Chapter 11 - "Why did you lie to me?"

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Carter hopped out of the car, her shoes crunching on the gravel drive. There was a warmth in the air that spoke of a pleasant spring. Sleek cars with their own suited drivers deposited their students before the school's entrance, money seeping out of the interiors. Murmurs of vague farewells given by distracted parents slipped out of open windows.


Carter turned back, hooking her messenger bag over head. Her father wore a serious look.

"It goes without saying that this information is a matter of national security," he said.

Carter frowned and put a hand on her hip, mimicking an annoyed girl.

"Darn!" she said, in a whiny voice. "I was going to tweet about it."

Her father smiled and Carter relaxed her stance.

"He's staying at Hamilton then?" she asked.

"As far as I know, yes."

Carter let out an inaudible sigh of relief and smiled.

"Keep an eye out for him," her father said.

Carter saluted. "Roger, Captain."

"I'll see you at home, Sarge."

"Unless I am forced to take a bullet for a certain someone."

"Making sure he gets into the Safe Room is more along the lines of what I meant when I said 'keep an eye out'."

"Got it. Then the same goes for you. I'll see you at home. Love you, Captain."

"Love you, Sarge."

Carter took a step back and closed the door. She jogged up the stairs before turning back and watching the black SUV melt into traffic. She joined the tide of students entering the school and headed for class.

As she approached her first period she was jostled from the side and bumped into someone as a result. When she looked over she found Donovan helping Link steady himself. Donovan looked at Carter with his usual passive expression, though his dark blue eyes scrutinized her. At the sight of Carter, Link tensed, though he forced his features to look unconcerned. A grin broke across Carter's face. At the sight of it, Link relaxed and returned the look. 

"You seem to have a knack for running into me," he said.

"It seems I do, I'll have to watch out for that. I wouldn't want you getting the wrong idea and thinking I liked you."

Link laughed, his ease returning with his self convinced assurance that Carter didn't know the truth.

"To class?" Carter asked, nodding in the direction of their classroom.

In answer Link started walking, Carter and Donovan falling in beside him.

"Hey," Link said. "Did you finish your essay for history yet?"

He looked at Carter, his expression expectant.

"Yeah," she said. "Last night, why?"

"I'm having trouble finding a good reference book."

"I can help you find one over free period," she said.


Carter shrugged.

"What are highly intelligent friends for?"

Link smiled, his worry appeased. They stepped into the crowded classroom and took their seats.

"What do you think we're doing today?" Link asked, nodding to their teacher.

Carter looked over and raised her eyebrows in surprise. Mr. Miller sat behind his desk, his posture relaxed, the barest hint of a smile sitting on his lips as he served the room.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Mr. Miller," she said, a laugh tickling her throat. "Went out on a date."

Link swung his head around, studying their teacher. He laughed and their teacher frowned at them. Link looked at Carter.

"Okay, that one I could see. Do you know who with?" he asked.

"The librarian, Patty."

Link nodded and turned back to the teacher.

"Good for him." 

Both Carter and Link looked to the door as Mason stepped inside, followed closely by Smith. Carter watched as Link worked hard to seem unconcerned with seeing Mason, though she noticed his shoulders tensing slightly. His reaction confirmed her suspicion that he knew. Link glanced over at Carter but she kept her expression unconcerned and Link relaxed.

The bell rang and Mr. Miller waved his hand, shushing the collection of conversations.

"Alright, settle down," he said. "Let's get started."

Through out the class, Carter caught Link glancing at her. Each time their gazes met she sent him a quick grin. With the passing of time, Link became more and more convinced Carter didn't know.

When the bell finally rang, his worries were pushed from his mind. He stood and Carter followed, joining the throng of students leaving the classroom. Beyond the doorway they stopped and waited. Donovan stepped out a second later, a brunette dogging his heels.

"I'm free this weekend," she said, in a low seductive voice. "Call me at any time. Day or night."

She slipped a piece of paper in the pocket of his blazer. With one last glance at him and a wink, she sauntered off, the tailored uniform accenting her curves. They all watched her go with an array of amused to annoyed expressions.

"You got to wonder how she manages to get out of bed in the morning with such a low self esteem," Carter said. "I for one wouldn't even bother."

Link snorted and Carter felt a grin tug at her lips. 

"To class?" Donovan asked, his voice tinged with annoyance.

Carter pushed herself off the locker and they moved on. They passed a trash can and Donovan pulled out the slip of paper, crumbled it into a ball and tossed it away. As they walked, Carter noticed Donovan glancing towards her, his face unreadable. She met his gaze and raised an eyebrow in question.

"Keep looking at me like that Donovan and I might think you were flirting with me," she said.

Donovan flexed his jaw and she laughed.

"Relax, I'm joking," she said. "But is there a reason for your increased curiosity with my facial profile?"

Donovan was saved from replying when they nearly ran into Maddy as she moved towards their classroom. Link faltered in his steps and avoided a collision with his crush, by the steady hand of Carter, pulling him back.

"Hi, Maddy," Carter said.

Maddy smiled, her eyes skipping from Carter's face to Link's. He blinked, his throat suddenly parchment dry. Carter elbowed him in the ribs and he blurted out a shocked 'hi' in response. Maddy pursed her lips, holding in a giggle.

"Hi, Link," she said.

Carter turned to Link, while gesturing to Maddy.

"She's a perfect option," Carter said.

Link looked at Carter his eyes wide with fear and panic. Maddy scrunched her face in confusion.

"I'm sorry?" she said.

Link nodded, agreeing with the statement.

"Link you were just saying how you wanted to sit by someone in History that was smart. Let's switch places and you can sit beside Maddy. I'm sure she wouldn't mind."

Carter looked to Maddy, who nodded, a shy smile breaking across her pretty face.

"I wouldn't mind," she said.

"Yeah?" Link asked, his mental faculties returning to him.

His grin was wide with eagerness. A blush raced through Maddy's cheeks as a response.

"Yeah," she said.

She turned and stepped into the classroom, Link following behind. Carter looked at Donovan to find him studying her. She gave him a careless shrug and ducked inside.


The library held a silence that was crowded with busy minds and covert conversations. Carter, Link and Donovan all sat at a table, absorbed in their own studies. The peace was broken when a group of four girls pushed through the doors and entered. All three of the occupants at the table looked over. The girls moved toward their own table, all the while giving Donovan flirtatious looks. Among them was the girl who had invited him to her party.

"I'm really impressed they still manage to get oxygen to their brains when they dispel so much of it panting over Donovan," Carter said.

Link snorted.

"Does it bother you that I attract so much attention?" Donovan asked.

He asked the question in an emotionless tone and his face blank, but Carter grinned as she noticed the hint of a smirk in one corner of his mouth.

"Not at all," she said. "Where else would I find my amusement if we didn't have girls trying to garner your attention?"

Donovan fought down the smirk and ducked his head, returning to his work. The group resumed their studies. They went uninterrupted until a few minutes later a burst of giggles from the group caused Donovan and Link to glance over. Carter flopped onto the table.

"Donovan, don't look over it will only encourage them," she muttered.

They fell back into their work, but Carter's prediction held true when a balled up note bounced on top of their table. Carter snatched it and barely held in her laugh as the party girl's face blushed deeply. Donovan leaned back in his chair, his arms crossed.

"Are you going to share?" he asked.

Carter shrugged and unfolded the paper. Her eyebrows rose as she read and the girl's face crunched up in annoyance, the blush reaching the up to her roots.

"This is what it says," Carter said, lowering her voice. "'I wish I had a brian'." Carter made a face. "I'm going to guess she meant to say brain there. Easy mistake. I couldn't agree more with her sentiment."

Link grabbed the piece of paper while Carter tried to rein in her laughter. The girl turned her head away, suddenly finding her work deeply engrossing. As Link read the note he blinked.

"Maybe this note is for Brian," he said joining on Carter's joke.

This sent both Link and Carter into laughter. Curiosity getting the better of him, Donovan took the piece of paper and read it. His face remained the same.

"Then Brian better come get his girlfriend," he said, matter of factly.

This sent Link and Carter into a new round of laughter, the rest of the library's occupants giving them strange looks. Donovan watched with a hint of a smile. Eventually Link and Carter successfully stifled the rest of their laughter and continued working. When the stillness of the library had been restored, Donovan stood.

"Seeing if she'll take you instead of Brian?" Carter asked.

"I need a book," he said.

"Sure you do. Yell if you need help."

Donovan's lips twitched at a frown and Link chuckled

"I'm looking for a biography on Samuel Adams, know where that is?" he asked.

"Second story, 8th row, top shelf."

He nodded and walked off, the group of girls watching him go. One of the girls rose and followed Donovan. Carter turned her attention away from the eager faced girl to Link, knowing she had time now.

"Link," she said.

He glanced at her, an eyebrow raised in question.

"Why did you lie to me?" she said.

He tensed though he fought to keep his expression neutral.

"What are you talking about?" he asked.

Carter caught the strained note in his voice. She leaned on the table, giving him a flat look.

"Yesterday. Bathroom. President. Ring a bell?"

Link's composure cracked and he glanced about the library, flashes of panic, fear and anger darting through his expression.

"Link, I'm not stupid, you should know this by now. Just admit I was right."

He stood and grabbed Carter's wrist, pulling her up and towards the library doors. Outside he lead them to the closest bathroom and stepped inside. He released Carter's wrist and she leaned against the door, crossing her ankles and sticking her hands into her pockets. Link did a quick sweep of the stalls before turning on Carter, his face hard.

"What do you want, Carter?" he asked, his body tense.

"I want you to admit my conclusion of who your father is was correct."

Link laughed but the sound was humorless.

"Oh is that all," he said, his voice edged with anger. "Fine, you want me to admit it. Then I will." He lowered his voice, his face hardening. "I'm the president's bastard son. Is that what you wanted to hear?"

Link balled his hands into tight fists. Carter straightened, shame creeping up her neck.

"Link, I just-"

"Isn't that what you wanted me to say?"

Carter swallowed, guilt coiling in her chest. "Link-"

"What?" He took a step forward, eyes blazing. "Do you want me to tell you what it's like going to the same school as your half brother and having the reality that he gets to live the life you could be living shoved in your face every day?"

The pain in his voice was a punch to Carter's stomach. "No-"

Link gave a sardonic snort. "No! You just wanted to be the person who figured it. Who was smarter than everyone else. Well, congratulations!" He clapped mockingly. "You are. Happy?"


"What are you going to do now, huh?" He stared at her, looking a little wild around the eyes, as if every terrible outcome of this conversation was playing in his mind. "I've admitted it, are you going plaster it everywhere?"

Carter opened her mouth but he went on.

"Do it. Show the world how smart Carter Owens is for seeing what everyone else could! Do it! Make it so that I have to move. So I have to rip up my entire life because you had to be the brilliant one. Do it, ruin my life!"

The accusations were a knife to Carter, making her rigid. "I would never-"

"No? Really?" He jabbed the air in front of her. "You want me to believe that the girl who everyone hates wouldn't use this information to make her life a little easier? Wouldn't sell out someone she's known for barely a week to get a little attention?!"

"I wouldn't!" she shouted.

"Lair! You're just like everyone else. I don't matter, I never have."

"How can you say that, of course you do!"

Link sneered at her. "No, I don't. Not to anyone, not to you." He shook his head. "You wouldn't blink at using me."

"You honestly think I would sell you out?"

"You were the one who wanted me to admit it?" Link yelled. "Why should I think that you wouldn't use it?!"

Angered, Carter slammed her palms into his chest. "Because if you actually believe that then you really are a bastard!"


Beyond the silence of the apartment the sound of a car door slamming shut could be heard, but Carter didn't notice. She leaned over the coffee table in the living room, all the pieces to a 9mm Glock 17 handgun spread out on the top. Footsteps rang out on the metal staircase and a second later the door opened. Carter continued to concentrate on assembling the gun, the cool metal pieces familiar in her hands. He father kicked the door shut and stared at her.

"That bad of a day, huh?" he asked.

Ignoring the comment, Carter kept working, sliding the pieces together, feeling as they clicked perfectly into place. How the parts all made sense and had an order they fit in. Her father tossed his coat onto a chair and took the spot beside her on the couch.

"Sarge, you can talk to me," he said.

"Who said I have anything to talk about?" she said, still working.

"The fact that you are assembling a gun without a stop watch for one."

Carter shrugged. "So I don't have a stop watch."

Her father placed a large hand over Carter's, stilling her process. She looked up at him.

"You fight the punching bag when you're frustrated and you assemble a gun when you're trying to distract yourself from something you don't want to think about. Are you going to tell me what's going on?"

Carter dropped her gaze and her father removed his hand. She set down the gun pieces and leaned back on the couch. Instead of meeting her father's eyes, she focused her hands.

"Captain, what do you do when you've made a mistake?" she said.

Her father crossed his arms, studying her face.

"Are we talking blew up my car mistake? Got caught smoking in the school's security passageways mistake? Or got a belly button ring mistake?"

Carter looked up at him.

"Ran my mouth and hurt someone in the process mistake," she said.

Her father nodded, his expression thoughtful.

"The best you can do it apologize and work to pick up the pieces. Which coincidentally happens to fit for the first mistake as well," he said.

When Carter didn't even crack a smile, her father laid a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it.

"What's going on, Sarge?"

Letting out a breath, Carter leaned back on the couch, curling her legs up. Instead of meeting her father's eyes, she focused her knotted hands, but didn't seem them. What she saw was the way Link looked after she had thrown that word back in his face, and knew punching him would have hurt less. The way he shoved past her out the door. The way she chased after him but he wouldn't turn around. The way he and Donovan left her standing alone in the library.

"I screwed up," she said. "I crossed a line and now I think I lost my only friends." She closed her eyes, seeing Link's hurt over and over again. "All because I wanted to be right."

Her father hummed in response and Carter sank deeper into the cushions.

"What line?" he asked.

Ashamed, Carter tugged at the fraying end of the cushion, unable to meet her father's penetrating gaze.

"One that I knew not to cross."

"Did you physically hurt this friend?"

Carter snapped her head up. "No!"

Her father stared at her pointedly, making her shrink back knowing the question wasn't wholly unwarranted with her track record. Besides, the blow she had landed to Link might as well been physical for all its impact.

"No, I didn't physically hurt him. But I did hit a wound."


Carter crossed her arms, pulling them tightly to herself. "Now I don't know what to do."

When her father leaned forward, she locked eyes with him, noticing the softness around them. "Apologize. A lot of people don't understand that if they admitted to their mistakes they could be forgiven." There was a note of sadness in his voice that struck Carter though she didn't know why.

"What if that's not enough?" she asked.

"Then you learn from this and grow. But don't give up hope. There's a chance this could all be fixed."

Carter nodded, but again she remembered the pain in Link's face and didn't know if it could ever be made right.


Holy Pineapple! People!

Have I told you how much I love you? (Don't roll your eyes, it's true) Every week I get to post a chapter and see how much you love my characters as much as I do. Do you understand how much that means to me? It means more than you could possibly know. Honestly, the only reason I want to get published is so I can go on a book tour and meet all of you. So though I've said it before, I'll say it again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading and caring about my stories! I would not be the same without you and I truly mean that!

Now question time! This question is from the marvelous 31tendai: what's your favorite song?

Answer: I have no idea. It's constantly changing. I love one song to the point where I grow sick of it because I have played it over and over again, then move on to something else. The song is always upbeat and makes me smile no matter what. Right now it's Dying for You by Otto Knows (feat. Alex Aris) It's dancey and I love it!!! (It will probably change in two days)

Find a song, Play it, Dance around!

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