Special Scene Snippets

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Because you asked for it and because it is ridiculous how much I love you. I hope you like it. ❤️


Chapter 3 Donovan POV

(Yes, it's the chapter you want.)

Slinging his strap over his head, Donovan moved towards the door. The girl who had been giving him glances all through class rushed to take the spot by his side. He remained unresponsive to her presence.

"I know you are new here," she said, her voice breathy. "So, you know, if you ever need help on anything, let me know. I'm a great teacher."

She leaned in at the last part and Donovan had to hold himself back from forcing space between them. Carter snorted, drawing the girl's attention and receiving an annoyed glare. She was leaning against a set of lockers, her hands in their normal hiding spots in her pockets.

"I was completely lost about the whole thing with the isotopes, would you be willing to teach me?" she asked. "Or is it only attractive males that you have the heart of a teacher for?"

A blush raced across the girl's face and her eyes blazed with anger. Donovan found himself fighting with a smile at Carter's taunting look. Gratefully, the girl spun away. Carter pushed herself off the lockers and started walking, Donovan fell into step beside her with Link.

"Do you just not like blondes?" Link asked. "Or were you jealous that someone else offered to tutor Donovan?"

Carter gave him a flat look and he responded with a pleased smile. A sharp laugh cut through the thick layer of voices, followed by a weak protest. Donovan scanned the hallway for the source. Further down the hallway stood a semi circle of guys, facing a set of lockers. Without saying anything, Carter moved over to them. Link looked to Donovan as they followed, hearing another protest. Curiosity bubbled in his stomach, watching Carter approach the group.

As she flicked the ear of the guy on the outside of the semi circle, a smile threatened Donovan's lips. When the guy turned, she forced herself into the center of the circle. From where they were, Donovan could see a cowering figure on the floor. Carter stood in front of him, like a protecter. At her sudden appearance, the group instinctively took a step back.

"Good morning, gentlemen," she said. "A little early for this much testosterone, isn't it?" There was a breath of a pause. "Hey, Zac, how's the shoulder?"

A guy on the left rolled his shoulder reflexively.

"Hurt pretty bad when the nurse popped it back in, didn't it? I offered to do it for you."

The guy beside Zac waved his hand.

"This is none of your business, Owens, just leave," he said.

"True, but you have no business getting into Edmond's business. So I have decided, since each of us aren't minding our own business, to get involved in this business."

The guys exchanged looks, as Link glanced at Donovan, his eyebrows raised as if to say, 'this girl is something.' Donovan gave a nod in agreement, his focus cutting back to Carter.

"Look, Owens, this is between us and Edmond. You should leave before you hurt yourself."

A spark of anger flared in Carter's eyes and Donovan shifted closer. With each second he was around her, the image of a ticking bomb solidified in his mind. Dangerous, explosive and unpredictable.

"Look," Carter said, her expression nonchalant, "although I have no personal feelings towards Edmond here, I have even less feelings towards all of you, so I'm going to explain how this is going to go down."

She turned to the guy on the far left.

"I'm going to break your nose, because I don't like your face."

She pointed to Zac.

"I'm going to dislocate your other shoulder, just to make them even."

Cocking her head, she gave the main guy a sickly sweet smile. A smile that made a laugh rise in Donovan's throat.

"I'm going to break your wrist, taking away your baseball career. And finally you, Finch," she said, looking to the last guy. "I'm going to bust your ankle because I don't like the way you walk." She slid her hands into her pockets. "Now, how does that sound to all of you? And please feel free to look amused, skeptical or patronizing at this point. I'll have all the more fun wiping the expressions off your faces."

As she finished speaking, her gaze fell to the leader of the group, her face hardening. Donovan saw the leader flinch, but he didn't move. Tension pulsed through the air. The leader forced a smirk.

"You know what?" he said, his tone mocking. "We are going to leave because I would hate to ruin that pretty face of yours." He took a step back. "See you around, sweetheart."

Laughing, the guys started to leave. As Finch past Carter, he smacked her butt. Link inhaled sharply as Donovan instinctively took a step forward, anger exploding in his stomach. But in a blink of an eye Carter grabbed Finch's hand and forced it backwards. He sank to one knee, as she kept her hold on him. Carter's eyes were like two flames.

"Touch me again and you will find out how fast I can break five of your bones without breaking a sweat," she said, her voice as sharp as a knife.

Something Donovan couldn't describe surged through him. In that moment he had the strongest desire to kiss Carter. A need to know what that sort of strength, command and fire felt like. Tasted like.

Clenching his fist, he bottled up the emotion, knowing it was a foolish thought that he could never encourage.

"Understand?" Carter asked.

Finch nodded.


Releasing him, she turned towards Edmond. The ferocity of her expression died away as she looked at the disheveled figure. With a sigh, she took his arm and helped him up.

"Ed, what did we talk about?" she asked.

Edmond pushed his glasses up.

"Sorry, Carter."

"A couple of push ups. You can even put the calculus book beneath you, so you can read. It would just give you leverage. Or an ounce of confidence, either one at this point would help you."

Donovan crossed his arms, surprised by the amount of concern she conveyed. Edmond nodded, his focus locked on the floor. Carter shrugged.

"Alright, I'll see you in A.P. Cal," she said. "Try not to get beaten up till then. You're the only partner I have in that class. I would hate for that to end because of your untimely demise."

Edmond gave her a shy smile.  "Thanks, Carter."


She walked away, Link rushing to catch up with her and Donovan joined.

"Bad morning? Or are you just the defender of the weak?" Link asked.

Carter gave him a sideways glance and shrugged.

"I don't like Tuesdays and this one in particular."

Though her voice was even, Donovan detected a flash of pain in her eyes.

"Any reason?" Link asked.

She stopped walking. With her gaze focused on Link, Donovan was able to study her, seeing the waves of emotions that paraded through her eyes. Despite the strength she had shown only seconds ago she look vulnerable, in need of someone but afraid to let anyone in. He restrained the urge to reach his hand out to her. In an instant all her emotions were submerged.

"None whatsoever," she said.

She turned and continued walking. Donavon followed, knowing she was a mystery he was determined to solve.


Okay, these next two are short because I wasn't stealing from an already written chapter.


That One Moment
(A scene from college)

Carter stormed into the room and slammed the door behind her. It had barely closed when Donovan opened it again, flicking it shut. She rounded on him, her eyes blazing.

"What do you want, Donovan?"

"I want you to listen to me."

"I don't want to listen to you!" she yelled, waving her hand around. "I don't want to hear anything you have to say! We never should have started this!"

Donovan balled his fists, his frustration radiating off of him.

"Is that honestly what you believe?"

"Yes."  The lie singed her tongue but she didn't take it back.

Donovan ran a hand through his hair, his face loosing all it's passion.

"When will you stop pushing me away?" he asked, softly.

Carter's anger still burned white hot. "When I'm convinced you won't leave on your own."

He hit the wall with his fist.

"Damn it, Carter, I love you. When will you get that?!"

Any response she had was stolen away. Her heart beat frantically in her chest as if it was trying to break free and run to him. His blue eyes held her, the full truth of his words hidden there.

"Carter, I don't know what else I can say to convince-"

She closed the distance between them and kissed him, every thought, feeling and emotion she had for him poured into the kiss. Feeling it, Donovan wrapped his arms around her, pulling her against him. They lost themselves in each other. When they broke apart, Carter rested her forehead against his.

"I hate you," she said. "I didn't have a heart before you and now I hate the fact that I have one. And that you hold it."

Donovan let out a deep sigh.

"Can we please stop fighting now?" he asked.

She stared up at him, her fingers digging into his hair. 

"As long as you promise to always fight with me."


The Proposal

Carter spun around, kicking the man in the chest. The force of the blow sent him flying across the room and colliding with the far wall. He slumped to the ground, unconscious. Wiping away a bead of sweat, she lifted her wrist.

"Area secure."

She turned and found Donovan staring at her. In his eyes was a look that went much deeper than admiration. Despite the Op they were currently in, she found all thoughts left her. Her heart flipped.


Just her name held more than anything he could say. She knew what question was to follow, based on his tone and the intensity in his gaze.

"Yes, I will."

He smiled in wonderment and disbelief. She raised her gun at the doorway.

"Let's finish this, you still need to ask Captain for his blessing." She smirked. "Good luck with that."


Hey, butter scotch!

This is my way of apologizing for leaving you on such a terrible cliff hanger in the previous special. I know they weren't as long as you probably wanted but I still hoped you like the snippets of Carter and Donovan's life!

What were they fighting about?

Gosh, no clue but I figured that would be how it would all happen. Does anyone else love Donovan because of the way he said it?

Honestly, every other guy in my books say I love you during a sweet, tender moment, but nope, not Carter and Donovan! Sweet is something they could never really do. Well, not the first time they are sharing their hearts. It's so them it's stupid!

General thoughts on life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

If you confused as to what the answer is to that question it's either 42 or ice cream. I prefer the latter since it's eatable.

Fling your thoughts at me! Cause truly that is the only way thoughts should be transported!

Well, there is nothing else for me to say except I love you and I hope this makes you forgive me. Toodles! Until the next book we meet in! Hint: I have a lot of them. There's some self promotion for you!

Oh! I almost forgot vote for dinosaurs they need all the help they can get! Comment on the state of Middle Earth! Follow the horizon with Jack Sparrow!

Wow so many weird references all jammed together.

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