chapter 12

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" Deep breath  . Ok , my only daughter is pregnant .  Mother said to herself .
"Ridiculous . Absolutely ridiculous "
"Queen Bridgette . If I have to remind you . Your daughter is married now and this was bound to happen sooner or later" Alya said clearly annoyed .
Mother stared at her for a moment .
"Mother she is right " I said turning to face her.
With that mother left the house and went to the beach . I sighed deeply before burying my head back in adrien's chest . He rubbed my back soothingly .
"We're going to have to tell my farther," I declared .
Adrien nodded and said  ,"Just ,  not right now ,"
"Ok " I replied hugging his waist .
Time jump
Alya , Nino and mother went back to China and Paris leaving me and Adrien for the rest of our honeymoon.
"What do you wanna do ?" Adrien asked looking at me . I smiled and walked up to him . I wrapped my arms round his neck and kissed him gently. He held his hands on my waist deepening the kiss . After a couple minutes my phone rang . I broke the kiss and answered .
On phone
M/ hello.
F/ marinette .
M/farther .
F/ you disobeyed me and married him .
M/ farther it was mother's idea .
F/ I do not care . You married him and got pregnant .
M/ how did you know .
F) your mother told me .
Marinette hangs up the phone
"Who was it " Adrien asked walking back in the room .
"Farther" I sighed .
"He knows Adrien . He knows everything " I sobbed . Adrien ran to me and wrapped me in a cuddle . I smiled at his warmth .
"Why can't they just understand" I said wearily .
"I don't know princess " Adrien said noticing me yawing .
"You tired ?" He asked me and I nodded . With that he picked me up bridal style an carried me to bed.  I snuggled closely to his chest . I felt his heart begin to beat faster . We soon reached the bedroom . Adrien put me down on the bed and put the quilt on top of me . He climbed in on the other side and wrapped me with his arms .
"Seriously though . Why can't they just understand?" I asked Adrien.
"I don't know honey " he told me .
Ha stroked my hair as we sat on the sofa .
"What do you wanna do ?" Adrien asked .
I looked at him gently . I gently kissed him . He kissed back holding me close . I smiled slightly as we kissed more.  I broke the kiss .
"What is it ?" Adrien asked looking at me with concern .
"N-nothing" I said . I sensed my face go pale.  I raced to the bathroom and hunched over the toilet . Adrien ran after me .
" Hey you  ok ?" He asked me rubbing my back .
"Don't know " I said wincing in pain .
Adrien reached for his phone .
In the phone
A- Alya
Aa- can you guys get here now
A- what's wrong
Aa-mari is in pain an I don't know what to do .
A- ok we'll be right there .
Back to normal conversation .
I threw up again . I can't seem to keep anything down . Adrien moved my hair out of he way and rubbed my back . After I had calmed down we went to the bedroom . Alya came round after about 5 minutes . She was  greeted by a worried husband .
"What is the matter with her dude ?" Nino asked Adrien as Alya entered he bedroom .
"I do not know " he replied quietly.
"Hey Alya" I greeted as she sat by me .
"So I see you're not well " she smiled sadly .
I shaked  my head . She frowned as she felt my temperature .
"We're gonna have to call your mom " she said quietly . I looked through her worried .
"S-she'll tell me t-to give up my b-baby " I whimpered as Alya went out . I started to cry a little .
Time jump
We waited a while for mother and farther to get here .
"We're is she ?" I heard mother ask . O heard the concern in her voice .
"Follow me " Adrien said sadly . He soon entered with mother and farther . He laid next to me and I gently placed my head on his chest .
My farther coughed rudely signalling us to move away . In which we did so . I sighed silently .
"What's the matter with my baby girl " mother asked feeling my temperature . She sighed . I heard her giggle. 
"What is so funny?" I asked quietly .
"My baby's pregnant " she sighed and wrapped me in a hug . I was shocked I thought that mother didn't want me to keep the baby .
"Unbelievable" farther muttered under his breath .
"And why is that !" I snapped .
He looked at me shocked . His shock soon turning to anger .
"How dare you speak to me like that !" He yelled in my face .
"I-i'm sorry " I whimpered as I tried to blink back the tears but failed . I started to cry.  I felt adrien wrapped me in a hug and held me close to his chest . Adrien glared at my farther .
"Get out " adrien demanded . My farther looked at him then at me and left .
Mother sighed .
"Sorry about him sweethearts . He's just cranky " she announced . I started to calm down . Adrien sat next to me with his arms wrapped round my waist .
"I still can't believe it " mother sighed.
"But I thought you were mad when I told you " I said confused .
"No. No . No . Sweetheart I was just shocked that's all" she replied taking my hand . I smiled softly .
"But how did your husband find out about every thing then ?" Adrien asked placing his chin gently on my head .
"I accidentally told him . I mean who isn't excited to have there child married then turns up pregnant " mother giggled . I started to giggle to . Adrien sighed and kissed my head .
"What's going on in here ?" Farther asked entering the room . I stopped giggling a long with mother .
Adrien turned to face farther .
"Nothing of your concern " he simply said . I held back a giggle .
Farther started at  the back of adrien's head .
"What ever . We're going now .  Farther announced . Mother looked sad at his words . She went up to leave and kissed me in the cheek goodbye and she kissed adrien's forehead . She left .
"Well your mom is definitely nice " Adrien declared .
"Yeah she is " I giggled .
I fell asleep in adrien's arms .

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