||| Chapter 20 |||

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My peach colored locks softly flowing in the wind as Drew is escorted into the police car, he's trying to restrain it and deny that he did anything but we have enough proof and witnesses to prove him wrong

I'm glad... That this is all over... Of course, Zander is going to jail for a while, but not long. Probably about a few months

Honestly, I think me and Hailey are going to have a few trust issues when it comes to Zander, I know he regrets it but it'll take... awhile

Someone taps on my shoulder, I look to them to see a black haired girl, Lia

"Hey Lia..." I mutter, Lia looks sits down next to me on the moist, green grass

"Hey Jake..." she says before pausing, she continues "Your friend Sean is being taken to the hospital, they said he's fine but that impact could've been a lot worse..." Lia says too me, she starts fidgeting with her fingers, looking back at Drew who looks like he's asking to see someone

"And... Drew wants to talk to you... he also wants to talk to me, Henry and Liam..." she mumbles, getting up from her previous position

I flinch, "why the hell does Drew want to talk to us?" I ask her, gazing over to Drew

"I don't know.. but let's just go get Henry and Liam." Lia says softly, offering me a hand

I gradually take her hand and she pulls me up, we start walking over to Henry and Liam, nothing being exchanged between us, no conversation

As we walk over to Drew he sees us, a smile tugging up on his lips

"Hello!" He says, as if nothing had just happened, bruises are visible on his face and his lip is cut, along with a bloody nose, all from Milly

"What do you want Drew." Liam snarls, holding Henry close to him

"Oh c'mon! How about we start over!" Drew says, like we might consider it, yeah! You almost killed Hailey, Henry and Luke. You forced Luke to knock me out and kidnap me (which failed), threatened Lia and did so much more. How about we just forgive you and 'start over' is this ass insane?!

I can tell Lia's thinking the same thing, with the upset look on her face

"Are you insane?! You threaten to kill Hailey and almost hurt and kill all of us! We aren't going to forgive you!" I scream in his face, the others nod along in agreement with sad, frustrated looks on their faces

"O-oh hey c'mon!" Drew chuckles, Lia swipes her hand to signal that she and the rest of us are done talking to him. The cops throw him in the car and me and Lia walk away, leaving Liam and Henry to have a sappy, lovey-dovey conversation

I sigh softly, nagging and pulling at my warm, dark blue jacket, which has just a few tears in it

"Hey..." Lia speaks softly, I look up to her and I meet her dark brown irises "someone wanted to.. see you.." she smiles at me softly, it's a warm, genuine smile instead of a panicked and fake smile that I had seen plastered on her face on a daily basis

I raise my eyebrow, puzzled "who?" I ask

She points over near a small birch tree, "your girlfriend did.." she smiles again, but this time it's a sad smile. I guess she hasn't gotten over Hailey yet...

But my face brightens up "they let her out of the hospital?"

"Yeah... it was a surprisingly a quick recovery" She said, her black haired pulled up into a messy ponytail

"Now go to your girl!" Lia's voice cracked, nudging me over to the birch tree

I felt bad for Lia, but I'm glad that even though she had still not gotten over Hailey that she was still supportive of our relationship

I pulled the dark skinned girl into a hug, "thank you Lia... thank you for everything!" I said, squeezing the shorter girl in my warm embrace

"I- your welcome..." she mumbled, returning my hug. A few seconds later we untangled away from each other

"I'll go now... go to your girlfriend doofus..." Lia muttered sadly, with a smile

"Yes ma'am!" I joked, returning a smile to Lia before running off to the brick tree

I didn't see tears now running down Lia's cheek at she watched me run to Hailey

"Go to your girl..." I didn't hear her mutter under her breath as she walked away. Tears streaming down her face "go to her..."


And just as Lia said, she was sitting near the birch tree

"Hailey!" I yelled, seeing her whip her head towards me, her turquoise hair flowing beautifully in the wind

"Jake!" Hailey yelled, getting up almost immediately and running towards me, she jumped into my open arms and I squeezed her as tight as I could

There were no words being exchanged, it was just us to hugging. Well not just hugging in the next second

I hooked her chin and she wrapped her hands around my neck gently, both of us had tears streaming gently down our faces as our lips connected, I could taste her cherry chapstick as I started playing with her turquoise hair

After about a minute we pulled away, tears continued to fall down our cheeks as we continued to hug each other

"I'm not gonna let go of you..." I mumbled to her

"Please don't..." she muttered softly

"I won't..."

We continued to hug each other, we didn't even realize the person who were coming up from behind us

"Soooooo... I hope you two don't have to much PDA like Zander and Luke do..." I heard a pink haired girl mumble, with a bandage on her eye, which had gotten injured in her riot towards Drew

"AHHHH-" I screamed, clinging onto Hailey in a panic at the unexpected jump scare

"We won't Milly... at least not in front of you..." I heard Hailey mutter as I continued to fearfully cling onto her while Milly started snickering at me

"Alright, alright. As long as it's not in front of me I suppose it's fine!" Milly said, using her 'teacher voice'

"Anyways, did Zander and Luke work things out?" I asked, intertwining my hand with Hailey's

"Yeah, Luke said they did at least. He said he was going to go and visit Zander everyday after school until he gets out, he said we all can come if we wanted" Milly answered

"Well, let's see how going back to school will be like..." Hailey muttered with a small sigh and laugh as me and Milly stared at her

"Don't even get us started on that..." I mumbled, "I feel like we deserve a break after all this..."

"Same Jake..." Milly said, patting my back

I held Hailey's hand and sighed, I wasn't very excited to go back to school, does anybody even know what happened? Or do they not?

Well, I'm glad this is over

Okay, yeah... we're probably going to need therapy

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