||| Chapter 18 |||

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[ Lia's POV ~ The Hospital ]

"So, you two are dating?" I asked the lettuce and tomato heads. Who had just told me they were officially together

"Yep!" Henry said, sitting up in the hospital bed while clinging one hand around his waist, his other hand intertwined with Liam's

"I've waited for this moment for so long! Finally!" I yelled dramatically, putting one hand on my head and fluttering my eyes for effect

Luke sighed in the background, giving quick glances to Zander and the rest of the music club... mostly Zander, he'd been doing this for the past thirty minutes now

We tried to ask him but he had said he wanted a few minutes to himself

Anyways, me, Henry and Liam started a conversation of multiple topics, first it started up with what fruit was the best (The choices were lettuce, tomatoes or blueberries), then we started talking about how Liam and Henry got together, then we went to the jomies then we went to talking about Drew... and then we started talking about the whole entire situation

It was chaotic to say the least, what was happening right now... and we were so captured into talking about the topic non of us saw or heard Luke slither out of the room, walking over to the music club

Well, we did when we heard a certain pink haired devil yell "LUKE!!" 

All of us poked our heads through the door to see Milly clinging to Luke, happy tears streaming down her face

"Hailey's okay! Well- she looks really injured but otherwise than that she's fine!" Milly said happily, finally letting go of Luke's waist

"Oh that's- that's good!" Luke said, with a sad smile

Him and Zander met each others eyes, for seconds... and those seconds turned into minutes

"We'll leave you two alone..." Sean smiled, grabbing Milly's hand and dragging her over to our location

We waited for a few minutes, a silent tension falling over us until my phone suddenly started ringing

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket to see the contact name: Jake

I quickly answered the call and put the phone up to hear Jake's panicked voice

"Uh... hi Lia so I found where Drew is!" Jake said quietly with a small chuckle

"Didn't I tell you not to do that?!" I yelled at him through the phone as the other people in the hospital room gave my questioning looks

"Yeah, yeah I know you did and can you please quiet down? Uhm- heh... DrewcouldhearandIthinkhe'stryingtokillme." Jake whispered through the phone, I heard shuffling through the phone

"Jake, where the fuck are you?" I asked, quieter this time, how did Hailey fall in love with this idiot again

"Uh... I'm in an alleyway..." he answered

"Just send me your location, we'll be there soon!" I said through the phone, hanging up. A few seconds after I quickly explained what was happening Jake sent me his location and we all rushed out of the room

After quickly summarizing the situation to Luke and Zander we all were about to leave before someone just had to say the most accurate and important thing that we all had forgotten about

"Wait- who's gonna stay just in case Hailey wakes up again?" Zander asked, me and the green and red haired love birds looked at each other

"We will" I volunteered "you guys know Jake better, here I'll send you his location just in case you guys forget" I said, quickly texting Zander Jake's location while standing next to Liam and Henry

The music club (minus Hailey and Jake) tan out of the hospital while we remained in the waiting area

I couldn't help but feel worried and anxious, before I felt a hand on my shoulder

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