Chapter 17 - "You look nice, Sarge."

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Carter grabbed her leather jacket off the back of her chair and headed into the living room. As she walked, she slid her arms into the worn material. Light from the lamps illuminated the apartment. He father sat on the couch, his arm in a sling and a computer in front of him. On the coffee table sat stacks of papers and a collection of empty plates and glasses. When Carter walked in, he looked up. His expression froze as he looked at her. She wore boots, skinny jeans, and a simple black v-neck t-shirt. Her hair was loose and hung down just below her shoulders. At her father's stare she scowled and stuffed her hands into the pockets of the jacket.

"Shut up and stop looking at me like that," she said.

Her father shook his head.

"I didn't say anything," he said.

"Your face and thoughts said enough."

She pulled her hands out and gestured to her outfit.

"This is what happens when you go away and leave me with Maggie." Carter made a face. "She takes me shopping and buys me pants without pockets on the side."

Her father gave a low chuckle. "You look nice, Sarge."

Making another face, she waved away his comment. She walked to the door and took her satchel off the hook, pulling it over her head. Her father looked at her as she took a seat on the coffee table before him, studying his worn out face and tired eyes.

"You alright?" she asked.

He shifted, flexing his jaw against to the pain and gave her a weak smile.

"A bit sore but it's nothing I can't handle," he said. He looked at her intently. "Where is it you're going?"

Carter shrugged.

"Movies and possibly a cage fight if I can convince them of it."

"Stick to just the movies, I'm not sure I want you fighting grown men on your own."

Carter scoffed.

"Please, like I would take them on on my own," she said. "Donovan would help me."

Her father gave her a stronger smile. Carter returned it, but then her expression fell slightly.

"I don't have to go, you know. I can stay in and we can watch a movie or something."

"Maggie is going to stop by. I'll be fine."

Carter gave him a sly grin.

"I see," she said. "You want me out of the way so you and Maggie can have some time together."

Her father's expression went flat. She laughed and stood.

"No need to look so pissy, Captain. I'll take Maggie as a step mother any day."

Her father waved a hand.

"Go, before I decide to put you through a set of drills."

Carter stepped over and kissed the top of his head.

"Alright, I'm leaving," she said.

She walked to the door and opened it. A cool gust of wind entered the apartment as she stood in the doorway and turned back.

"Just know if I come home to find you and Maggie making out on the couch, it's dishes for a week.


She dashed out the door and closed it before her father could rebuke her. The sun had left the sky, giving way to a pale moon and a dusting of stars. Lights from the surrounding apartment building lit up the night. Carter walked down the metal staircase, the sound of her boots on the cold dark steel ringing in the quiet neighborhood. The alley was empty, except for a stray cat that scurried away at Carter's approach. As she was crossing the street to the bus stop, Maggie appeared.

"Off to your date then?" she said, with a hint of glee in her tone.

"Yup," Carter said, not matching her excitement. "Should be a blast. You know how I love romantic movies with wimpy girl characters."

Maggie playfully slapped her arm, her grin widening.

"It doesn't matter, because you're going on a date. That's what is important."


The bus pulled up to the curb and Carter jogged towards it, giving Maggie a wave.

"Have fun!" Maggie called out as she climbed on.

The doors shut and the bus took off with Maggie watching till the red tail lights disappeared.

A bus and metro ride later Carter climbed up the concrete steps of the metro station. White florescent lights gave way to the warm glow of tall office and apartment buildings. The city was alive with energy as groups of friends rushed to bars and restaurants, basking in the freedom of their weekend. Carter joined the crowd of pedestrians and headed for one of the taller apartment buildings.

A man in a dark green suit opened the door for her as she approached and welcomed her. She nodded to him and entered the lavish apartment lobby. The decor was minimalistic, a polished tile floor, simple potted plants by the door and a dark wooden desk at the center of the space. A gray haired man behind the desk looked up at she walked forward. A smile cut into the wrinkles on his face.

"Can I help you?" he asked.

"I'm looking for the Evans's residence," she said.


"Carter Owens."

The man nodded and checked his computer. He met her gaze again, the smile in place.

"9th floor, apartment 32."

Carter nodded her thanks and headed towards the elevators. A short ride later, she stepped out out into a wide, silent, tan painted hallway. Stepping off, she looked both ways. A door down the hallway opened and Donovan exited. He was dressed casually in converse shoes, jeans and a black pea coat. Carter made her way to him as he locked his door.

"Where's Link?" she asked.

Donovan looked over and his normal impassive face was splashed with surprise at the sight of her. A small, smug smile slid onto her  face and he reverted his features to calm indifference.

"Thanks for the compliment," she said.

"I didn't say anything."

Her smile widened.

"Not in words, no, but I got it just the same."

He shifted and tucked his keys away. She glanced around.

"Where is Link?" she asked again.

He pointed down the hall.

"Next apartment over," he said.

She looked at him, her brow furrowing. The corner of his mouth curled up.

"No," he said. "I don't live in the same apartment. I have my own, just next door."

She opened her mouth but his laugh cut her off.

"I'm twenty-two, Carter. What did you expect?" he said. "I'm close enough to prevent anything from happening. Besides, I needed a different address for school purposes."

She shook her head, ridding her features of the baffled expression.

"Right, you just look-"

"Like a seventeen year old student? That's kind of the point."

She smiled and looked him over.

"It's a good thing you normally wear a uniform because the casual look ages you," she said.

He echoed her small, smug smile from before.

"Thanks for the compliment," he said.

"I didn't say anything."

"Not in so many words, no."

"I was stating an observation."

He slid his hands into his pockets and gave her a condescending nod.

"You were. The look before it though was anything but."

Carter crossed her arms.

"Donovan, it should be clear that your physique and symmetrical features do not have the same impression on me as it does with your fan club of drooling girls."

"I would not expect it to. You're far too clear headed for that. But it doesn't mean that it hasn't made some impression."

She leveled him with a cool, condescending look.

"Yes," she said, "the simple impression that your main focus has been on running, along with a small amount of attention to arm strength. I know this is in order to remain at peak physical condition in case of combat but not so much that you stand out. That is the impression I received from it."

He cocked his head, a teasing look slipping into his gaze.

"And how much notice of my physique did you have to observe to come to those conclusions?"

She gave him a defiant look.

"A single glance was sufficient," she said, with a patronizing tone. "I've learned to sum up anyone's size in a matter of seconds. Your appearance was no different and required nothing longer than thirty seconds."

A look of intrigue pushed aside the teasing glint in his eyes as he stared at her.

"Impressive," he said. "I had you summed up in a quarter of a minute."

She shrugged but looked at him with a half concealed approving smile. A door down the hall opened and they both broke their stare to glance over. Link stepped out wearing a hoodie tucked beneath a blazer, paired with jeans. He looked towards the elevator before turning and spotting them standing together, facing each other. Pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, he walked over to them. His eyebrow shot up as he looked at Carter.

"You look-"

She cut him off with a wave of her hand.

"Yes, I know. Let's move past this revelation that I have a figure."

Link nodded, still slightly surprised.


"We should go," Donovan said.

Link came out of his daze.

"Yeah, right," he said, "I don't want Maddy to have to wait."

Carter smiled.

"Of course we don't. Let's get this date over with."

Donovan smirked. "Don't sound too excited."

She shot him a flat look that he returned with a half smile.


The lights in the theater brightened as the credits filled the wide screen. Carter rested her elbow on the arm rest, her head leaning on the tips of her fingers as she stared at the list of names with a look of wide eyed disbelief. Maddy's light laugh reached her from down the row where she sat beside Link. They stood and Donovan nudged Carter's arm. She blinked herself out of her shocked daze. Giggles grew in volume and awed tones filled the large space as girls rose and aisles emptied. Carter stood and followed Donovan out of their row. As they reached the bottom of the stairs, she took a spot by his side.

"Is it just me," she said, "or do you feel you lost brain cells watching that poor display of acting? Not to mention the fact that that story line was so convoluted that they forgot to mention how the girl's mother survived the car crash."

Donovan ran a hand through his hair, a frown forming as he shook his head.

"I'm still trying to understand why the girl went to the main guy's father house," he said. "It was a tactical nightmare and an easy spot to get ambushed."

She twisted to him, gesturing to him, her face alight with fierce agreement.

"Yes," she said. "There was no thought put into her plan of action and she walked blindly into a situation she knew was already dangerous. Especially, considering the history of the father's abuse on his son."

"Also, there was the fact that she was unarmed and had avoided announcing her intentions to a superior."

Carter scowled and shook her head.

"It's as if she was under the impression that good intentions would protect her. Completely delusional thinking. Which would also explain why she believed she could reform a delinquent with a serious drinking problem."

They pushed through the theater doors, right behind Link and Maddy, into the main lobby. The smell of popcorn and melted cheese wafted through the air. Lines of customers snaked their way towards ticket windows and concession stands. Teenagers rushed towards theater doors as little kids exited, hanging tiredly on their parents arms, half asleep. Maddy turned towards Carter and Donovan, a happy grin cut across her lips.

"So that wasn't a great movie, but it was still fun, right?" she said.

Donovan and Carter shared a glance, neither expression revealing their thoughts. Maddy turned to Link, hoping for a better response.

"What did you think?" she asked.

She took a step closer to him and slipped her hand into his. Thoughts aligned, Carter and Donovan moved with the exact same reaction, Carter stuffing her hands into the pockets of her jacket while Donovan hid his away in his jeans. Link straightened and moved closer to Maddy, a pleased grin coming to his lips.

"I thought it was great," he said.

Maddy tightened her hold on Link's hand and their gazes got lost in each other for a long moment. Carter looked at Donovan, barely containing her smile. He looked back with a placid face, a smirk only shown in the twitching of his lips. Looking back at the couple, she gave a small cough and the couple seemed to return to themselves.

"So..." she said.

"How about fro-yo?" Maddy said, eagerly.

Carter opened her mouth, the objection already between her teeth, when Link made eye contact with her. A silent urge to agree was hiding in his hazel eyes. She closed her lips, and shrugged, forcing her features into a neutral look.

"Sure, why not?" she said.

Maddy bounced on the tips of her toes, looking at Link with a giddy grin. Carter gave Donovan a look that expressed all of her opinions and got her a grin in response.

They left the theater, entering the crowded sidewalk. Music spilled out of a bar's open windows, trailed by the laughter and sound of voices. Link and Maddy took the lead, their hands still clasped and Maddy's bright voice keeping up a steady stream of conversation. As they walked, Donovan's relaxed manner dropped away. He surveyed the surrounding crowd with a cool, intelligent gaze, sizing up those around them. Carter leaned close to him and lowered her voice.

"Is it just me or did Maddy seem more stable during school?" she asked.

He responded without looking at her.

"Being out of the limits of school and under the effects of a romantic movie will change a person," he said. "Especially, a girl who is already giving into her hormones. Add the attention of a guy and physical contact and she may as well be a whole different person."

Carter gave him a critical look.

"You're saying if you held my hand it would have the same affect on me?" she asked.

He glanced at her with an expressionless face.

"No," he said, returning his gaze to the crowd. "You're ruled by logic and have a natural barrier against letting others get close to you. You would mask the feelings the contact would create."

One side of her mouth curved into a wry smile. "Pretty sure of that, aren't you?"

"Yes," he said. He broke from his observation of the surrounding crowd to look at her, meeting her gaze with a searching look. "I haven't completely pieced out why you're this way, but the main source is your mother and a betrayal there."

Carter's face became a hard mask as she pushed aside her flare of emotions.

"I would stop yourself," she said, in a cool, detached voice, "before you say anything that I will make you regret."

He met her threat with an unfazed look.

"My conclusions are well founded then," he said.

She clenched her fists, her eyes hardening.

"I said stop. Now."

Carter didn't remember when they had stopped walking but they stood in the middle of the sidewalk, staring at each other, their breath making small clouds before them. Donovan narrowed his eyes, as he studied her.

"What are you afraid of?" he said, in a low, ponderous voice. "Being hurt or letting someone else in?"

She barely raised her fist before he had his hand wrapped around her wrist, stilling her strike. She seethed, her eyes alight with anger.

"Carter, Donovan!" Link shouted back to them.

The tension cracked. They looked over to see Maddy and Link staring back at them, Link wearing a puzzled expression while Maddy tried to conceal a mischievous grin at the closeness of the two of them. Donovan released Carter's wrist and the rest of the tension was swept way with the passing crowd. Carter turned away from him and joined Link and Maddy, her face devoid of emotion.

"You guys alright?" Link asked, his gaze flickering between her and Donovan, as he approached.

"Fine," Carter said, cooly. "Let's go get fro-yo."

Maddy bounced and turned, taking the lead again. Carter's eyes jumped to Donovan, the look in them bringing a spark of guilt to Donovan's. As they moved on, Carter looked at anything but Donovan. He moved closer to her.

"Look, I apologize. I was out of line."

She looked at him and forced a careless shrug.

"It's fine."

He looked unconvinced, but let it be the end.



They all went on a date!!! How adorbs!

What did you think of the date?

Was it what you expected? (Not going to lie I really wanted Donovan and Carter to hold hands and I'm SUPER bummed they didn't! Darn author! Crushing my hopes!)

Thoughts on the dynamic between Donovan and Carter?

(I liked how they were all flirty flirty at the the beginning and we all know Carter was so checking him out! I know I was! Haha I'm so weird.)

Were you surprised with how old Donovan was? (I know I was 😉)

How old did you think he was going to be?

Kyselytunti! (Finnish) This question is from the magnificent onceuponapanda: If you were walking down the street one day and some weird guy gave you a plane ticket for free, where would you want it to take you and would you go?

Answer: First, thank you weird man, I really appreciate your random generosity. I would want it to be to Paris and HECK YES! I  would go! Like I would pass up that opportunity. Why? Because I know Paris the best. But maybe London would be good too because I get their humor and they speak my language. Either one.
Where would you go? And why?

Find a weird man, accept the ticket, fly fly away!

A ginormous  thank you to -marichat for these awesome covers! I can't believe you took the time to make them for me! AHHH!! It just means so much!

Which one is your favorite?

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