Chapter 15 - "Why I do favors for people is beyond me."

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A high pitched giggle cut through the noise of the cafeteria, making Carter wince and Donovan flex his jaw in irritation. The owner of the laugh leaned closer to him, her hand coming to rest on his bicep. Donovan glanced at Carter, who fought to keep her amused grin in check. Beyond his expressionless face, she read his annoyance in the slight tightening around the his dark blue eyes. He shifted but the girl kept her hand latched onto his arm.

The cafeteria was buzzing with voices and movement, as boys jumped tables to flirt with girls. The sky outside was clear and poured bright sunlight into the room. Haggard lunch ladies stood behind the counter, serving food and ignoring the comments of the rich and spoiled.

Link sat on Carter's other side, making stunted conversation with Maddy, the cafeteria and Donovan's annoyance lost to him. The girls that sat at the opposite side of the table from Donovan chatted brightly with each other, though their laughs and looks were aimed at him. The girl beside Donovan laughed again, the source of her amusement her own dull story.

"So there I am lost in the museum and they announce they are about to close," the girl said, stroking Donovan's arm with a manicured hand.

Donovan's eyes flicked to Carter, with a look that she read as a request for help. In return, Carter rested her head in her hand and continued eating from a bag of chips. His eyes narrowed imperceptibly and she grinned.

"I was so nervous, I could barely think," the girl said, giggling.

Donovan kicked Carter under the table and she scowled. His expression was blank, the smirk hiding away in his eyes. Carter glared at him but turned her attention onto the girl. The girl continued talking and Carter stared at her, her face a mask of intrigue. The girl glanced at Carter and faltered in her story. Carter gestured to her.

"Please, go on," she said, her voice dripping with sincerity, "Your story was truly riveting. I need to know how it ends or I might die of curiosity."

The girl opened and closed her mouth, her words choking her as a blush raced into her cheeks.

"Okay," Carter said. "If you can't finish it, just nod and let me know that you got out the museum alive. That is all I need to know."

The girl's blush deepened into a look of anger and she turned away. Carter looked at Donovan and shrugged.

"I guess we will never know if she made it out alive. It's truly tragic."

The faintest touch of a smile curled Donovan's lips.

"Took you long enough," he whispered.

"You ruined my entertainment. Now what am I suppose to do?" she asked.

"Anything that doesn't involve my arm being stroked."

Carter cocked her head. "Wait? That bothered you?"

A teasing grin swept over her face as she reached for Donovan's arm. Before she could touch him, Donovan shot his hand out and held her wrist. Carter straightened and retaliated, pulling back his thumb with her free hand. Donovan went to counter her move, but Link's voice stopped them.

"Guys?" he said, looking at them.

Carter and Donovan's released each other and they looked at him. Carter's expression was one of innocence and Donovan's blank.

"Maddy was just wondering if we want to work on the history assignment together today, during free period."

Carter scoffed. "I already finished that."

Link's face tightened and Carter smiled instead.

"I mean sure," she said.

Link grinned.

"Okay, great," Maddy said. "It will help so I don't have to do it over the weekend. I'll be free as a bird."

Her eyes darted to Link, with expectancy in her gaze. He nodded but had nothing to say. Carter and Donovan exchanged a knowing look. Maddy shifted and leaned on the table, resting her chin in her hand, her black hair falling over her shoulder.

"What are you doing this weekend?" she asked, Link.

He shrugged.
"Homework, video games. I don't know, stuff," he said.

Maddy's smile shrank and she pulled back, her posture going rigid.

"Sounds like fun," she said, in a tight voice. She stood abruptly. "I have to go to the bathroom. Jen come with me."

The girl beside Donovan rose and followed Maddy out of the cafeteria. Once they were out of sight, Carter punched Link in the arm.

"Ow!" he said, rubbing, the now sore, spot. "What was that for?"

Carter motioned in the direction Maddy had disappeared.

"You idiot, she wanted you to ask her out," she said.

Link's eyes widened and he looked off towards the entrance. He looked back at Carter.


Carter buried her head in her hands and let out a groan. Raising her head, she looked at Donovan.

"I blame you for this," she said.

Donovan shrugged. She shook her head at him and looked back at Link.

"Yes," she said. "You would be more prepared for this if your friend over here didn't attract drooling girls and hold all their attention. Link, how many dates have you been on?"

Link shifted awkwardly and adjusted his glasses.

"That's what I thought," Carter said.

"I've been on a few," Link amended.

"Then this should be fine. Just ask Maddy out when she gets back."

Link nodded, but the movement was jerky and his face was white. Carter placed a hand on top of his shoulder and he tensed.

"You got this. It will be super easy."

Link nodded again, but he didn't seem mollified by this encouragement. Maddy reappeared and took her seat. Link's tense state didn't lessen and his hands become clenched fists.

"What were we talking about?" Maddy asked, looking at Link, then Carter and Donovan.

Carter glanced at Link. There was a panicked look in his eyes as he gazed at Maddy. Carter leaned on the table and smiled.

"We were talking about how this weekend is the perfect time for a double date," she said. "What do you say? You and Link, Donovan and me?"

The table went still as all the girls seemed to freeze at the connection of Carter's name with Donovan's and the word 'date'. Link and Donovan's attention snapped to Carter, their stares burrowing into her. She seemed unconcerned with their looks.

Maddy's mouth fell open as her eyes darted between the three of them. Every girl looked at Carter, their faces holding a look of simmering fury, but Carter remained uncaring of the attention. She raised one eyebrow in question and Maddy blinked, her thoughts coming back to her.

"Yeah, that sounds great," she said.

Link looked at her, his expression turning to disbelief.

"Really?" he asked.

"Of course," she said.

She giggled, the sound softening Link's tense muscles and pulling out a goofy grin. Carter looked over at Donovan to find his face working to stay expressionless. She rolled her eyes.

"Oh calm down," she whispered.

She glanced at the rest of the table and found the occupants still glaring in her direction. With an blank expression, Carter turned away. The girls felt as if they had just been slapped with her blatant lack of concern for their opinions of her.

"So," Maddy piped up. "What do we want to do?"

Link looked at her then Carter and Donovan, lost for ideas. Before any of them could speak, Maddy put in her suggestion.

"What if we went and saw the new romantic movie that just came out, Loving All of You?" she asked.

Carter cringed and Donovan fought back a laugh at her reaction. Link shrugged, feeling his lack of a better idea.

"Okay," he said.

Maddy grinned, the look brightening her face and Link responded to it by shifting closer.

"This will be fun," she said.

Carter fought the grimace that was fighting to cover her face. The bell rang and the cafeteria became of storm of bodies as students stood, pulled on backpacks and split off to their different classes. As the table emptied the girls all gave Carter scathing looks, their thoughts voiced in the ice in their eyes. Maddy linked arms with her friend and waved to Link.

"See you in free period," she said.

Link grinned and waved back. Carter slung on her messenger bag and turned to leave but was yanked back. She turned to find Link and Donovan staring her down. The cafeteria was slowly draining of people. The lunch ladies stacked trays and voiced their pent up opinions of the students. Carter stuck her hands into her slacks and shrugged.

"What?' she asked.

Donovan crossed his arms, his face hard.

"You know exactly what," he said.

"Seriously?" Carter said. "I do you a favor and you get mad at me. Remind me never to be nice again. Insults have better and more entertaining results."

"From where I'm standing this only benefits you," Donovan said.

Carter nodded her head in a patronizing manner.

"You're right, I love having girls glare and sneer at me. This really is all in my favor," she mocked.

"Then why suggest it?" Link asked.

Carter took a step forward and lowered her voice.

"As far as I see it," Carter said, "it's not really possible for Donovan to let you go out with Maddy on your own. So instead of him having to explain himself when he is spotted trailing you, I thought this would be a better option."

She carelessly slapped Link's arm and laughed, the sound warm with affection.

"Besides," she said, "I figure with Donovan and me there we can keep you from doing something stupid or make conversation if you run out of topics half way though. I was thinking of you, you idiot."

Link dropped his gaze and fidgeted, rubbing the back of his neck. He looked up at Carter with an apologetic look.

"Uh...thanks," he said.

Carter shook her head in exasperation.

"Why I do favors for people is beyond me," she said.

She turned to Donovan, leveling him with an accusatory stare.

"Speaking of doing favors, why couldn't you bail yourself out? One annoying girl can't be that difficult to handle."

"You would think that, but if I respond in anyway, positive or negative, they take it as progress and become more annoying."

Carter scowled as she looked between the two of them.

"What did you do before you had me?" she asked.

"We had known the students in our last school for years, so it wasn't this big of a deal," Link said.

Carter nodded in understanding.

"I get it, new school, new group of girls. Well, I guess that's why you have me."

The bell rang and Carter smirked at Donovan.

"Do you think you can safely get to class or should I walk with you to make sure no girls try to jump you."

Donovan's flat expression was all the response she got.


Maggie pulled into the hospital parking lot. The small car was filled with the scent of ham, cheese and toasted bread. As Carter opened her door, a chill breeze swept inside. The sun was slowly plotting its way toward the horizon, dragging behind it a cluster of clouds. She shut the door and made for the hospital entrance, Maggie beside her.

"I checked up on him this afternoon," she said. "He was resting and the doctor said everything was looking good. He should be able to come home within the week."

Carter relaxed her shoulders and nodded. The glass doors parted and the noise of the waiting room tumbled out. The sound of the TV sent a low undercurrent of sound through the room, as voices and phones played over it. All the seats in the waiting room were filled with people, their heads bent towards their different devices, waiting for their name to be called.

Carter and Maggie passed by and headed for the elevators. As the metal box climbed, Carter stared up at the numbers, trying to contain the impatient feeling that bounced through her. When the doors dinged open she pushed out of the crowd of people into the silent hallway. Turning left, she moved down the sterile corridor, florescent lights giving everyone she passed a deathly look.

She stopped at her father's door and opened it, Maggie right behind her. She smiled when her gaze landed on him. Letting the door swing open, she leaned on the wooden frame and crossed her arms. Her father looked up and gave her a tired smile.

"What are you still doing in bed, old man?" she asked.

Her father let out a weak chuckle. Maggie poked Carter reproachfully and Carter sauntered into the room, stuffing her hands into her pockets.

"Seriously Captain," she said, "it was a gun shot wound to the shoulder, it was not that bad. I expected better of you." She waved her hand around the room. "I expected to come in here and find you running the nurses through military training drills. I'm disappointed in you. I thought you were made of stronger stuff."

Her father gave her an amused look.

"Sarge, I'm sorry I have disappointed you," he said.

Carter gave a single nod accompanied with a stern expression.

"See that it doesn't happen again," she said. "You're a former Navy Seal, they don't let bullets stop them."

"And this one won't stop me," her father said.

A pleased smile broke across Carter's face, a hint of relief and vulnerability hidden behind the look.

"Good," she said.

Her father held up his arm and Carter stepped over to him, accepting the embrace. She pulled back and her father cupped her face.

"I love you, Sarge," he said.

A weight lifted from Carter's chest and she let out a small, inaudible breath.

"I love you too, Captain."

Maggie moved forward and Carter took a step back.

"We brought you edible food," she said, pulling out a sandwich.

She handed it to her father and took a second for herself, before plopping into the chair by the bed. She put her feet up on the edge of the metal bed frame. Maggie moved to leave, but Carter's father stopped her.

"Stay with us," he said.

Carter smirked and threw him a taunting look, that he ignored. Maggie smiled and pulled up a second chair.

"I can't stay for long," she said. "I have to get back for the dinner rush, but I can stay a few minutes."

"Good," Carter's father said.

"Yeah, we love having you here," Carter said.

He father gave her a flat look and Carter feigned innocence. She broke off half of her sandwich and handed it to Maggie, who happily accepted it.

"What were you watching?" Carter asked, gesturing to the muted TV screen.

Her father glanced at it, as if remembering it was there.

"Not sure," he said. "It was mainly for a distraction."

"And how are you feeling?" Carter asked, looking down at her sandwich.

"Sore, but I'm still on heavy drugs, so it's not too bad."

The conversation fell to what the doctors had said and how the day had gone. Outside the hospital kept running, nurses passing their open doorway as doctor's orders slipped in. The heart monitor was the background noise to their voices. The constant reminder of why they were there. Their conversation ended when Maggie stood, announcing she had to leave.

"I'll stop by when the shop is closed and pick you up Carter," she said.

Before Carter could voice a word of protest, her father cut in.

"Carter, you need to get actual sleep tonight. I'll be fine," he said.

Carter gave him a challenging look that he met with a tired expression. Her arguments died in her throat and she nodded.

"Okay," she said. She looked back at Maggie. "Thanks for the ride. I'll see you later tonight."

Maggie smiled. She reached out and squeezed Carter's father's hand.

"I'm glad you're safe, Steve," she said.

"Thanks for being there," he said, returning the gesture.

They shared a look then Maggie left, shutting the door behind her. Carter slid further into the chair, wearing a look of pure smugness.

"Well, well," she said.

Her father looked at her.

"I see what's happening, Captain. You were afraid Maggie would reject you, so you got shot. Because what woman would say no to an injured man?" Her father's face fell into a flat look. "When do you plan to ask her out?"

"Sarge, I am not asking Maggie out. Now eat your sandwich," he said.

Carter shrugged.

"Okay, but this whole invalid act will fade and you'll have missed your opportunity."

Her father turned up the volume on the TV and Carter smirked.

"You shy away from this topic, but I am only laying out the facts here," she said.

"Understood," her father said. "But it's not going to happen."

Carter smiled and picked up her sandwich.

"If you say so."


Mint n Chip!

That's right people! I have discovered my new line of greetings thanks to Minah_URK It's ice cream flavors!

So what is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Tell me and I will use it! Honestly, I don't know why I didn't think of this myself! Oh my gosh maybe something is wrong with me....haha nah that can't be it!

A double date with Donovan and Carter, Link and Maddy, this should be interesting. Predictions on what will happen?

I'm secretly hoping Donovan kisses her. Fingers crossed!

Temps des questions! Today's chapter question is from confident CarniaHolmes: Have you ever been in a relationship?

Answer: This might come as a complete and utter shock to you, as it is to me, especially being the amazing, totally weird and quirky person that I am, but I have not been in a relationship. I know! Totally surprised me as well! I mean who wouldn't want me as their girlfriend?! *Laughs like a crazy person to myself*

I have had lot of experience though with seeing people go through relationship, talking people through difficult situations and dealing with a lot of stuff. So though I don't seem like it I'm a fountain...yup just a fountain. Haha just kidding. I'm a fountain of knowledge on the topic of relationships and whatnot.

Now! For the grand ending to this chapter! I invite you now to Vote! Yes I said vote, I know it sounds crazy and out of the blue but I thought we could give it a shot! And if you want more then comment and follow! To the stars we go!

(Okay, I'm really sorry, I don't know what came over me. I'll be normal next time. As normal as I have ever been. So I can't promise a lot will change.)

A massive thanks you twins_in_life for these AWESOME covers!! Ahhh!! Still can't believe you did this!!

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