Chapter 45 - "You got my message."

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Carter regained consciousness, laying on the ground on her back. Her brain felt swollen and filled with a jumbled mess of thoughts. Gradually the sound of shuffling footsteps registered in her mind. Her eyes came into focus on Donovan smashing the butt of his gun into her attacker's face. The sheer force of the blow sent the man crashing to the floor. Donovan shot him in the leg, keeping him there, his face a mask of fury.

Carter tried to move, but a flash of pain nearly brought the blackness back. A cry escaped her lips. She closed her eyes, fighting to remain conscious. Donovan rushed to her side, his features contorting into a look of deep concern.

"Carter," he said, unable to hide the worry in his tone.

The initial shock of agony subsided, leaving her with an intense pain that was bearable. Her breath came in shallow gasps as she focused on Donovan. He was bent over her, his blue eyes dark with roiling emotions. Setting the gun down, he reached out and gently cupped the back of her head. His other hand brushed the side of her face.

"Hey," he said, his voice tender.

She took in a deep breath, the pain ebbing away. At the look of worry on his face, her heart smiled.

"You're right," she said, her voice raspy. "I don't protect my left side."

Donovan dropped his head and gave a shaky, relieved laugh. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead, his breathing ragged. His lips were warm and soft. The feel of them lingered on her skin.

"Don't move," he said. "I have to take care of the lock down and I'll be right back."

As if scared he would break her, he slowly lowered her head back to the floor. Before heading to Principal Withers's office, he locked the main door.

Carter closed her eyes, listening as his footsteps retreated. Every inch of her felt battered. But with each steady breath she became more and more accustomed to the injuries. From the aches in her body she knew at least a couple ribs were bruised, if not cracked, her face was sore but nothing was majorly damaged, and it was possible she had a concussion, her brain feeling fuzzy.

By the time Donovan was walking back to her, she was able to prop herself on her elbow. Her thoughts were blurring, but she didn't feel like passing out again. The shutters on the windows lifted and gray light filtered into the office. The grinding metal rang in the silence of the room.

"Deputy Townsend," Donovan said, into the radio, "you're clear."

"Well done, Agent. Hold your position and my men will find you."

"Copy that."

Donovan slipped the radio into his pocket before crouching down by Carter.

"Can you get up?" he asked.

She started to nod, but stopped when the room tilted, dizziness washing over her. Donovan caught her before she hit the ground, one arm holding her around her shoulders.

"I'll take that as a no," he said.

She blinked, trying to clear the haze from her mind.

"I just need a minute then I can get up," she said.

Donovan didn't respond. Instead he slid his other arm under her legs. Instinctively, Carter wrapped her uninjured arm around his neck as he lifted her off the ground.

A stab of pain hit her as his hand pressed against her injured ribs. She sucked in a breath, gripping the back of his shirt, a shock of pain bringing tears to her eyes. Donovan quickly shifted his hand to an undamaged area.

"Sorry. You okay?"

She rested her head in the crook of his neck, taking a shaky breath, her eyes closed.

"Yeah," she said, her fingers still clenching his collar.

Moving cautiously, Donovan took a couple steps over to the chairs and sat down. His grip on her didn't loosen as he rested his head back against the wall. There was a quiet strength in his hold, as if he was scared that if he let go she might disappear. The adrenaline induced energy of the past hour drained from him.

For a long moment, neither said anything. The quiet of the school didn't seem as daunting before, as if they found the eye of the storm. Carter let her body rest fully against Donovan. She found strength in his hold as well as the steady drumming of his heart beat in her ear.

In his arms, she felt small and vulnerable, but beneath that was a sense of safety. She breathed him in. He smelled like sweat, but beneath it was the faint scent of his cologne. Her breathes began to sync with his as she moved with the rise and fall of his chest.

Slowly, her dizziness vanished and her thoughts righted themselves. She carefully raised her head. Donovan had his eyes closed. His face was tired and bruises played along the side of his face, from his cheek bone to his jaw. She lightly touched the injured part. He opened his eyes and looked down at her. An exhausted smile pulled at the edge of his mouth.

"How are you feeling?" he said.

"Like I got beat up by a 275lbs militarily trained guy."

Donovan gave a weak chuckle.

"What about you?" she asked.

"Only a little better than that. I have a bruised rib or two but that's about the worst of it. I've had worse encounters."

Carter's eyebrows rose in surprise. "Really?"

"You live with Marines you're bound to be black and blue for a good part of it. I learned how to take a hit."

"Seems I could stand to learn that sort of lesson."

"You shouldn't have to if I'm around."

She closed her eyes as he kissed her forehead. The heat of his lips seem to engulf her and send her aching body humming.

Behind them they heard the soft patter of footsteps. A second later the door handle jiggled. Donovan whipped the gun out from behind his back as the door was unlocked and opened.

The first man that stepped inside was dressed in full body gear. He swiveled his automatic gun around the room and landed on them. At the sight of them, he raised it along with his other hand. He then quickly flipped up his visor. 

"Good to see you're still in one piece, Donny," Brock said, a flicker of a grin skipping across his face.

Donovan let out a tired breath and dropped the gun. Brock waved in a couple more men and they finished the sweep of the office.

"I have Agent Keller and the civilian," Brock said, into a comm set. "I'm escorting them out now. Have a medic standing by."

Carter shifted as if to stand up, but Donovan didn't release her. Without a word, he stood, his hold on her making it clear that he wasn't about to let go.

Brock lead the way out of the office. On the opposite end of the hallway, men in body gear were moving in and out of rooms, securing them. Brock took them back through the already cleared areas.

As they approached the school entrance, Carter looked up at Donovan.

"I'm going to have to walk once we hit those doors," she said.

He met her gaze. "Why?"

"Because if my dad sees you carrying me he will most likely shoot you."

This comment received a smile. "Understood."

They stopped just inside the front doors and Donovan lowered Carter's feet to the ground, but kept a firm grip in her side. She left her arm slung over his shoulders, testing the steadiness of her balance. When convinced she wasn't going to fall over, she loosened her hold. Donovan reached up and caught her hand before she could pull it away.

"I'll risk being shot," he said, "but I won't have you falling down the stairs and breaking your neck."

She turned her eyes to him. "Okay."

Brock stepped forward and pushed the door open, holding it for them. They emerged into the gray day, the air was cool with the scent of rain. Beyond them was the perimeter of cars. Added to it were ambulances. The scene was teeming with people constantly in motion, preparing for the onslaught of hysterical parents and the reviving of hundreds of students.

Brock guided them down the stone steps. They had barely touched the gravel drive when Carter's father appeared. He hurried forward, a tidal wave of emotions playing across his face. Before he could sweep her up into a hug, Donovan took a step forward and raised his hand.

"She's injured," Donovan rushed to say. "Bruised ribs, possibly fractured, and a minor concussion."

Her father swallowed down his emotions and stepped over to Carter. She smiled, tears of relief springing to her eyes.

"Sarge," her father said, gently encasing her in his arms.

Carter leaned into him, a fresh wave of exhaustion hitting her.

"Come on, Donny," Brock said. "Deputy Townsend wants to meet you."

Donovan gave Carter one final look and left with his brother. It seemed hours before Carter's father let go of her, even then she didn't want him to. He pulled back, the rim of his eyes slightly red. Carter gave a shiver as a breeze whispered past her bare arms. Her father quickly slipped off his jacket and tossed it over her shoulders. It smelled clean and familiar.

"You got my message," Carter said.

Her whole being felt weak and knew if it weren't for her father's strong hands gripping her arms, she would most likely crumple to the ground.

"I was worried you were running away for a moment. Especially after..."

A lump lodged itself in Carter's throat.

"Come on," he said, "let's get you to the ambulance."

Carter let herself be guided by her father's unyielding hold on her shoulders. Inside her was a hurricane of exhaustion, pain and sadness. All three things seemed to battle for the top spot, the weight of them all clouding her mind.

A medic was waiting at the back of an open ambulance. The sight of the open van and the gurney snapped Carter from her thoughts. She pulled away from the man who was stepping towards her.

"I'm not leaving," she said. "Not until Link is okay."

Her father stared down at her, his refusal ready in his eyes.

"Sarge," her father said, the name a warning.

"No," she said, determination giving her a spark of energy. "I just dealt with men twice my size to make sure he was okay. I'm staying until I see that."

A shadow passed over her father's face and his mouth became a thin line.

"You shouldn't have been put in that situation in the first place," he said.

Carter knew he was talking about Donovan. 

"Captain, I was the one who forced him to take me along. I wasn't about to let him go into an unknown situation without backup."

"But he let you get hurt."

She gave him a weary smile. "I'll heal." 

He father stared at her, all his worry and fear playing in his eyes. His hands tightened on her arms as if to reassure himself that she was really there.

"I'm okay now," she said. "Thanks for coming for me."

His gaze softened.

"I will always find you," he said. "That's a promise -"

"And a threat," Carter finished for him.

Someone approached them.

"Agent Owens," he said. "Deputy Townsend is ready for you."

Her father nodded and shifted his attention to the medic.

"Take care of her," he said.

"Yes, sir."

Her father kissed the top of her head and left. Carter watched him disappear around a car and a horde of moving workers. She refocused her gaze to the medic standing beside her. She carefully climbed onto the lip of the ambulance and sat down.


Mint and chip! (Jeez I want some!)

Phew!! Everyone is alright! The worst is over! Donovan carried Carter and they are adorable!

Be honest, did you really think I would kill someone off??

Seriously I'm not that heartless. I just have a strong love of cliff hangers.

Հարց ժամանակ (Armenian) This question is from the classy ChocoVirus : Are you a HP fan?

Answer: If you mean HP computers, well I use a Mac but my dad works for HP so...I'm still going with Apple.
If you mean hippo parades, well...I've never seen one but I bet it's amusing.

Vote. Comment. Follow. Enjoy. Dance. Swim. Bounce. Laugh. Sing. Run.
Yeah....not sure where I was going with this either 🤦🏽‍♀️

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