Chapter 27 - "Do you like waffles?"

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The next morning Lennon came down the stairs. She heard noise coming from the kitchen and followed it.

"Good morning!" Kade's father said cheerfully.

"Good morning" she said, unsure.

"You're up early."

"I'm as surprised as you are" she joked.


"I would love some. Thanks so much" she said.

"Milk or sugar?"

"Both. Thanks so much." Lennon accepted the mug and cradled it in between her hands. "Do you always get up early?" she asked, as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

"I have to for work so it's become a habit, one that has not been passed down to my sons" he joked.

"You're an architect, right?"

"I am indeed."

"Did you always know you wanted to be an architect?"

He told her about how he had always been intrigued by buildings. His fascination stemming from living in a city, watching the process of a building being built. He moved past his career and talked about meeting Margret and having Kade and Robbie.

"I'm sure we've told you this but we are very happy to have you here for Thanksgiving" he said.

"I'm glad I got to come."

His face grew serious.

"These last few years have been tough ones for the family and for Kade" he said.

He grabbed a towel to wipe down the already clean counter.

"The hardest part of being a parent is seeing your child make the wrong decision and being powerless to stop him. We had gotten use to the boy's fame but something shifted after their second CD. Rumors started, we tried not to believe them, until the pictures came out."

Lennon couldn't imagine how hard it must have been to read those thing.

Harryson stood, his eyes on the floor.

"We tried to reach out but he became distant. We took more drastic steps, flying out to see him, trying to get him to talk to us."

He stopped. Lennon tried to think of something comforting to say as Harryson paused. He finally looked up and gave her a sad smile.

"We are all thankful that he has moved past that phase, having you here feels like everything is better. To see him happy and so at ease with someone great like you is great relief."

Lennon forced a smile, trying to ignore the feeling of guilt.

"Do you like waffles?" he asked, after a pause.


"Good. Waffles for breakfast on holidays, it's a tradition. Would you like to help?" he asked.

As they mixed batter he asked about her music. He understood more about the business then her own dad. She in turn asked about his architecture projects.

The first batch of waffles was just coming off the waffle iron when they heard foot steps and Margret came into the kitchen.

"Good morning." she said sleepily,

She gave Lennon a hug and Harryson a kiss before she reached for the coffee pot.

The eggs were just finished when they heard sleepy voices from upstairs.

"My sons have impeccable timing" Margret joked. "They have this sixth sense of when breakfast is ready."

Kade's hair was sticking up at weird angles as he looked over his father's shoulder.

"Good morning." he said.

Grabbing a cup of coffee, he came to stand by Lennon. She wrapped her arm around his waist.

"Morning. How did you sleep?" she asked.

"Good but not enough," he said.

He put his arm around her shoulders, resting his head on her. Robbie entered and groaned.

"Were you guys up late?" Lennon asked.

"I killed him" Kade told Lennon triumphantly.

"By one round" Robbie clarified.


Everyone was finishing eating when the front door opened and two familiar voices called out. Lennon jumped up as Noah and Will walked into the room.

"Lenny!" Noah said, giving her a big hug.

"I didn't know you guys were coming over" she said.

"We come over every Thanksgiving" Will said.

"To show Kade and Robbie how football is really played" Noah said.

"Football?" she asked.

"We have an annual football game on the morning of Thanksgiving" Will explained.

They sat and served themselves waffles.

"I love football!" Lennon said.

"So you're going to come and watch the game?" Noah asked.

"You should come cheer for me" Will joked.

"You'll be cheering for me, won't you babe?" Kade said.

"No," she said. "I'll be playing."

Kade smiled.

"It's tackle football" he said.

Lennon gave him a defiant look.


"Babe, it's only guys playing and we're all twice your size."

"You'll have to catch me in order to tackle me" she said.

"Oooh!" chorused the boys.

"Ok" he said, giving her an amused look. "Let's see what your made of."


"Babe, we're going to pick teams" Kade called to Lennon, waving her onto the field.

"Go Lennon!" Paige and Rue yelled as she ran to meet the group.

Kenny, Kade's uncle and Harryson, were team captains.

"You ready for this Lenny?" Noah asked, giving her a mischievous grin.

"Are you kidding?" She said. "I was born ready."

"Not sure you'll be saying that after you get tackled," Kade said.

She just smiled and didn't respond.

"You better watch out babe," Lennon said, as she and Kade joined opposite teams.

"Don't go crying if you break a nail," he retorted.

Three plays in, with Lennon being largely ignored, Harryson turned to her.

"You ready, Len?" he asked.

She perked up. "Yes sir."

"Ok, I want you to go out on the left, cut right and I'll throw the ball to you when you hit center."

"Got it" she said.

Her body jumped with excitement as she came face to face with Kade.

"Having fun?" He asked.

She just smiled and waited for the hike. She bolted once she heard it but Kade didn't follow. Running past the defensive line, she cut right and turned to Harryson. The ball was spiraling towards her. She reached out and snagged it, pulling it close. The ball secure under her arm, she took off for the end zone.

She could hear cheers from the sideline. She got to the middle of the field before arms wrapped around her stomach. They picked her up and gently put her on the ground. She jumped back up.

She tried not to look smug as she joined the huddle and Noah and Robbie gave her a high five.

In the next play Noah caught the ball and raced into the end zone for a touch down. As their team switched to defense, Lennon could tell Harryson was wondering where to put her.

"I'll take Kade" she offered.

"Ok" he said. "Len will take Kade and Robbie will be close for back up."

She found Kade in the line and moved in front of him.

"Hey babe, how's it going?" she asked playfully.

"You won't distract me," he said.

"Oh really?"

Kenny hiked the ball. Lennon stayed close to Kade, waving her hands in front of his face. It was annoying him and she smiled. Will caught the ball but was tackled by Noah.

The next play, Kade tried to pull a fast move and dodge around Lennon but she kept up with him. As Kade caught the next throw she jumped on his back. It wasn't enough to stop him. He kept running, Lennon clinging to his back. Robbie came along side and gave Kade a push. They both were sent rolling a few times before coming to a stop, Lennon landing on Kade. She pushed her self off his chest, out of breath and laughing.

"I had no idea you were a pro football player," he said.

He had dirt smudges on his face and she was sure she looked similar.

"Intimidated?" She asked, looking down at him still on the ground.

"I can take you," he said.

As she grabbed the ball out of his hands he raised his head and kissed her.

"Hey! No fraternizing with the opposite team!" Will shouted.

The next time Lennon ran for a play, she caught the ball but Kade was on her, wrapping his arms around her and spinning her around.

"You got me," she said as he set her down.

But the moment her feet touched the ground, she ran for the end zone.

"Babe, I got you!" he called after her.

"That wasn't a tackle!" she yelled.

"Keep running!" Noah yelled.

Lennon turned and darted for the end zone. She could hear Kade's heavy breathing behind her as she got close to the goal line. She crossed over and fell to the ground, her legs feeling like jelly.

"Touchdown!' she gasped.

"Cheater," Kade said, between breaths, dropping down next to her.

"You warned me this was tackle football," she said, trying to catching her breath.

"I'm not going to tackle you," he said.

"Ryan did," she said.

She was jerked off the ground and lifted onto Robbie and Noah's shoulders.

"Lennon! Lennon!" they chanted.

"You should marry this one" Ryan joked to Kade.


Everything tasted amazing. The turkey was juicy and flavorful and the mash potatoes creamy. The table was alive with talking and passing of dishes.
Lennon tried to keep up with the three conversations going on around her and enjoy the food.

As the meal slowed so did the conversations. The kids had been excused halfway through and disappeared to play in the basement.

As people got up to clear, Margret called out to Kade and Lennon and motioned for them to come to her end of the table, where she was standing next to Teddy and Cecilia.

"Grandpa would love to hear you sing before he has to leave," she said.

Kade looked to Lennon and she looked down at Teddy's smiling, expectant face.

"Of course," she said. "We can figure something out real quick." She looked to Kade and he nodded.

"Any requests?" he asked, giving his grandpa a loving look.

"Surprise me," Teddy said.

"Ok, we'll be back in like fifteen minutes," Kade said.

"Ok, don't rush," Margret said. "Everyone is still clearing."

Lennon followed Kade up into his room and sat on his bed as he grabbed an old guitar from the corner of his room.

"What do you want to play?" He asked, sitting down next to her and tuning the guitar.

"We could do the duet from tour," she suggested.

"He's already seen a video of that" Kade said. They were silent as they thought about it.

"How about one of the new ones off your cd?" she suggested.

"Ok," he said, his fingers running up and down the chords. "Which ones do you know the best?"

Lennon smiled.

"All of them. I listened to them for almost three months straight on tour."

He smiled.

"That's right, so you choose," he said.

Lennon ran through the list of songs on the CD.

"How about Edge of Tomorrow?" He looked up and smiled at her.

"Is that your favorite?" he asked.

"I think so," she said.

They ran through the song a few times. It took Lennon a couple of tries to get all the words to the second verse but fifteen minutes later they went downstairs to find the family room filled with everyone.

They all looked up expectantly as they walked in and Lennon's stomach dropped. They had placed two chairs in front of the tv and Kade led the way to them.

"Lennon choose to sing Edge of Tomorrow" he said, taking a seat and resting the guitar on his leg.

Lennon sat down next to him and smiled at everyone. It felt daunting to have all their eyes on her and she looked at Kade as he began to play and sing.

She looked around the room as he sang the first verse when when it came time to sing, she felt to nervous to look at anyone other then Kade. The song had a marching beat that kept it moving as the lyrics talked about the hope you find in a new day.

They sang the song smoothly, their harmonizing coming back even after months of not performing together and everyone clapped loudly when they finished, Rue and Paige letting out cheering shouts.

The room became chaotic as people got up to tell Kade and Lennon how great they sounded. It was overwhelming as everyone crowded around them.

Margret called to them and they went over to where Teddy and Cecilia were sitting, big smiles on their faces.

"Darling you sing like an angel," Teddy said, taking her hand in between his two rough ones.

"Thanks," she said.

"You two were just wonderful together," Cecilia said, giving both of them hugs. "Lennon we are so happy Kade has found someone as wonderful as you."

She smiled as she felt a weight drop on her chest.

Margret led Cecilia and Teddy to the door after they said goodbye and Lennon and Kade were engulfed by his family.

"Your voice is amazing," Paige said.

"I need a picture with you," Rue said enthusiastically, handing her phone to Kade. "Since we are practically cousins."

Lennon forced a smile, hoping the sudden knot in her stomach wouldn't show on her face. Everyone complimented Lennon on her voice and she tried to smile and stay calm even though her heart was starting to race and she felt claustrophobic.

Somebody called for a group picture and she told herself she needed to keep it together until they were done taking the picture. Then she could make some excuse and duck away. Gwen's husband, Tommy, stood on the couch against the wall as everyone squished together, Lennon between Kade and his mother.

After Tommy clicked a few pictures, the tight group broke up. Margret turned, giving Lennon a loving smile and hugged her.

"I want you to know that no matter what happens with you and Kade, you will always be welcomed here," she said, her hands resting on Lennon's shoulders.

"Thanks" Lennon was able to choke out as she tried not to pull at her clothes that felt to heavy and hot.

Someone called to Margret and Lennon used the moment to slip away, saying she was going to call her family to no one in particular as she slipped back up stairs to the guest room.

"Hey, I was wondering where you disappeared to," Kade said, his voice light as he stepped into the room.

Lennon didn't look at him.

"You ok? Lennon?"

"What are we doing Kade?" she asked quietly.

"We were thinking about having some pie?" he joked, trying to get her to look at him.

"I'm mean here. At your house. I'm lying to your whole family for what? To boost my followers on Instagram?"

"Lennon," he said.

"I mean it. When we break up no one in LA will care other then it will be some gossip to spread. But your family? What will they think of me? Who will they think I am after they invited me into their homes and treated me like family?" Lennon's voice grew to hysterics. "What if you go off the deep end again? They will blame me. It will be my fault because I didn't stay with you."

She looked around the dark room, unable to look at Kade.

"Hey. Look at me." Kade placed his hands on her shoulders. Lennon looked at him. "I'm sure this has felt overwhelming but you aren't doing this for more followers. You're doing this because it was mutually beneficial for both of us. And this is the best thing for my family. I screwed up big time and I know they all still worry about me. For the first time in a long time I feel like, with you here, they are treating me normal."

Lennon tried to let his words ease her.

"Also, relationships end. They won't think any less of you. And I don't plan of messing up again, but even I did, nobody would blame you. We only have one more day and then we can get back to our lives, ok?"

She nodded and took a deep breath.

"Come here."

He pulled her into a hug and Lennon could feel the tension disappear as she rested her head against his chest.



So it's another tradition in my family to play football on Thanksgiving, which I'm sure is a tradition for most people. Anyways, growing up with so many brothers taller than me I had to adapt my defensive tactics, which pretty much means I did what Lennon did and waved my hands in front of their faces. It worked!

Vote, comment, follow! GO tackle someone in the spirit of Thanksgiving! (Okay, that doesn't sound right. You know what I mean. You don't? Well me neither)

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