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Early evening sunlight poured over the street, encasing Carter and Donovan in warmth. The day was cloudless and summer filled every mind. Buildings of staggering height lined the sidewalk, casting shadows down on the couple. They moved as if in a separate world, not seeing the things around them.

"I don't understand," Carter said, "why holding a guy's hand has such a strong effect on girls."

Donovan looked at her, his eyebrows raised, his lips curling into a smirk. She looked up at him. The bruises along her cheek had shifted to a yellow, brown color.

"Are you saying that this has no affect on you?" he asked.

He brushed his fingers along the inside of her palm before lacing his fingers between hers. Carter felt her heart lurch and her nerves begin to hum. Despite this, she kept her face blank, fighting against the rush of heat that was climbing into her cheeks.

"None whatsoever," she said, her voice controlled.

Donovan smiled and leaned close to her ear. "You forget, you can't lie to me."

His voice was low and touched with a teasing note. When he pulled away, Carter scowled, but didn't let go of his hand. A smile slowly overtook his face, the sight enticing one from her.

"You know, if you want to hold my hand," he said. "You can. It is your right with me being your boyfriend."

"A label that is still in question by my father, though he did give it to you."

"I plan on making it more permanent."

Carter smirked. "We'll see if that's possible."

In response Donovan squeezed her hand, his eyes intent upon her. The feel of his fingers locked in hers felt new and familiar all at once. It was a feeling she didn't plan on losing.

They were passing a dark alley when she spoke again.

"How's Link doing with being alone to-"

The sentence was never finished as a pair of rough hands grabbed and yanked her from Donovan's hold. She let out a cry of surprise. The sound was cut off as a hand clamped down over her mouth and nose. The other hand closed around her in a vise like grip, pulling her back into the alleyway.

Donovan rushed after her, but another muscular man appeared. He caught Donovan by the shoulder, hauling him back.

Carter struggled against her attacker, but the man was three times her size and she dangled from his hold. Still, she tried to kick at his legs and butt his face with her head. But all her efforts had little effect as the oxygen drained out of her.

Her lungs screamed for air and she could only watch as Donovan efficiently rendered his opponent unconscious.

Before the man hit the ground, he was racing for her. The world was going blurry and she felt her thoughts unraveling. The hand over her face was pulled away. Carter gasped, sucking in air. She leaned her head forward and Donovan took the opportunity to land a blow to her captor. The man released her. She went stumbling to the ground, fighting to get air into her lungs.

Her mind was slow to clear, her lungs working furiously. A second later, Donovan was by her side. He took her arm and lifted her to her feet. His face was tight with concern, but his eyes were blazing with adrenaline.

"Can you walk?" he asked, his tone urgent.

Behind him the man lay unconscious. Carter didn't glance at the prone figure. She nodded, the world still hazy.

"Good," he said. "We have to move."

They hurried to the mouth of the alley, Carter leaning on Donovan for support. As they hit the sidewalk, he kept her positioned away from the street, his body blocking hers from view.

They had barely gone a few steps before a gun was fired.

The window of the bakery next to them exploded in a shower of glass. Chaos erupted as Carter's ears rang with the sound, the world muffled. The window shards rained over them and she raised her arms, blocking her face.

Everything was a storm of confusion as she fought to regain clarity. Another shot cut through the air, landing in a second window above them. Donovan flipped over a deserted table on the side walk and they both ducked behind it.

He shielded her body with his own, his arms wrapped tightly around her.
More gunfire pelted the sidewalk and beat against the wooden table. Carter's mind crystallized as adrenaline spiked her system, the fuzzy thoughts of a second ago burned away. In its place was a sharp focus. Donovan leaned close to her, his lips hovering over her ear.

"We need to make a run for the bakery and take cover on the other side of the counter."

Carter twisted her head so she could see him. His blue eyes were serious, his lips a determined line.

"I'll follow you," he said.

Her heart raced, her body buzzing. Even in the intensity of the moment, she was overly aware of him. The feel of his chest pressed against her back, and his arms securing her.

"On the count of three," he said.

Carter nodded, shifting her stance to make a break for it.


Blood pounded in her ears.


Another volley of gun fire ricocheted off the sidewalk and brick buildings.


Carter sprinted forward, Donovan hot on her heels. She leapt through the shattered window. Clearing the length of the shop in a few steps, she vaulted over the counter and landed hard on the floor. Donovan slid over the top and dropped down right beside her.

She looked at him, her breathing fast and energized. Donovan met her gaze, his eyes bright like a burning candle flames.

A smile spread across her face. He was quick to return it.

She laughed, looked over the top of the counter and then back at him.

"Well," she said, "Captain has had a good many opportunities to hit you with a bullet and hasn't. I say this is a good sign."

"Good," Donovan said, "because I wanted to take you out tonight."

Carter couldn't stop the happiness she felt with that statement. "Then let's get me through this with no injuries and you only mildly wounded."

"I'll take mildly wounded for a date with you."

They smiled as another round of bullets pinged off the counter and tile floor. Carter twisted to look over the counter. From the low view, there wasn't much to see. She shifted back.

"What's our next move?" she asked.

He pointed to himself. "You mean my next move. Technically, you weren't even suppose to struggle against Curtis."

Carter frowned.

"You try playing the helpless damsel after years of training and see how easy it is to do nothing." A thought struck her. "You didn't hurt Curtis too badly, did you?"

Donovan shook his head. "He might have a bad headache tomorrow and a bruise or two but he'll be fine. Now, come on. Let's move. And no attacking the men. That's my job today."

Carter rolled her eyes, and Donovan chuckled. He rose to a crouch and took her hand as he passed by. She suppressed a smile at the feel of his hand in hers.

He pulled a gun from the back of his jeans and raised it. They crept along the counter and ducked into the empty back room. Dust layered the floor. They left footprints as they made their way to the back door. Donovan released Carter's hand and reached for the handle. With a backwards look at her and a nod in response, he pulled it open.

He edged his gun out, checking the alley. Satisfied it was clear, he pushed the door all the way open, swinging his gun around to check the other end. Before Carter stepped out, he scanned the roof tops.

"Let's move," he said

She followed his lead as he moved down the alley. Every few feet, she glanced back.

"I still think I should have taken the gun from Dickson," she said. "He was unconscious and I feel completely helpless."

Donovan smiled, but didn't look back, his focus on the opening.

"That's not what this is about," he said. "Today is about me proving, again, to your father that I can protect you."

"I can protect myself."

"I know that."

Carter swallowed her next comment when a man appeared at the entrance. Donovan fired twice. Two red paint balls exploded on the man's chest. Smirking, the man stuffed his hands in his pockets and leaned against the wall. Carter looked back, but saw no sign of danger from that end. They slid along the wall, until they reached the corner.

"The car is only a block away, but this is the end of our cover," Donovan said. "You ready?"

"Give me a gun and I will be."

He chuckled, but made no response. "Okay, stay with me."

"I don't plan on leaving." The words slipped out before Carter had time to realize what she had said. Donovan halted.

"We have to go," she said, trying to erase the words from being heard.

A touch of a smile tugged at his lips as he sharpened his focus once more.


He checked that the street was clear and hurried out, Carter close behind. A storm of gun shots rang out the second they hit the pavement. Donovan pulled Carter to cover against a rusty car. She huddled close to the ground, Donovan's hand keeping her as small as possible.

"This is stupid, I want a gun," she said.

Donovan made no reply, his focus elsewhere. He spun around and aimed three shots at a second story window. Two of the three met its target and the gun fire ceased.


Carter was already rising as he took hold of her arm to help her up. They sprinted for the next street, ducking around a car and sliding into a kneeling stance. The upper torso of a man popped up from a roof across the way. Donovan took him down with a quick hit to the chest.

"We need to make it to the car soon," he said, "because I only have two bullets left. After that's it's just me between you and bullets. And I don't feel like getting hit with a bean bag round."

"I heard those hurt worse than a real bullet."

"You see why I want to avoid it then." He turned towards her and nodded to the street. "Come on. Almost there."

Giving the lane one final check, he took the lead. They hurried down the sidewalk, Donovan doing scans of the rooftops as they went. They stopped at the corner, the Mercedes in sight, parked across the way.

Donovan whipped his head out and back in. When nothing happened, he peered out again, examining the sidewalk. Carter could see the determination radiating from him, his body tense with buzzing energy.

When he stepped out, she followed, keeping close. He swiveled one way and the next, his mind alert for a trap. The street remained quiet.

Just as they reached the car, sunlight glinted off something metal protruding from a window. Before the shooter could fire, Donovan had already aimed and pulled the trigger. His final shot took out a man that materialized from the shadows. The sequence was over in less than a second.

Carter couldn't help but smile, admiring the speed and certainty in which he had moved. Though empty, he swung the gun around, searching for last minute attacks.

None came.

A moment later her father walked out of a building. The men that had been shot stood and made their way to the street. Her father's face was serious as he looked at Donovan, who straightened under his gaze.

"Good," he said. "But you are out of bullets, so it would only take a single shot to end you at this point."

Donovan gave curt nod. "Yes, that is if I were still standing here. By this time I planned to be a mile away in the car."

Her father gave him a slight frown. "Life doesn't go as you plan. Remember that."

"I will, sir."

Curtis walked forward and clapped a hand on Carter's father's shoulder.

"Steve, lighten up," he said. "You've put him through three different scenarios and he's proven he can protect Carter in each one. I say it's time you trust him."

Carter smiled at Curtis and he sent her a grin. She looked at her father, who was still wearing a convincing frown.

"Well, Captain?"

After a long minute the frown broke.


Carter stood in front of her closet, her freshly blow dried hair falling over her shoulders. She stared at the dark assortment of clothes, her hands hidden away in the pockets of her sweats. The sun was slipping over the edge of the horizon and house lights were beginning to blink on. The apartment was quiet, the question on Carter's mind the loudest thing.

"I really have no variety," she said.

Maggie smiled beside her. "Your closet could stand to expand, yes."

Carter waved a frustrated hand at the ensemble. "I think I have five shirts that are all the same. Even the same color."

Maggie restrained her laughter. "I think you're right."

Carter leaned her head back and groaned.

"This is stupid and I know it, yet somehow I care what I wear tonight. And what Donovan thinks."

Maggie placed a consoling hand on her shoulder, bringing Carter's attention to her.

"Hun, it's not going to matter what you wear. He will be happy just to be taking you out."

"You say that like I could go in my sweats."

Maggie's laughter burst out and the sound wiped away Carter's annoyance for the moment.

"How about this," she said, "you'll wear what you usually do and tomorrow I'll take you shopping."

Carter grimaced. "Even the word 'shopping' makes me want to shoot something."

Maggie shrugged. "It's that or wear the same thing every time you go out with Donovan."

Carter's eyes narrowed on the closet, her mouth a thin line.

"Is the sweats option off the table?"

"Yes, I can't let you leave the house on your first date in your father's old training t-shirt and ratty sweatpants."

Carter palmed her eyes and let out a frustrated sigh.

"Is it always this annoying being a girl?"

Maggie shrugged and moved to the closet. "It feels annoying because everything is new, but you'll get used to it." She pulled out a simple dark green shirt and a pair of jeans.

Carter took the items and shook her head. "I hope it gets easier or I'll break a hole in my punching bag."

Maggie chuckled and picked up Carter's discarded towel. Carter was just about to change when they heard a knock on the front door. They froze, listening as her father moved across the living room and opened the door. A deep, familiar masculine voice drifted through the apartment.

Carter couldn't help the smile that appeared at the sound. Maggie turned, her grin cheeky. In response, Carter scowled. Maggie gave a light laugh.

"Don't worry, girlie," she said. "Your secret is safe with me." She waved her hands at Carter. "Hurry up and get dressed, I don't want Steve torturing him for too long."

She left and Carter quickly changed, straining to hear anything beyond her door. Before leaving, she allowed herself a quick glance in the mirror. Though her expression was scrutinizing, there was a brightness in her eyes she couldn't avoid noticing. A small grin pulled at the edge of her mouth.

She walked into the hallway and spotted Maggie standing by her father and talking to Donovan. When she stepped into the living room, Donovan's attention instantly jumped to her. Both her father and Maggie glanced back.

"Oh hun," she said, "You'll need a jacket. Stay here, I'll get it."

As she passed Carter, she leaned in and whispered. "He's cute. Good job."

Carter laughed as Maggie winked.

"What kind of weapons are you carrying?" Carter's father asked, using Maggie's absence to his advantage.

Donovan shifted his gaze from Carter to her father to respond.

"I have an ankle holster with a switchblade and in my glove compartment is a M45 with two extra clips."

Her father nodded in approval. Maggie returned and handed Carter her jacket. Thanking her, Carter slipped it on and moved to Donovan's side. With an ease that made her stomach flip, he took her hand. Maggie took a stance beside Steve, her cheeks nearly breaking with a smile.

"I want her home by ten," he said.

Carter turned a flat look on him. "Captain, seriously?"

He shrugged, his face even.

"Fine, don't go on a date," he said.

"Ten it is, sir," Donovan said.

He squeezed Carter's hand, keeping her from voicing any more arguments. Her father smiled, the look more welcoming as he looked at Donovan.

"Hurt her in anyway and I will shoot you. Connections or no connections. And it doesn't matter where you go. I'll find you."

It was Carter's turn to squeeze Donovan's hand, sensing the touch of fear that sank into his stomach. Maggie laughed and took Steve's arm.

"What he meant to say is have fun," she said.

He shook his head. "No, I meant what I said."

Carter turned and pulled the door open. "We're leaving now."

Before she took a step, her father spoke.

"I love you, Sarge."

She twisted back and smiled at him. "I love you too, Captain."

"Have a good time," he said. Then his face went serious. "But not too good of a time."

Shaking her head, she left, followed by Donovan. They remained quiet as they descended the stairs, waiting for the click of the door. It finally came when they made it to the car.

The night was cool, the glow of house lights spilling into the drive and alleyway. Donovan looked back at the apartment.

"What are the chances your father has a sniper rifle trained on me and will shoot me if I kiss you now?" he asked, turning his attention to Carter.

"Very low. He prefers a glock and close quarters."

Donovan smiled and took a step towards her. He took her face in his hands, brushing his thumb along her cheek. She rested her hands against his chest, feeling the faint beating of his heart.

He stared at her. In his blue eyes was a feeling she knew her own eyes held. A feeling that coursed through her.

He kissed her, the feeling sending roots deeper into her chest.

She gave him a teasing smile.

"Look at that, kissed me and still alive."

"I say that's a good sign." He laced his fingers through hers. "Where do you want to go tonight?"

She shrugged. "As long as I'm with you, I don't care."

"How does a romantic movie sound?"

A flat look jumped to her face. "Like you don't want this relationship to last very long."

He chuckled. "Shooting range and dinner it is."

Carter smirked.

"Good," she said. "It will give me a chance to beat you at something new."

Donovan gave her a serious look.

"Carter, you understand I was assembling a gun by the age of ten, right?"

She cocked her head, her expression taunting.

"Are you scared of a challenge, Donovan?"

He kissed her. "From you? Never."

If you don't want this adventure to end then go read Open Case File, it's full of one shots about their lives.

(Before I go into goodbyes know that there are a couple specials! 😉)

Dearest Chum!

This is it. This is the end of our journey. The story has ended. The ships have sailed. The lights have turned off. The last words has been said. The curtains have dropped. The book has been closed. Wow I think I got carried away there, okay moving on.

This is where we part ways...

Haha actually it's in no way where we part! I would never leave you, you know that right!

So dry those tears and smile, I posted a new book! Let's start a new journey! It's called Three Weeks and well.. I'm excited to see what you think!

(Quick note, that book is now completed and ready for your binging pleasure! Enjoy!)

But before you jump over answer me this: did the attack surprise you?

Did you ever guess that the whole thing was a training course??

Do you know how much I love you and don't plan on ever leaving you without a book to read?

Well, you should know that it's the truth! I'll see you in the comments! Go meet Kit St James in Three Weeks! I think she could give Carter a run for her money.

And if you ever need more to read my list of published books seems to just keep climbing!

Three Weeks [COMPLETED]
New girl. Life guard. Adventures. Waffles. Love.
A Second Chance [COMPLETED]
Playboy singer. Small time singer. Contract. Love.
Co-writers. Humor. Love.
Celebrity Cruise [COMPLETED]
One week. Cruise worker. Famous singer. Love.
Every Second [COMPLETED]
Pop singer. Drummer. One album. Love.
Beyond The Barrier [COMPLETED]
Zombies. Action. BA girl. Love.

I hope it's clear that all my books have romance in them! ☺️

Until the next book!

If you want to follow me on Instagram my username is Joymoment!

When I can't write I post wacky videos on my story, so it's probably best to avoid it at all costs. 😉

P. S. I caved and wrote a few specials and snippets and whatnot! So don't cry there is more Darter to read! Just keep scrolling, just keep scrolling what to we do we scrollll!
(Sorry Finding Nemo just kinda popped into my head 🤦🏽‍♀️)

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