||| Chapter 15 |||

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[ Lia's POV ]

Honestly, if Luke thought he could knock out Jake and get away with it, then he was mistaken.

A hit him harshly in the back of the head with a fucking frying Pan. He blacks out along with Jake.

"Great. Just great..." I mutter, looking at the two boys that are unconscious on the ground

Thankfully, I had found the basement. Unthankfully, I wasn't about to leave two unconsciousness people on the ground at Drew's house

Getting them out was a struggle, I had to drag Luke by his foot (I think he got some rug burns) and I carried Jake over my shoulder, he was heavy but I managed.

I ended up hiding them both behind a stinky, smelly dumpster.

No big lost, I can still find Hailey. There was time!

I climbed back in through the window, scurrying to find the basement. And eventually, yes I did get there.

Let's just say Hailey didn't look so well when I saw her, and thankfully Drew wasn't there.

Her hair wasn't in it's usually ponytail, instead it was much shorter, probably like a pixie cut or something. Her clothes were raggedy and ripped, her face looked like a bloody mess and she looked as tired as hell

"Hailey..!" I whisper yell, walking towards her

She whips her head towards me and her face lights up like a thousand fireworks that had just been blown into the sky

"Lia! What are you doing here!" Hailey yelps quietly, hurrying up, she walks over to me slowly- her legs wobbling as if she can barely stand

"I'll explain later- let's get you out of here!" I tell her, seeing that she really needs to leave

Well, I can say we successfully got her out. 

Let's hope we can keep it that way...

[ Zander's POV ~ Austin/Wickham Household ]

"SHE LOVES HIM?! THAT STUPID COCKY ASS?! HIM?! THE TWO-FACED JERK THAT BULLIED ME AND HAILEY FOR YEARS?! WHO'S MORE IMPORTANT TO HER?! ME OR THAT DOUCHE?!" I screamed at pink-haired girl, Sean, Jake's sister and Luke standing behind her

"Honey, please calm down!" Luke told me, worry slipping in his voice as he stepped closer

"ZANDER! YOU CAN'T MAKE HER CHOOSE!" Milly yelled in my face with rage

"Besides, I think she would choose Jake. Especially with how you have been treating her." Julie said calmly but letting her anger slip into her voice freely

"STAY OUT OF THIS." I yelled, pointing to Jules, but then Sean spoke

"Zander, your one of my friends and I support you, but I'm not supporting this.." Sean muttered, a disappointed look plastered onto her face


I looked at her, my own anger bursting out. "He's the worst person I've ever seen, he's probably using Hailey! I'm just trying to protect her!" I attempted to justify everything I had done, but apparently nobody cared

Milly slapped me across the face, Luke ran over to her and held her back from doing anymore damage, Julie and Sean walked towards me

"YOU JUST DON'T GET IT! DO YOU?" Julie screamed, tears filling her green and brown eyes

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN I DON'T GET IT. JAKE'S JUST USING HER!" I screamed with anger to Julie 

After that, it got messy.

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