Chapter 30 - "How badly did I screw up?"

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Carter jogged up the steps of the school, her shoes beating out an even rhythm on the stone. The weather had turned and the day was edging on being warm. The number of cars in the drive had dwindled and those who arrived, had the look of oversleeping their alarms. The last trickle of students were making their way inside as she walked through the wide double door entrance.

All around her she saw the after effects and regrets of the weekend written on student's faces and their posture. The sound that bounced around the walls was subdued, the upper class-men wincing at the slightest noise and glaring at the freshmen who hadn't taken up their past times yet or been hooked by their vices.

Carter made her way to her first period, but stopped when she spotted Maddy. She was surrounded by her friends, brow wrinkled in worry. Her black eyed gaze meet Carter's through her barricade of companions. Instantly, she pushed passed them and moved over to Carter.

"Do you know what's going on?" she asked.

Carter glanced at the friends, who had been helpless to assist, then looked back at Maddy.

"Link?" she guessed.

Maddy nodded, the well of emotion in her eyes returning.

"What happened?" Carter asked.

"That's what I don't know. I said hi to him when he arrived but he was all distant. Even yesterday when I called him he didn't answer and he didn't respond to any of my texts." A look of concern crossed her face. "You don't think he's mad at me, do you? I don't know if I said something at the party that made him mad at me. He didn't seem mad. I thought he had fun. But maybe he didn't and it's all my fault. Maybe we shouldn't have gone. I just thought he would-"

Carter held up a hand, cutting off Maddy's tsunami of words. Maddy closed her mouth, swallowing back her worries. The bell rang sending everyone moving to their perspective classes.

"Look, I'll see what's going on with him," Carter said.

Relief washed over Maddy and she managed a weak smile.

"Thanks," she said. She took a step back towards her friends. "I'll see you both in history."

Carter nodded and Maddy turned away, joining her group and walking off. With thoughts buzzing over Maddy's state and the description of Link's, Carter moved through the thronged hallways and ducked into her classroom. Sunlight fell into the room, clashing with the florescent lights. The tables were mostly full and Link sat alone at theirs. His gaze was trained on his open notebook, but he didn't see it. A crease seemed to be permanently fixed in between his eyebrows and the corners of his mouth sagged. At the troubling sight, Carter looked from him to Donovan for answers. He met her gaze and she gave a single nod to Link. He shook his head, his expression hard.

The second bell rang and Carter moved over to her seat. She settled in but Link didn't look over at her. Mr. Miller cleared his throat, about to talk when Mason stepped into the doorway. He walked to his desk, tailed by Smith. Link looked over and his hands automatically clenched in reaction, his jaw flexing.

A spark of understanding jumped at Carter and her heart tightened with sympathy. Mr. Miller cleared his throat again and conversations died off in pieces. Carter shifted her focus to him. She let out a small growl of annoyance. The sound caught Link's attention and he glanced at her frowning.

"Pop quiz," Mr. Miller said, just as Carter was mouthing it.

She smiled at Link but he didn't return the look. His eyes held a note of sadness. He turned back to the front as Mr. Miller walked down the rows handing out tests. When Mr. Miller passed them, Link accepted the tests and gave one to Carter. His eyes never strayed to her. With a quick glance at their teacher, Carter leaned towards him, her arms resting on the table.

"Hey," she whispered, "how are you doing?"

"Fine," he said, not evening thinking about the response.

"Come on Link, it's me."

He looked at her, his face going closed off. "Carter, I said I was fine."

She studied his eyes. Eyes that held so much of his identity but held so much of his pain as well. With a nod, she let the subject drop.

"Alright," Mr. Miller said, walking back towards his desk. "You may begin. When you're finished, bring them up to me."

Link shifted away from Carter and started working. After a second of studying his hunched shoulders and dropped head, she went to work on her own test. The room filled with the sound of drumming eraser heads on desks, the scratching of pencils on paper and the tapping of anxious feet. The clocked seem to grow louder as the time wore on, grating on the nerves of students who didn't feel prepared.

Half an hour later, Carter finished off her test and stood. The sound of her chair grabbed everyone's attention for a second and got her looks of annoyance and jealousy. She walked up to the front and dropped her test on Mr. Miller's desk. He looked up from his book and glanced at his watch.

"Seems a bit slow for you," he said.

"I got bored halfway through and got distracted."

Mr. Miller gave her a genuine smile. "I hope you don't waste your talents in life. You truly have a great mind."

"Don't worry. I don't plan to."

She turned and came face to face with Donovan. She smirked at him.

"What took you so long?" she asked.

He reached around her and laid his test on top of hers.

"Your writing is hard to decipher from such a distance. I think your answer to five lacked real thought."

She smiled and his lips twitched at a grin, but never made it that far. Her expression fell.

"What happened?" she asked.

Mr. Miller cleared his throat and gave them both a stern look. "Get back to your seats. The rest of the class still has to finish."

They returned to their spots and remained silent as the rest of the class slaved on. They exchanged looks every few minutes, but nothing more.

When the bell finally rang Carter was the first up, sliding her bag onto her shoulder. She stayed quiet as Link slowly gathered his things and followed him out into the hallway. The weariness and exhaustion of the students had been burned away in their first class. The hallways rang once more with conversations that contradicted each other and footsteps that sounded like a thousand warriors were storming a new land. Link started walking away, but Carter snagged his arm. He looked back, baffled. She jerked her head towards the doorway.

"Donovan," she said.

His only answer was to shrug out of Carter's hold. She dropped her hands into her pockets and studied him again. Mason exited and the two brothers' gazes collided. Their faces showed very little, but the fire in Link's eyes said it all. Mason moved on, tossing him a smirk as he went.

Link flexed his jaw and tightened his fists. Carter laid a hand on his shoulder, a comfort and a restraint. Donovan walked out and in a single glance took in the scene before him. Carter tilted her head back towards where Mason was disappearing. Donovan looked to Link, his eyes drifting down to his balled fists.

"Come on," he said.

His voice snapped Link out of his thoughts. He led the way to history, not saying a word. They were just outside the door when Maddy appeared.

"Hey," she said, giving Link a wide smile, as if she could counteract his thoughts of breaking up with her with the look.

Link managed a distracted nod and stepped into the classroom. Maddy's face fell. Her gaze jumped to Donovan and Carter for answers.

"He's having a bad day," Carter said.

This didn't seem to mollify Maddy. With tight lips, she turned into the room, looking close to tears again. Donovan took a step forward, but Carter shot a hand out, the back of it pressed against his chest. She turned to him and dropped her hand.

"What's going on?" she said. "What happened this weekend?"

He gave her a steady look. "It's what didn't happen this weekend that is the problem."

"He didn't get to see him."

Donovan nodded.

"Do you know why?"

"All they told me was something came up. That is all."

Carter nodded, knowing there was nothing you could do to get information when they didn't want to give it.

"Has he been like this ever since?" she asked.


The bell rang and the last of the students mingling in the halls moved to their classrooms. Carter gave Donovan one last look before leading the way to their seats. Link sat at his desk behind Carter's, his face turned away from Maddy. With a new determination, she stared straight ahead, not letting his inattention get to her. Donovan and Carter exchanged another look, sensing the storm that was building. Mr. Philips stood up from his desk, bringing silence as he looked over the room.

"Continuing on with our study of Presidents and their administrations we move next to Bill Clinton, the 42nd President. Though there are many things that Clinton did to improve the country, what he is remembered for are his indiscretions." Mr. Philips started moving about, his face getting serious. "Which in a way is fitting, because Presidents are the embodiment of the country. They are held to a higher standard. For them to err is a reflection of the state of our government."

Carter raised her hand and he looked reluctant to acknowledge her. He paused behind his chair, gripping the back and gestured to her.

"Yes, Ms. Owens?" he said.

"You're saying that despite what Clinton did, it's okay that he be forever remembered as an adulterous?"

Mr. Philips nodded. "He had a position to uphold and failed to do so. Anyone in his place should be held accountable for their actions and transgressions."

Mr. Philips's gaze flickered just past her shoulder, before returning to her.

"Even if those actions don't effect the country and only play a role in their private life?" she asked.

"Yes, because no matter what they have done, when they hold a title with such honor and weight they should know that they could be exposed. Nothing can be kept a secret forever." He straightened. "Now, let's start off with Clinton's campaign and what means he took to be elected..."

Mr. Philips started pacing again and Carter slid down in her seat watching him, his last words still playing around in her head. She glanced at Donovan and saw a slight frown marring his face, his thoughts aligned with hers.


The bell rang and everyone stood, pulling on backpacks and picking up dropped conversations. Carter turned to Link and watched as he slowly slid on his backpack. Maddy left without looking back, but had a change of heart at the door. Carter followed behind Link as he left. At the sight of Maddy waiting, Link paused.

"So," Maddy said, the word clipped. "are you going to sit with me at lunch?"

Link dragged himself out of his thoughts and troubles to look at her confused. The expression looked more angry than he knew.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" he asked.

A crackle of anger ignited in Maddy's eyes and her face become tight with annoyance.

"Why wouldn't you?" she said, everything about her saying she was gearing up for an argument.

"Yeah, that's what I said," Link said, puzzled.

Maddy took a step forward, her mouth open and hot words burning her tongue. Before they had the chance to singe Link and cause serious damage, Carter stepped forward.

"Oh Link, I forgot, Mr. Miller wants to see you about that test," she said.

She grabbed Link's arm and spun him in the opposite direction. She twisted her head back.

"See you at lunch, Maddy. Save Link a seat," she called back.

Link looked at her completely lost. Maddy stared after them, her anger melting away to tears. Donovan moved towards her and spoke low. After a second, his words calmed her. But instead she nodded and walked towards the cafeteria. When she turned the corner, Donovan followed the direction Carter and Link had gone.

Carter continued to guide Link through the river of students moving in the opposite direction. When they found an empty corridor, she stopped and released him. He looked around, his confusion doubling.

"I thought you said we were going to see Mr. Miller?"

"That was a lie. I had to get to you away from Maddy before you destroyed your relationship."

He frowned, feeling as if he were reaching of new level of confusion.

"What do you mean? We were just talking. Although, she seemed pissed for some reason."

Carter carelessly slapped his arm with the back of her hand and shook her head.

"That's because you have been completely distant with her and she thinks you want to break up."

"What?" He waved his arms around. "I never said I did. Why does she think that? Does she want to break up?"

"No, but you not paying any attention to her doesn't bode well in her mind."

"I said hi to her this morning and nodded to her."

"Yes, how anyone would take that badly is beyond me."

Link raised his hand. "Please don't, not today Carter." He ran a hand through his hair as he stared at the floor, looking lost and worn out.

"You didn't answer her calls or texts," she said. "Add that to the distracted state of today and she's worried that you two are done."

Link pulled his gaze up as understanding dawned on him. "She thought...ah..." Link swore under his breath. "That had nothing to do with her."

Carter took a step forward and laid a hand on his shoulder, grabbing his attention and holding it.

"I know," she said.

As she looked at him, he realized her words had more meaning than just the response to his statement. Link dropped his head and ran his hands over his face, as if he could erase his problems with the gesture. With a frustrated breath, he dropped to the ground, his arms draped over his knees. Carter lowered herself down beside him.

For a long moment, neither of them spoke. He took off his glasses and let them dangle from his hand. In the distance, they could hear the jumbled sound of voices, but no one found them. Donovan turned the corner, but paused at the sight of them on the floor. Carter looked over and gave a slight shake of her head. He backtracked and made himself scarce.

"I'm sorry," she said.

He managed a vague nod, his thoughts somewhere else. In his hands, the glasses twirled and spun. Their gazes stayed fixed on it, watching at the lenses caught pieces of light.

"I don't like these glasses," he said. "They're large and annoying. Sometimes I manage to forget about them, but they are always there. For another two years I will have to wear these. I will have to look like I rolled out of bed."

He looked at her. With his face completely unobscured, she could see his father in his features and wondered how she hadn't seen it at the very beginning.

"Did you know I can't get a specific type of haircut?"

She didn't respond knowing the question was rhetorical. He looked away and laid his head against the wall.

"If I cut it too short and style it just right, then I really look like him. So I don't."

He went silent for a moment, staring at the opposite wall with a hard look.

"Seriously! My life is dictated by another's. I'm a..." He gave a smile that lacked any humor. "What did Mr. Philips say? I'm a transgression." He waved his hand as if batting something away. "I'm a son with a parentage no one wants to acknowledge. I'm a mistake."

Carter let out a small chuckle and he turned to her.

"Looks like we're in the same boat. I was never suppose to happen." She looked at him. "But I wouldn't have it be any other way. Link, I know they won't acknowledge it, but I will. I think, mistake or not, this world is better with you in it. My life is better with you in it." She nodded back down the hall. "So is everyone else you've met. Especially Maddy."

Link's eyes went wide. "Crap, Maddy." He slid his glasses back on. "How badly did I screw up?"

Carter pushed herself up and helped him up.

"It won't be too bad. Apologize for being distant, tell her it was a bad day and then ask her out on a date for tomorrow. Not a double date."

Link brushed off his uniform and ran a hand through his hair, nervously.

"That will work?" he asked.


Link stopped his fidgeting and held her gaze. "Thanks, Carter."

She nodded, knowing his words held more meaning. She started walking, Link alongside her.

"Let's go break the bad news to Donovan that he has to sit through another romantic movie." She shrugged. "Maybe I'll help him out. I can go with him and shoot him to put him out of his misery."

Link laughed, pushing away the thoughts that would never leave, but had been made lighter. They rounded the corner and found Donovan leaning against the lockers, looking at his phone. At the sound of their footsteps, he looked up. They didn't say anything and he joined them.

"Link is going to ask Maddy out on a date,'" Carter said.

"That should help smooth things over."

"I know," she said. "Have fun watching a wimpy girl do nothing for herself and rely entirely on the man."

"I will, since you are going with me. I accept your offer."

Carter rolled her eyes. "I should have known you were listening. What do you want to be shot with a 9mm Glock 17 or 9mm Sig Sauer P226?"

He just looked at her, his expression remaining unreadable, but only by sheer will. Only his eyes betrayed his emotions. She smiled as she shrugged.

"Navy Seal father, remember?"

They were passing by the front entrance when the doors opened and Carter's father stepped inside, followed by two other men in black suits. Her stomach dropped as the worst reasons for his presence raced through her mind. She stopped, causing Donovan and Link to look back. Without talking she walked towards her father.

"Captain," she said, "what are you doing here?"

Her father smiled, easing some of her nerves. He motioned with his good hand to his companions.

"Head to Principal Withers's office and I'll be right behind," he said.

The men nodded and walked away, their progress followed by Donovan and Link's gazes. Before Carter could repeat her question, her father spoke.
"I'm not here to deliver bad news. Everything is fine." Carter's shoulders relaxed and she glanced back at Link for a second. Her father followed her gaze, then looked back at her. "He looks a lot like him."

"Yeah, he does. Now why are you here?" she asked.

"It's a simple check. Your tracker went off the grid for a minute and I got an alert. When I searched for the signal from your phone it was also gone. It seems all signals around the school were blocked for a full minute. I'm here to make sure everything in the system is running smoothly."

Carter crossed her arms and studied her father, searching for signs of worry or nerves. She found none. "Is that something that happens?"

"Not often, but sometimes things shift with satellites and you get a dead spot for a moment. I was sent to double check."

She nodded. "Okay."

She walked with him towards where Link and Donovan stood a ways away. When they approached, her father stopped and looked at Link.

"You must be Link," he said, his deep voice seeming to make both guys stand straighter.

Link nodded and shot a look at Carter. Her father held out a hand.

"I'm agent Owens," he said. Link shook his hand. "It's a pleasure meeting you."


Her father looked to Donovan.

"Donovan, correct?" he said.

They shook hands, both grips strong and steady.

"Yes, sir," Donovan said, for once sounding like Link's body guard instead of a teenage guy.

Carter's father nodded to him. "It's a pleasure meeting both of you."

He turned back to Carter and gave her a sideways hug.

"I'll see you at home, Sarge."

Carter hugged him back and then watched as he walked towards the Principal's office. She looked back at Link and Donovan. Link smiled at her.

"You make a lot more sense now," he said.

She playfully punched his arm. "Shut up and let's go make sure you still have a girlfriend."


Chocolate ice cream!!
(Hey I just had some of that last night!)

Alrighty my purply peoples! (I don't even know what that means) Any who! Who wants to punch Link's father in the face and give Link a hug???

Poor Link. Gosh I can't imagine having to deal with that sort of life. Can you?

So Captain met Donovan for the first time! Tells mes yours thoughts??

Did you picture it differently? 

Captain also probably didn't realize who Donovan is to Carter (Carter doesn't even realize it) and so the tension wasn't as high as it could be if...I don't know... he found them making out in the closet!

Haha gosh what do you think his reaction would be then?

I imagine a lot of grabbing by him neck, hauling him away for serious sit down and a lot, and I mean A LOT, of threats.

Does anyone else just want Donovan and Carter to kiss already? Gosh I'm getting so annoyed with waiting!!!

Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter?

The real question and I mean this one is a serious, serious question.
Apples or oranges?

A guy giving you his jacket to wear or kissing your cheek goodnight?

(And you have to choose one! Some of you have been sneaking and saying both. In a perfect world you would have both, but this isn't a perfect world. Cause if it was I would be with Grant Gustin. Just so you know, I'm not with Grant Gustin. So you must decide)

سوال کا وقت
(Urdu) This question is from the lucky lynxkitten65 : Do you write your chapters ahead of time and then post them every Friday?

Answer: Yup! I'm a huge one on consistency and I like having a set time when the chapter will be posted. That way you can always count on it and it's not subject to any whims I may have or writer's block I might face. It also allows me the space to rewrite a chapter if need be. That way you always get the best chapter possible!

So yeah, I'm kind of a robot in that way. I like knowing that you will always get a chapter Friday around 9am (Eastern Standard time) Haven't failed yet! (Okay once, but I over slept)

Write, post, read!!!

(Remember you can ask me questions!)

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