Chapter 17~

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Caden's POV

"Caden, we need to get her to the castle's hospital. Her injuries need checking," my mother informs me softly.

"How? How did this happen?" I've never heard this happening. Only mates feel pain and normally it's a prick here and there. Nothing like what she felt.

What I put her through. Within minutes of meeting her, I nearly kill her. Maybe she was right to keep hidden.

Brushing her black locks off her beautiful face I sigh. What have I done? Will reject me? I pray not. I don't know what I would do if she did.

Maybe go on a killing spree.

My mark lays beautifully on her neck. I crave it to stay there.

"We aren't too sure Caden. Blood bonds are rare. Once she wakes up we will have to ask her questions of what she felt," my father declares. 

"Did she look in unbearable pain?" Gazing down upon her faces once again, I'm struck with the magnificence of her beauty. The other females stood no chance against her.

Holding her in my arms I regret ever touching another soul. Shame blinds me. I shouldn't have allowed my self-pity and loathing to ruin what could have been.

"Caden." Sighing my father stepped up to me. "Don't do this. You're only going to cause yourself more pain."

"How can I not blame myself for her bruises? She has them littered across her entire body." Shaking I try to keep the sobs in. I don't deserve her.

Heavy footsteps sound throughout the room. "The limo is on its way here to transport you four back to the palace, Your Majesty's." Commander Togen said.

Normally trained wolves have silent steps. I believe he is doing it because I'm on egg shells.

"Thank you Chris. Now if you don't mind picking up the traitor and taking him to his new living courters."

"My pleasure, My King." A loud grunting noise reaches my ears. Excellent.

I wish I could have killed him for his words. If it weren't for my father's voice breaking through mine and Marcus's thirst for blood we would have killed him and our mate.

That one thought has sent fear deep into my heart since she passed out. I could have killed her. I was killing her. My own fingers were squeezing the life out of her body.

"Stop thinking about it Caden. It will do no good. You stopped in time to keep her alive," my mother demands. Sitting down next to Claudia she brushes her dark black hair to the side. "She is truly beautiful Caden."

"She is mother. My mate's an angel. I couldn't have asked for more." Sighing I pull her into my arms. Snuggling into her warm body I breathe in her scent for the first time.

"She has a scent mother," I whisper surprised. How did I not spell this before? I can barely breathe in enough.

"Caden, I don't smell her at all. If she has a scent it's for you only," she replies.

"And you never will," Nikolai spits out. Blood smeared across my chin.

Snarling at him, my arms tighten instinctually around Claudia. He can't have her. If she rejects me so be it. I can always remark her. True mates aren't meant to be apart.

I'll lock up her if she tries to escape. I won't allow her to actually leave me for another.

"Come on you filthy traitor. You have no right to speak to your Prince," Commander Togen snarls. Yanking on his arm he pulls Nikolai out of the room.

"We need to deal with him before returning to the castle. Claudia will be out for some time. It is best if you discuses Nikolai's punishment now. You want to be there when she wakes up in your room," my father proclaims with distain.

He raised Nikolai as his own son. This isn't only a low blow to me, it's to my parents as well.

"She will be fine sweetheart. I'll stay with her. If anything were to happen I would call you instantly." Looking into my mother's eyes, I can't help but feel loved. She's never let me down. "Alright?"

"Ya." Leaning down I press my lips to my beauties forehead. Lingering longer than a normal kiss. To stay with her is a natural instinct. Marcus and I pine for her attention. We feel lost without her in our arms. Now that we have her, we do not want to let her out of sight in fear of her disappearing once again. "If she moves at all, mother. I do not care if it's a twitch."

"I understand Caden. Now go take care of business." Smiling she ushers me out the door.

With a door separating me from my love I feel the tug at my heart. A tiny piece of string pulling, informing me I've distanced myself from my soul mate.

Shaking the feeling off, I rush down the stairs. Eager to get this done and over with.

Walking into the family room I notice Nikolai on his knees. Commander Togen and Commander Lexington standing on both sides.

"You have committed treason against the crown. How do you plead?" I demand.  

"Not guilty your highness."

"Bullshit and you damn well know it." Looking him up and down I grimace in disgust.

"She made me promise her to keep her identity a secret. As my future Queen I took an oath to protect and keep her secrets. I haven't broken one yet and I won't start for you. She deserves to be able to keep things to herself if need be." His eyes shown with hatred.  

She will keep no secrets from me.

"You kept her identity secret from not only me, but the whole kingdom. What do you think would have happened if an enemy would have come across her?"

"I would have protected her. We have our bond. Just because I allowed you to beat me up doesn't mean I couldn't kill you." I wish I could whip the smirk right off his face.

"I can't hurt you Nikolai. Oh how I wish I could. The blood in my veins boil at the mere thought of torturing you in the dungeons. Skinning you alive. Lavishing in your horrified screams. Blood would drip from my fingertips." Staring him down, I place my hand on his bare shoulder. "Instead the only thing I can do is strip you of your position. You will rue the day you lied to me Nik. I promise you that."

The moment my hand touched his skin the commander's tattoo started to sizzle. Burning it off his skin.

"Mother, is she in pain?" I quickly question my mother.

"No. she is sleeping peacefully. Why do you ask?"

"Check her shoulder. I am burning his commander's tattoo off."

Second pass by as I await my mother's words. If it caused her pain I would have stopped instantly. The next step would have been to put her to sleep with pills.

"Caden there is no redness. It isn't effecting her one bit."

Closing my eyes in relief I press down harder on his shoulder. He doesn't scream in pain. The slight flinch in his body proves it hurts in though.

I can take satisfaction in that at least.

Each warrior wolf has a tattoo on their shoulder describing their roll and rank. It provided their level of strength and power. In training they wore no shirts. In war they did.

We are not sure how the tattoos came to pass. It's pure magic. It appears on the skin after a month of training with the instructors. If the warrior ranks up in skill the tattoo grows. Commander's tattoo's cover their whole arm.

Within minutes the arm is black. All ink removed and left with burnt flesh.

"No one will doubt your rank now traitor." Disgusted in this creature I take a few steps back. I couldn't stand to be near him.

"She won't allow it, you know." Smirking he rolls his shoulders back. Is he enjoying the pain?

"Won't allow what?" How dare he smirk? He isn't going to get off easy.

"You will see once she wakes up."

"You're a traitor. Nothing she says will get you out of prison." Walking away I go to head up the stairs.

"Do you actually believe her to be putty in your arms? She may have when her heat was at its highest, but don't think for a second she will be happy with you." Laughing he throws his head back.

"If you've forgotten I've marked her. She will hunger to be in my arms. Her body will ache in delicious pain until I satisfy if. No matter what you meant to her, it will no longer matter. She is mine and you will do good to remember that." Fuming I clench my fists. It will do no good to punch him.

               I will have to take my anger out on a punching bag or the commander's later.

"Don't bother in telling her hi." Snickering he is pulled harshly up by the commanders. "She will know where to find me. She has sneaking around throughout the castle walls. One moment she will be in your room screaming her head off, the next she will be in my arms. Don't worry, I will take good care of her. I promise you that."

A sinking crunch echo's in our ears.

Fear gushes deep in my heart.

"Mother, her leg. Check her leg," I scream with horror. I can't move. I pray she is fine. If she isn't commander Lexington will be down in the dungeons. His life hanging on by a thin piece of string.

"Caden, she is perfectly fine. I told you I would inform you if she came to harm." Sighing my shoulders sage in relief. "What is going on down there? What has you out of control?"

"Commander Lexington flipped and snapped the traitor's knee."

"Oh dear. Please stop scaring me."

"I can't promise."

"Is she alright my Prince?" Lexington enquires. The horror and shame clearly shows in his eyes. "I will relinquish my position the moment we put him in a cell." Bowing his head he keeps his eyes to the ground.

"If you ever take my mates life in your hands again like that I won't hesitate to kill you. Do you understand?" I snarl. I feel Marcus threating to push through. No one hurts our mate.

"Yes your highness."

"To answer your question she is perfectly alright." Leering I start upon the pathetic excuse of a commander. "It seems because of the bond between Claudia and this filth I can't harm him. You on the other hand do not cause your Princess any harm."

Trepidation enters Nik's eyes. "We will take care of it, if that's your wish."

"It is." Turning my back on them. I head back up the stairs. "Do not kill him. I want him to suffer for years.

"The limo has arrived." I hear my father's voice through our mind link.

Walking into the bedroom I gently pick her up. My mother had put a shirt over her head. Wrapping the bed sheet around her body, I hold her close to my chest.

The need to feel her flesh against mine rises with each lung full of air.

Entering the limo, I cradle her on my lap. Gazing upon her beauty I feel hope fill my heart. For once I feel as if my life can finally start. No more moping around in pure agony of being alone.

I'm finally complete.


 Authors Note: I want to thank all my loyal fans. You guys are the best. I also want to thank you for not complaining about how last chapter was much too short. It was short because it was in her pov. that is all i wanted for her. I only do one person's pov in a chapter. that will not change. 

Chapter Question: How will Claudia react to being in Caden's bed?

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