Chapter 38 - "How hot do I look?"

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"To friends, both new," Will said, "and old!"

Lennon raised her glass and the air filled with the ringing of champagne flutes. The cool liquid fizzled in her mouth and she smiled as it went down.

"Woohoo!" Jessie yelled, doing a small dance. "To the New Year!" she added

Lennon raised her glass again and looked across the circle to Kade. She tried to hide her smile as she recognized the look on his face. A look that seemed to only make an appearance when Jessie was around. It was reserved with a touch of pain. His eyes met hers. She raised her eyebrow in an ever so slight question. One corner of his mouth twitched upwards.

"To the best night of our lives!" Noah said, lifting is glass.

"To the best New Years Eve performance. Let's get out there and give everyone the best show they have ever seen!" Kade said, cutting all other toasts off.

"Here here!" Will and Noah said.

The group dispersed and Kade casually made his way over to Lennon, at the same time Jessie did with her camera in hand.

"Miss Kayhill, are you ready for the best night of your life?" Jessie asked.

"Yes I am Miss Harper. Are you ready?" Lennon asked.

"Girl, I was born ready for this!" Jessie said. "And how about you Mr Matthews? Are you ready to give America the best New Years Eve performance?"

Kade put on a cocky stance and gave the camera his best smoldering look.

"We will give them nothing but the best," he said.

He broke character, a genuine smile spreading across his face.

"In all seriousness, we feel honored to be a part of this amazing tradition of performing at Times Square. We are going to make it a night to remember."

"As we all look back on the year," Jessie said. "What are some of your favorite memories?"

Lennon and Kade looked to each other at the same time.

"Touring definitely takes a top spot," Kade said. "Being able to travel the world and interact with fans is amazing, but I have to say meeting this one."

He gave Lennon's nose a playful pinch.

"And having her be my girl, is hands down, the best thing that has happened to me this year."

Lennon watched a smile play across Kade's mouth as he spoke. She was taken aback by the sincerity in his words. Jessie let out an animated "Aww". Lennon smiled, her eyes still on Kade.

"What about you Miss Kayhill?" Jessie asked.

Lennon turned to the camera.

"I have been able to do so many amazing things this year!" she said. "Touring was great and being able to meet so many fans was amazing! Working on my first full length album was a dream. But I do have to say, the best part of my year was meeting Kade, and getting to know the amazing person he is."

"You two are adorable!" Jessie said. "Any chance I could get some New Years resolutions from you?"

"My resolution is to put out an album!" Lennon said. "In fact, make sure you are following me on Twitter because I might have some news coming your way in the next couple of days!"

Jessie's eyebrows shot up in surprise and she turned the camera to face her.

"Ok people, this is not a drill!" Jessie practically shouted. "I'm hyperventilating. Someone get me a paper bag!"

"I could use some fresh air" Kade said quietly to Lennon, as Jessie continued her exuberant support for Lennon's new music.

"Same here," Lennon said.

They pulled on their thick jackets and stepped from the trailer. The first rush of cold air was exhilarating and like a jolt of electricity. The trailer was located behind the stage in a large area with its white tents, buzzing generators, large lights and metal gates that divided them from the crowd. The floor was littered with black, plastic tracks that covered the hundreds of electrical wires that made the night run.

"It's amusing to watch you around Jessie," Lennon said.

Kade didn't answer right away.

"I like Jessie," he said.

"I never said you didn't. I just said it's amusing to watch you around her."

"It's just... I'm trying to find a nice way to say something not particularly nice."

Lennon laughed at his bluntness.

"She's just so - "

"Lively, energetic, bubbly," Lennon suggested.

"I was going to say manic but sure, she can be those too. But what about you?" Kade said, nudging her with his elbow. "I've caught some less then thrilled looks from you these last few days."

"Don't get me wrong, I love Jessie," Lennon said.

"I know," he said. "But..."

"But I've never been so exhausted in my life."

Kade chuckled.

"I know the feeling," he said.

They made lazy circles around the backstage area, neither of them eager to return to the trailer and content with each other. Their walk was cut short, when a crew member found them and announced Kade was needed.


The energy in the trailer was almost palpable, when Jessie and Lennon entered after Hey Farewell had performed. Kade made a beeline for Lennon the second he spotted her. He was beaming and before Lennon could congratulate him, he swept her up into a hug and spun her around.

"You were amazing!" she said.

"Thanks. I think it was the leather jacket," he said, striking a pose.

"It was definitely the jacket!" Lennon said.

"How hot do I look?" he asked, doing a small spin, his hands pulling on the collar of the jacket.

"So hot," Lennon laughed.

The band barely had time to celebrate their performance before they were called back onstage for the ball drop, Lennon and Jessie accompanying them. The crowd in Time Square was teeming with excitement, the image of them as a whole an undulating sea of sparkling party hats, New Years numbered glasses and glow sticks. The ground surrounding the stage was covered in cameras and security.

Lennon couldn't help but smile as the numbers ticked down to midnight. The crowd had swept her up in their frenzy. She turned to see her own euphoric look mirrored in the faces around her. She turned back to the screen and her heart gave a small excited jolt as the crowd, one million strong, counted down the last ten seconds.

The second the clock hit midnight, the air erupted into a thunder of cheers as confetti floated like snow through the air. The loud burst of fireworks sent shocks through the night. Lennon turned to Kade.

"Happy New Years Lennon," he said.

His hands felt warm as they gently cupped the back of her neck. Lennon smiled up at him.

"Happy New Years!" she said.

The corner of his mouth pulled up into shy smile as he leaned in. The kiss was soft and slow, causing the roar of the night to fade into a fuzzy hum. Kade's lips lingered for a moment, his breath warm against Lennon's until he pulled away.

When she pulled back, their eyes met and her heart skipped a beat.


An hour and a half and an outfit change later, Lennon stepped out of the back of a car, her hand poised in Kade's. New York was still bursting with life as they stepped into a hotel, headed to Sebastian Colfax's New Years party. Next to Hey Farewell, he was the biggest pop singer in the music scene.

The five of them stepped out into the large ballroom. The room was bursting with music and voices. They were only a few steps into the room, when a tall guy cut throw the crowd and walked towards them.

"Kade, Noah, Will, I'm so happy you were able to come," the guy said, shaking their hands.

"Sebastian, it's good to see you man," Noah said

"It's nice to see you again. This is my girlfriend Lennon," Kade said.

"It's nice to meet you. Thanks so much for having us," Lennon said.

Sebastian's handshake was firm. His brown hair was carelessly pushed off to the side and while his face held hints of a boyish charm, the sincerity and intensity of his blue eyes gave him a mature look.

"I'm so glad you guys were able to make it, even after performing in Time Square," Sebastian said.

Lennon's eyes moved around the room as Will introduced Jessie.

"I heard you were working on your fourth album," Kade said.

"I am. The group of writers I am working with are here. You know most of them, but I have a new drummer I want you to meet," Sebastian said.

He led the way to a circle of people, tapping the shoulder of a dark haired girl. She turned.

"This is Amelia Dawson," Sebastian introduced. 

"You guys are Hey Farewell, right?" Amelia asked, shaking Kade's hand.

"We are," Kade said.

"I loved your third album. I thought your use of the drums on some of the songs added new depth to them," Amelia said. "Especially on Avalanche and Heaven Help Us. The thundering bass drum sweeps the listener away."

Lennon watched as Kade, Will and Noah were amazed by Amelia's technical review of their music.

"Amelia goes to Juilliard for drums," Sebastian clarified.

"You play the drums?" Lennon asked.

"I do," Amelia said.

"I'm so jealous," Lennon said. "I've wanted to learn but I have yet to succeed."

They talked with Amelia, discussing music, until she was pulled away.

The rest of the party passed in an excited blur. Kade knew most of the people there, but he never seemed eager to talk with them. He seemed more content being with Lennon.

Half way through the party, he pulled her onto the dance floor with a flirty grin and spun her around once before pulling her close. They moved to the beat until the dance floor got too hot. Then they escaped to a corner of the room, huddled close together as Kade provided entertaining commentary about the parties attendees.

The crowd had thinned and the bar had shut down by the time Lennon and Kade rounded everyone else up to leave. The car ride back to the hotel was quiet. It seemed even Jessie ran out of energy at five in the morning. Noah was completely passed out next to Lennon. His deep, steady breathing began to lull Lennon into sleep. Giving into the exhaustion, she rested her head on Kade's shoulder and closed her eyes. The last thing she was aware of was Kade reaching for her hand and lacing his fingers through hers.


As Lennon slowly left the swirling fog of sleep the next day, images from the night before came to her. They were still tinged with the haze of sleep, which made them seem dreamlike in her mind. The confetti filling the air in Time Square, Hey Farewell's performance, the kiss, meeting Sebastian, the endless dancing. It all felt too good to be true. She smiled, not quite ready to leave the happy feeling that still lingered.

She lazily stretched and her muscles ached in protest. She had been on her feet all night and had barely made it to the car as they had left the party. A smile played on her lips, remembering how Kade had let her use him as a pillow.

Another memory popped into Lennon's mind and she frowned. Kade slipping his hand into her's on the ride home. Lennon tried to shrug it off, Kade held her hand all the time, but she knew it hadn't been like every other time. No one had been there to see it.

Lennon stumbled out of bed as her mind quickly connected the pieces and she began to pace. How had this happened? She thought back through the previous days and weeks, scrutinizing Kade's behavior in a new light. One thought pushed through. Kade's feelings towards her had changed.

For a split second, Lennon thought it wasn't such a bad thing, but she quickly put an end to the train of thought. However her feelings might be changing, they weren't what was important. Keeping her friendship with Kade on good term was important. They still had the contract and she didn't want any fleeting feelings to ruin the friendship they had worked hard to build.

Lennon stopped pacing and sat at the desk in her room. She needed a plan. Thinking back on Kade's behavior she had a feeling he had begun to like her, but she didn't want to do anything rash in the small chance she was wrong. On the other hand, she didn't want to let things continue and give Kade any reason to think she might like him.

She knew the easiest solution would be distance. If they weren't around each other, it gave whatever feelings had developed, a chance to disappear. As she thought about what the next month looked like for them, she realized what she needed was already in place. Once they got back to LA she had a busy week and then she left for three weeks on a radio tour to support her first single. Kade would be in the studio, beginning work on Hey Farewell's next album.

Lennon let out a sigh of relief and settled back onto the bed as things seemed to slip into place. Between getting sick and the holidays, she and Kade had been spending too much time together. The next month gave them natural break. By the time the month was over, she hoped Kade would be wise enough to move past whatever he might feel for her.


Hallo! (Dutch)

I have to say that I was surprised by the response in the last chapter to challenging questions I put to you. Really, I'm impressed that you would take a stand on the difficult issues. I'm so impressed that I am going to bring up the topic that will take all your determination.
Guy preference.
Brown or blonde or red or black hair? Long hair or short hair?
Brown or blue or hazel or green eyes? Chris Hemsworth Thor type muscles or Andrew Garfield The Amazing Spider-man type muscles?
Serious or funny?
Introvert or extrovert?
Finally, leather jacket or glasses? This last one says a lot. I know it's tough, but I believe you can make the hard decisions.

Vote, comment, follow. I would say I have to go find my perfect man, but I already have and his name is Grant Gustin, all I need to do is actually find him. Wish me luck! (Though ice cream would probably be easier to locate. Change of plans. Ice cream it is. He can come find me.)

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