||| Chapter 5 |||

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[ Hailey's POV ~ Morning, before school ]

Who recorded us? Who was insane enough to send it to Zander? Did they hate me or Jake (or both of us) that much?

Zander stares into my soul, holding his phone in front of my face, he had just shown me the recoding. This is bad...

"Explain." Zander snarls, "Now."

"Z-Zander... I-" I start but I'm at lost for words

"You and the douche are dating?" Zander says, his voice cracking when he says "dating". His eyes fill with absolute anger "I should've expected it... your hanging out with him a lot more than usual."

"I- I-" I try to start again, but I can't. I seriously need Luke so he can get Zander to calm down!

"Oh- I am so going to murder him!" Zander yells with rage, as he runs to his bedroom

I bite my lip, I definitely need to tell Jake this and let Luke know about this too...

I shut and lock the door and text Luke to come over, explaining the situation to him over text, and call Jake to warn him about Zander. It's only a few seconds until Jake picks up

"Hey princess~!" Jake flirts, my cheeks start heating up, but I don't have time

"Hey! Uh Jake- someone got a recording of us and sent it to... uh" I start, putting him on speaker phone as I change into my clothes in a hurry

"Sent it to wh-" he starts, before Zander interrupts

"OH I AM SO MURDERING HIS ASS WHEN WE GET TO SCHOOL!" Zander screams downstairs and I hear Jake get awfully quiet "I'M GOING TO BEAT HIS MISERABLE ASS TO HEL-"

I put Jake off of speaker mode as Zander continues his rant on murdering Jake. "Does that answer your question" I reply

"Y-yeah... please tell me you told Luke..." Jake mutters in his own bubble of fear through the phone

"Don't worry, I did and I explained the situation to him over text" I tell my him

"Great, so now he knows we're dating too?" Jake scoffs

"Yes..." I say, uneasy. "But at least he won't ask you about Daisy?" I say, trying to make the situation seem better than it wasn't

"Yeah alright!" Jake says, I can practically see his anxiety peaking up to the brim

"See you at school... hopefully" I say to him

"Yeah... Love you Hailey" Jake says as he hangs up

"HAILEY GET DOWN HERE!" I hear Zander yell. He must be very excited to kill Jake..

I grab my packback and run downstairs so get greeted by my brother, his periwinkle eyes still filled with rage

Suddenly, there's a knock on the door. Zander opens the door to be greeted by his boyfriend who is worried

"Oh hey Luke" I manage to choke out as Luke grabs Zander's hand in an attempt to calm the grape-headed boy down

"Hi Hails.." Luke says as we all exit the room to head to school

"Oh I am so killing him..." Zander mutters continuously as he balls his fist

"Why didn't you tell me?" Luke mouths over to me when Zander isn't looking

"No offense, but you suck at keeping secrets from Zander..." I mouth back with a look of regret on my face

Luke nods, biting his lip before he attempts to calm Zander down.

As we're walking I start hoping the Luke will be able to get Zander to support me and Jake's relationship. As we finally get to the school Zander runs off to go find Jake, me and Luke chase after him.

Oh god...

[ Jake's POV ]

Once I get to the school I start speed-walking to the rooftop. Hopefully, he won't find me up there. 

He seemed pretty mad over the call, hopefully he doesn't mean what he said about murdering me but I doubt it.

Suddenly, Zoey calls me over to her, Lia looks shyly away from me.

"What?" I ask, continuously looking around to make sure Zander doesn't come out of the shadows or something

"Well... I have a little 'recording' for you~!" Zoey says with a devious smirk

At first, I'm confused at what she's talking about, until I realize

"You sent the recording to Zander?!" I cough out, my eyes widening

Zoey looks at me confused, "what the hell do you mean?" She asks, putting her hands on her hips and raising her eyebrow

"Z-Zander got a recording of me and Hailey and-" I start, glaring at Zoey but she interrupts him 

"What?! But I didn't send it to anyone!" Zoey says, calling her fist with anger "the only person I sent it to was Lia but- but-" Zoey starts before me and Zoey look over at Lia with anger

"Uhm... about that recording..." Lia mutters nervously, biting her lip in fear

"Lia." Zoey starts quietly with an angry tone, I also glare at Lia, balling my fist as I give her a death stare

"We need to talk... after school."

"O-okay" Lia stutters, backing away

"I'll be taking my leave." I hiss, continuing to speed walk to the roof, but I stop in my tracks when I see Zander running towards me.

I gulp as Zander forcefully grabs my wrist and drags me into a storage closet

Zander looks dead in my eye, his periwinkle eyes have no spark

"Listen here." Zander says with pure hatred as I gulp, sweat drops down my face

"Y-yes" I say breathlessly with my eyes widened in fear

"If you go near my sister again I will kill you.." Zander says with a death stare

"No!" I say pouty, even though Zander scares me I honestly don't care right now

"Excuse me?" He hisses, balling his fist

"Yes! I'm not leaving Hailey! I care about her and if you want to split us up then I'm sorry but you need to try harder!" I snap, anger fueling me as I also ball my fist

Suddenly, Zander grabs my peach-colored hair and brings me down to his level

"Stay. Away. From. Hailey." He hisses again

I don't know why I did it, but I wish I could take it back because it just made matters worse, I brought my hand up and slapped him across his bloody face, he lets go of his grasp on my hair as he falls to the ground

I open the door and practically run to the rooftop, throwing the rooftop door open as I stop to catch my breath

Oh my gosh, I just slapped Zander. Luke is definitely going to kill me-

I pray that doesn't happen.

[ Hailey's POV ~ Lunch/Practice ]

Practice has been awkward, the only people who don't know what's going on is Milly and Sean, Milly is trying to start a conversation to break the tension, meanwhile Sean just is trying to get us to tell him what happened

Yes, Luke is mad Jake slapped Zander... but he understands it... or he's just not killing Jake because of what's happening right now. Zander is giving Jake stares of hatred, I'm just trying to make sure Jake doesn't get murdered and Luke is also trying to prevent Zander from murdering Jake.

I sigh as the bell rings and we all leave, will Zander- of course- glaring at Jake as Luke drags him out of the room

Milly and Sean leave to as I look at Jake

"I'm so sorry- I don't even know how Zander got the recording..." I mutter

"It's not your fault... actually, I found out who recorded us.." Jake mumbles as I look at him in surprise

"You did?! Who did it?" I ask him desperately

"Well Zoey recorded us but she was planning on blackmailing me but she sent it to Lia and then Lia-" Jake starts, but I interrupt him

"Lia sent the recording to Zander.." I say breathlessly with a gasp

Jake nods at me as I look at him in desperately

Why did Lia send the recording?

[ Third Person ~ With Lia and Zoey after school ]

Lia stands nervously as Zoey gives her a death stare

"Why did you send the recording? I think you knew that." Zoey says, crossing her arms at her 'friend'

"Because I was jealous! Okay Zoey!" Lia yells, tears forming in her eyes

"I know you like Jake but that doesn't mean you should just go off and send the recording!" Zoey screams in anger

"I DON'T LIKE JAKE!" Lia yells, tears starting to fall down her face. "I LIKE-"

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