Chapter 23 -"She can't just show up and do this to us!"

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The bus's engine gave a burst of energy and roared off down the street, as Carter crossed the road, making her way towards her apartment. Street lights blinked on as she walked, lighting her path home. 

The place smelled of orange scented cleaner. Every surface had been wiped down and the cushions on the couch had been neatened. Carter dropped her keys into the bowl as Maggie emerged from the hallway, her hair pulled back, a broom in one hand and a dirty towel in the other.

"Hey girly," she said. "How was school?"

Carter shrugged.

"Fine. I didn't get detention and only insulted a few people," she said. She pointed to the cleaning supplies in Maggie's hands. "What's going on here?"

Maggie pushed back a loose strand of hair with her wrist, gazing around the apartment with satisfaction.

"I know it has been a rough couple of days and so I decided to come help you and Steve out."

Carter dropped her gaze, overwhelmed by the wave of appreciation she felt.

"Thank you," she said.

Maggie set aside the broom and dish cloth, wiping her hands on her faded jeans.

"How are you doing with all of this?" she asked.

Carter raised her head and stared into the concerned green eyes.

"Fine," she said.

Maggie gave her a appraising look. Carter looked away.

"Okay," Maggie said. "But if you're ever not fine, you know can come talk to me."

Carter nodded.

"I know," she said.

After another worried look, Maggie put away the discarded cleaning supplies. Moving back to Carter, she hesitated, then pulled her into a hug. Carter resisted for a second before accepting the gesture.

"I love you, Carter." Maggie pulled back and looked at her, giving her a small smile. "I left sandwiches for you in the refrigerator. If you need anything just call."


Maggie was half way out the door, when Carter's voice halted her.

"Why do you think she is here?"

Maggie gave Carter a thoughtful gaze.

"I don't know, hun," she said, after a second, "but she could have come back to make amends."

Carter scoffed and crossed her arms.

"I know that might sound like the craziest thing in the world, but sometimes people change," she said. "It's possible your mother has realized the mistake she made and wants to fix it."

"She doesn't care," Carter said, not hiding the disdain in her voice.

Maggie shrugged.

"I know she wanted to talk to you. Maybe there is something she wants to say?  Maybe she wants to get to know you again."

"I don't care."

Maggie gave her a understanding smile, that held a note of sadness.

"I know a part of you still does," she said. "You shouldn't close that part off."

Carter fought the truth of her words, staring at the ground.

"It's okay to still care. That makes you human."

Carter had no reply. After a minute, Maggie reached for the door and slipped out, leaving Carter in silence. She turned and tossed her backpack onto the worn couch cushions and kicked off her shoes, letting them fall to the floor with a thunk. She busied herself pulling out notebooks and textbooks, fighting away the thoughts Maggie's words had evoked.

She was working on an essay an hour later when the door opened and her father stepped in. He paused in the doorway.

"Maggie cleaned," Carter said.

Her father gave a tired nod and dropped his keys into the bowl. Carter studied his face, noticing lines that seemed to have appeared overnight. He was dressed in slacks and a button down shirt, his arm still resting in a sling. She pushed her mess of papers aside, allowing him access to the couch. A fraction of his weariness eased from his face as he joined her, dragging one hand down his jaw.

"You're dressed up."

"I stopped by the office," he said.

The pit of Carter's stomach dropped out but she forced her features to remain impassive.

"When do you go back to full time?"

"Next week. They will put me on desk duty, dealing with forgery cases."

"Was that the only place you went?" she asked, studying the tension in her shoulders.

Her father shifted and ran a hand along his cropped hair.

"No," he said.

Carter stared intently at the edge of the beige couch, picking at a spot that was fraying.

"You saw her?" she asked.


They were both silent. The moment stretched on until it felt as if they had been sitting there for hours.

"Why?" Carter asked.

Her father let out a tired sigh. She looked up at him, seeing exhaustion in every line on his face and a look of deep sorrow in his blue eyes.

"She's wants me to sign the divorce papers."

The words hit Carter like a blow to the stomach. She stared, stunned.

"What do you mean sign the divorce papers? What divorce papers? You guys were divorced a long time ago."

"Sarge," her father said, his tone weary.

"Are you tell me this entire time you've still been married? She's always been connected to us?" She stood, attempting to fight the anger that was threatening to drown her. "Did you think she would come back?"


"You lied to me!"

Her father looked up at her. In his eyes Carter saw a grief that hadn't been there in a long time.   

"I hoped." He dropped his head.  "I thought one day she would come back to her senses and come back to us.  I thought that up to the moment she laid the divorce papers in front of me. Clearly, it was a mistake to hope."

"Well, your hope was for nothing," she snarled. "She's just the same as she always was. Just as heartless. Just sign the damn papers and end this."  

Carter stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door. Plagued by riotous thoughts, she walked without knowing where she was headed.

The world blurred around her. Eventually she found herself at an empty playground and sank into one of the swings. She bent her head into her hands, her thoughts crashing against her chaotic emotions.

She pulled out her phone.

"Hello?" a deep voice said.

Words choked Carter, hot anger blinding her vision.

"Carter?" Donovan said.

"He never signed the divorce papers," she said, biting back the hurt.

Donovan said nothing for a long moment.

"When did you find out?" he asked.

"An hour ago."

"Did he say why?"

Carter clenched the phone. "He hoped she would come back. He thought one day she would. But guess what?  She finally did come back and it's not for us. She came back to be done with us for good. His hope got him nothing!"

She stood up from the swing and paced. Donovan made no response.

"Aren't you going to say anything?" she yelled.

When he still didn't answer, Carter dropped back to the swing, feeling the fight leave her.

"He lied to me," she whispered. 

There was a long stretch of silence before Donovan spoke.

"Then he must have loved your mother very much."

Images flooded her mind: the framed photograph of the three of them on his desk, the pleading note in his voice when he had begged her mother to stay, the way he stared after the retreating taxi as he held Carter and she cried into his shoulder.

With a sigh, Carter dropped her gaze, staring at the ground. She drifted forward on the swing, carving an indent with her foot in the sand.

"Yeah, he did. A lot."

A heartbeat pause passed between them.

"Where are you?" Donovan asked.

She looked up. The playground was encircled by red brick houses with tree dotted yards. Carter looked over the windows and the glimpses of figures that moved inside the homes.

"A playground a few blocks from my apartment."

"Do you want us to come?" he asked.

She leaned against the swing's thick chain.

"No, I'm fine."

"That's a lie, but an understandable one."

Carter had no reply, they both knew he was right.


He waited as she tried to form the right words.

"Thanks for caring," she said.

"We both do, Carter."

She nodded. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Night, Carter."

Carter dropped her hand to her lap, sitting motionless. The sky was a fading blue color, only the tops of the houses outlined in an orange glow. The smell of conflicting aromas filled the air, accompanied by a mother calling for dinner.

Her thoughts shifted, the last burning embers of her anger changing direction. She stood, the swing swaying behind her, as she pulled up another number. She put the phone to her ear. This time a female voice answered.

"Okay, you want to talk, let's talk," she said.


Mint chocolate chip! (I'm not a fan of mint but put it with chocolate and I'm game!)

Alright! Now how many of you are mad that it's a cliffhanger yet again?

*Jumps out the window at the sight of so many pitchforks and glares. Turns around as I'm falling and yells* You should know me better by nnnooooooowwwww! *lands in the water*

Renewed thoughts on the mother? Or are we in accord that she's pretty must the worse?

Blue or Red?

Level of love for Donovan on a scale of 1-10 (1 being, he's cute but that's as far as my thoughts go. 10 being OH MY GOSH I LOVE HIM!!!!)

čas na otázky! (Czech) This question is from the quirky Cordillak : Kiss, marry, kill? Grant Gustin, Andrew Garfield, Theo James?

(Go a head and tell me yours! But go ahead and change it to Grant, Dylan and Cole if you want! 😉)

Answer: WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!?!?! Do you think that is an easy question! Gosh how do I even decide! Three of the most amazing, hot, perfect guys and I have to kill one! I don't even know if I can do this! I think I'm starting to hyperventilate! AHHH I need a bag! *breathes* Okay I can do this. *deep breath* Clearly, I would marry Grant. (Because it's meant to be) Oh gosh!...I really can't....Ahhhh....Kiss Andrew and Kill Theo. AHHHHH!!! What have I done?!?! *passes out*

Vote for Theo's good looks! Comment on Andrew's adorable smile! And follow Grant on Instagram because he's so cute and loves his dogs!

QUESTION! This has nothing to do with the story but I was wondering, does anyone want to draw me a picture of Carter and Donovan?

This flipping awesome cover was made by the terrific Timeless_Wanderer!

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