the night to watch Hey Farewell perform at a music festival and then join them for the afterparty. Her one objective for the trip: a kiss.

The area was large with couches on three sides, a deep, rich red with the backs climbing high up on the wall. The lighting was low but better then that on the dance floor.

"Hey babe, what do you think about Kenya for a vacation spot?" Kade asked.

She smiled. She was sitting on his lap, not from lack of seating room but because this whole night was about them showing some PDA. Her body rested against his, her arm was gently wrapped around his shoulders, his hand resting on her hip, his other on her leg.

"Sounds thrilling," she said.

"Me and some of my cast mates took a long weekend and went on a safari," Connor Axton said. "It was unreal. Our guides were amazing. They took us down this wild river. We got to see hippos and elephants bathing. We almost got attacked by lions."

Connor had called out to Kade when they enter the VIP area and struck up a conversation. He looked more boyish then he did in his action films. He was telling about his time spent in South Africa filming his latest film.

"No way!" Lennon said.

"On our second night we were out on this huge plain. Our guides had set up camp and the next thing I know we're forced inside the tents and I hear some heavy foot steps outside. We could hear lions sniffing everything and they nudged the tent wall once or twice. I've never been so terrified or felt so alive in my life."

"That sounds terrifying. We should go on a safari," she said to Kade.

He laughed.

"Sounds good but if the lions come around, I'm telling them they can eat your first since it was all your idea."

Lennon smiled and gave him a gentle slap.

"You'll have to outrun me first," she said playfully.

Someone called out to Connor and his attention was pulled away.

"Do you want something to drink?" Kade asked Lennon.

"Sure," she said, sliding off his lap.

Lennon was entertained watching Kade make his way out of the VIP area. People stopped him every few feet. He skirted the dancing crowd and once at the bar gained the attention of several girls. Lennon watched as they snaked their arms around his shoulder and flipped their hair.

She wondered if he was tempted to flirt and leave with one of them? They would be a more entertaining date then she was. She was caught up in watching a thin, blonde laugh at whatever Kade was saying when someone stepped into her line of sight and caught her attention.

"Sawyer Danes," he said, offering her his hand.

He had a cocky smirk and dark eyes. His blonde hair was long, shaggy and carelessly pushed off to the side and he had a few days old stubble along his jawline. He was older. Lennon guessed mid to late thirties but he looked like someone who's looks had improved with age.

"Lennon Kayhill."

She accepted his hand but could smell trouble on him almost as strongly as his cologne.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," he said. "I have to admit you caught my eye the second you walked in here."

"Really?" Lennon asked, amused.

She held his gaze. His smirk was back again.

"I haven't been able to look away since."

She let the corner of her mouth turn up into a sly smile. He was a charmer and was probably use to getting what he wanted.

"If I've had your attention, then you would have noticed that I'm here with someone," she said.

"That's never been a problem before," he said, without missing a beat.

His eyes stayed concentrated on her. A smile spread across Lennon's face and before she could stop herself, she laughed. Sawyer's eyes shifted side to side, looking for what she found so amusing.

"I'm sorry," she said, containing herself. "Does that line usually work?"

"I usually get what I want."

It didn't seem like he gave up easy.

"Well good luck with that," she said.

She turned to move away.

"The problem is, you are what I want," he said, smoothly blocking her path.

She fixed him with a cool stare.

"I guess you won't be getting your way tonight then."

He laughed.

"Give me an hour. I can change your mind."

"Sawyer, I didn't know you were here," Kade said, walking up.

He placed the water bottles on the table and wrapped an arm possessively around Lennon's waist.

"Matthews, it's been a long time. I miss you. The parties aren't quite the same without you," Sawyer said.

"I'm sure you've managed just fine on your own," Kade said.

There was something hostile in his words.

"Of course I have. But you always were able to add a wild flare to any party."

"That's not really my scene anymore," Kade said.

Lennon kept a neutral look on her face but she was fascinated by the conversation. Kade use to party with Sawyer? It suddenly made Sawyer's game seem pathetic.

"Well, if you ever decide the girlfriend life is boring, you know how to find me," Sawyer said.

He gave Lennon a wink before he walked away.

"Wanna dance?" Kade asked, already guiding her towards the dance floor.

Lennon was dying of curiosity about what happened between Kade and Sawyer but she knew this wasn't the place and he probably wouldn't tell her anyways.

The music was loud and the tempo upbeat. Her body was already moving to the rhythm before they found a place to dance. Kade was a better dancer then she thought he would be. He pulled her close and together they moved to the beat.

They stayed for a few songs, until people started to notice them and then returned to the VIP section. They stayed connected in someway for the rest of the night, whether she sat on his lap or he had an arm around her waist.


As the night wore on, Lennon's attention span started to go and her eyes drifted, watching the crowd. She was relieved when Kade said it was time to go. They said goodbye and left hand in hand. The air outside was still warm and the sky had already begun to lighten.

"What time is it?" she asked, as they waited for their car to arrive.

"Four," he said. "You look tired."

He dropped her hand and pulled her into his arms. She wrapped her arms around him, leaning her head against his chest.

"What time were you up this morning?" he asked.

"Earlier then you," she joked, spotting paparazzi out of the corner of her eye.

"I'm going to kiss you now," he said.

She smiled at the matter of fact way he informed her. He lowered his head and then he was kissing her. It was simple. He lingered for a moment and Lennon felt nothing as he pulled away, but she smiled for the cameras.

She initiated the next kiss before she rested her head back on his chest. The moment had been quick, but as Lennon stood with her arms around Kade she was surprised by the empty feeling that spread from her chest into her whole body.

She had been worried she would feel something when she kissed Kade. But instead here she felt hollow. They were quiet as the car drove them back to the hotel and quiet as they changed and packed up their things.

"You ready?" Kade asked, standing by the door with his bag. 

He looked tired.


They were able to leave hotel unnoticed but the paparazzi were in full force when they got to the airport. Gavin was able to do a good job of keeping them away and Lennon kept her head down and held tight to Kade as they walked towards security. Once through, an airport worker walked them to the private wing and right out onto the tarmac where there was a small white plan waiting on the runway.

"Are we flying on that?" She asked.

"Yeah. We have it for the weekend," Kade said casually.

She stopped walking and looked with amazement.


He laughed at her wonderment.

"Yeah. It makes traveling easier if we can avoid the crowds."

Lennon climbed the few steps up onto the plane. The inside was lavish. The seats were a tan leather, plush and wide.

"Sit wherever," Kade said, following her inside.

Lennon took one of the chairs and her whole body relaxed into the soft cushions. She was ready to crash. She put her headphones in and turned on some music.

The hollow feeling was still there but she told herself, unconvincingly, it was lack of sleep. She grabbed one of the decorative feather pillows and pulled up her hood. She settled into the seat and was asleep before the plane took off.


OH MY GOODNESS!!! (Should be heard in a very high, excited tone of voice)

I have to tell you Sawyer Danes looks like Sawyer from LOST. If you don't know what he looks like check him out. I have only been to Vegas once and it was on my way to somewhere else. It's not really my scene, if you haven't figured it out already, I'm not the biggest party person out there. Okay I'll be blunt I'm pretty sure there are 6th graders with more party experience than me. Heck I can't remember the last time I went to a boy girl party. (That's right I called it a boy girl party ;) HA, this is embarrassing, I'm just going to walk away now.

So you know vote, comment, follow. I need to find myself a fine looking fellow!

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