Chapter 35~

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If you aren't a follower and didn't get the email, go back and read Chapter 34 as it is new. If you do not. this chapter35 might be a bit confusing. 

Chapter 35



One single run turned into hours of running around the forest. I knew Taylor and Theo to be guarding me. As for the other guards my dense Prince tacked onto my moments, I hadn't felt them in the last few hours.

I couldn't get my mind off all that I had done to Nik. It was all my fault he is now spending ten years in prison. Ten years he could have found a second chance mate. A female wolf who could have loved him for him. Possibly given him pups to cherish and dote on.

Now all he will be able to see is a four by four concrete ceil. I've heard the door and walls are laced with a chemical that will burn their skin. I put him in that chemical covered cell. I forced him to be burned.

No matter what they say, it was all my doing. Nik wouldn't have betrayed my trust and for that alone I will never see his handsome face again.

Knowing my pathetic mate he will band Nik from entering the castle after his ten years are up.

Is this what he wanted to happen all along? Was he hoping if the council members sentenced Nik to jail, he would be off the hook? He wouldn't have to feel guilty for forcing my own brother in jail.

Stopping mid leap, my body falls to the ground like a log. Had he spoken to the council members? Ordering them to sentence Nik to jail? He had looked confident through the whole trial. Is that why? He knew the outcome before anyone else?


He couldn't have. He wouldn't have betrayed me like that.

Whimpering I curl up into myself. My tail wrapping around my face to block out the trees surrounding us. The sun had fallen hours ago.


All my fault. It's all my fault.

"Dammit Claudia. We are not playing this game again. You will not curl up inside your mind. Get the hell up and act as if you're pissed off. Do something for crying out loud!"

I growl out as a paw smashes me in my face. Before I have time to react my tail is chomped down on. Reacting I try to scramble away. Instead the mouth holding onto my tail flings me around in the air. Whimpering at the pain, I try to force myself to concentrate.

"Do you believe Nikolai kept you a second so that you could wallow in self-pity now? You're not the one who is in jail Claudia. He is. Not you! He knew what he was getting into the day he promised you he would keep your secret," Taylor roars at me as he takes out my right front leg.

Why are they doing this?

"Lies!" I scream back. "He believed I could get him off the hook!"

"Nikolai told me the day after he found out who you really were. He told me he knew the price of lying to his Prince. He damn well knew he would be going to jail." Ramming me, I feel a rib crack under the pressure of his hard head.

"No, he wouldn't have allowed that. I don't believe you!" I cry out with horror. He couldn't have known.

I feel my body thrown against a tree. The bark scraping a chuck of fur off my back. I deserve this. I deserve it all.

"Dammit Claudi fight back! Nikolai didn't spend hours training you for this bull. He would be disappointed in you." I feel the air whoosh out of my lungs as the two wolves slam into me at the same time.

"No he wouldn't be Theo," I try to argue back. My lungs screaming for air.

"Look how pathetic you are Claudi! You haven't landed one swipe of your claws at either of us. You wouldn't last a second with a rogue." I snarl as Theo bites down on my shoulder. Piercing my skin. "You're nothing but a weak servant who doesn't deserve a mate. Stupid Claudi, always getting in the way. No one wants to be her friend, too scared to be seen with the outcast." Theo roars with spiteful laughter.

"That's not true," I snap as Taylor rams my hind legs. Lifting me up and slamming me back down.

"Isn't is sister? Look at you? Do you honestly believe Theo and I wanted to be near you all those years? You couldn't stop whining about Caden being with other females. How you loved him, but he broke your damn heart over and over again. Well get the hell over it. Your eighteen years old and you can't take responsibility for shit!"

"I have a right to be angry dammit! Caden betrayed me! I know he had a hand in sending Nik to jail. I just know it." I quickly shift my body enough to duck underneath Taylor as he leaped at me.

"No you do not Claudia. How do you think he feels? Huh? Have you thought about his feelings in any of this? It's always, oh pity me. I feel depressed so I'm going to run off and wallow in my self-pity. Don't mind me, I don't mind that over fifty guards are taken away from their families because their Princess is throwing a hissy fit," Taylor sneers as he rams me on my left side once more.

"Of course she didn't Taylor. Claudi clearly has proven no one matters, but her. If she takes a father away from his son's first birthday. Who cares? Not Claudi that's for sure."

"Stop it. Stop doing this." Lifting my hind leg up, I watch as they circle me. Eyes filled with hate. "Why are you doing this to me?"

"We are only giving you a share of pain, you've put our Prince through. Because of you he is locked up in his room crying his heart out," Theo barks out with such hate, it throws me off guard.

"What?" That stops me dead. "Why is he crying?" I had done it again. I had run.

"Why? How do you have the audacity to ask that question?" Snapping his sharp teeth at me, I jump back in fear. "You tormented him for eight years, brought hope to him for a few short weeks then annihilated him. You should have ripped his heart out. It would have been less painful than what you're doing to him."

"He forced Nikolai into jail for ten years Theo." I scream.

"It's always about Nikolai isn't it? Why didn't you mate with him Claudi?"

Taylor's words stun me. "I love him as a brother. Nothing more Taylor and you know that. It would be like mating with you. Disgusting."

"Caden believes you are in love with Nikolai. He doubts your connection with himself. You run off because the man who kept your secret for years is now locked up. How do you think Caden took that?"

"I don't know," I whisper to Taylor.

"You straight up told him you love Nikolai more than himself. Turning your back on Caden, proved to the people you care more for Nikolai than your own mate. They believe you're unworthy to be Prince Caden's soul mate."

"No." What have I done?

"As we speak women are lining up to prove their worth to Prince Caden."

"No." Impossible.

"He is having auditions for his second choice mate. He no longer wants your pathetic body."

"No you're lying Taylor!" I scream. My body dropping to the floor in agony.

"See for yourself. Go back to the castle and see the women lining up. There has got to be nearly four hundred so far and it's only been one day. Think of what tomorrow or next week will bring?" Cackling I watch as Taylor stretches his body in pleasure.

"You know Taylor, I'm glad we no longer have to pretend to like your sister. We can finally hold her whinny head under water until she suffocates. No one will miss her sorry excuse for a werewolf."

"Your right."

"I feel bad for you, you know. At least I'm not blood related to this filth." Why is Theo acting like this? Why is Taylor for that reason?

"I only pretended to be a loving brother because my mother forced me to be. If it wasn't for my parents and the fact she was the Princes mate, she would be six feet under long ago." I watch with horrified eyes as Taylor's wolf inches towards me. Murder clear in his eyes.

"You're lying Taylor. You love me. I'm your baby sister," I start to cry. My brain pounding inside my skull creates an ache in my body. "You have to be lying."

"Baby sister? You're not my baby sister. I disowned your ass years ago," he barks out.

"Taylor, it seems as if our fun with Claudi has come to a standstill. Twenty rogues due east of us."

Shooting up, I whimper in pain as my hind leg throbs.

"Tsk, tsk Claudia. We can't let rogues rip you to pieces. That's mine and Theo's job. Hurry that fat lard up. We need to head towards the castle before they sniff us out." Ramming me, Taylor forces my body forward.

Doing as they say, I run as quickly as I can on an injured leg. At least I know I won't be kidnapped.

My dreams quickly evaporated as my tail was once again snatched up. The wolf flung my body to the ground to prevent me from moving.

I watch as the guys were both attacked by two each. At first I thought I could take the rogue behind me on, but I soon realized how wrong I was. This couldn't be a normal rogue. He had to have alpha blood in him. He was too strong for me to take on.

Why was he a rogue?

His wolf collided into mine making me roll head over tail. I caught hold of his left hind leg as he ran past me, but instead of getting a good bite all it did was jar my teeth. Jumping back up, I force the pain of my leg down. If I concentrated on it, I was dead.  

Not taking any chances I charge him. Slashing at his side, I miss by a mile. My small failure is short lived as he snaps his sharped teeth around my throbbing leg. A whine escapes my muzzle as he shakes his head back and forth, forcing the wound to deep. Blood soaking my leg and his muzzle.

Glancing over towards Taylor and Theo, I notice more wolves joined the fight. They each had six rogues attacking them. They were holding him by each paw, chest and throat.  I noticed out of the corner of my right eye the left over rogues sitting down, enjoying the show.  

I didn't know what to do. I couldn't fight off the one wolf I had. Bringing my attention back to the wolf in front of me I realize my horrible mistake. Never take your eyes off your pry. Instead of one wolf, I now had four.

I had no choice, but to surrender and pray they tried to ransom me.  If Caden' hadn't given up hope on me, maybe he will pay for Theo and Taylor's ransom as well.

Shifting back into my human form, I didn't give them the light of day. I could feel the lust rolling off their bodies in crashing waves.

"You're magnificent. I don't understand how the Prince could let you walk out the door without an army behind you, my dear. You were made perfectly to pleasure a man. Those hips of yours are the perfect size to grab ahold of and..." He spoke with awe.

"I do not want to know what you're thinking. I would rather know what shall come to pass. Are you going to kill my brothers and take me, fighting the whole way? Or will you let them go and I won't put up an ounce of strength against you." That earned deep angry growls from Taylor and Theo. They didn't want me to give myself over. They wanted to kill me themselves.

"I want you fighting. I love it when woman are feisty in bed. And you my dear will be screaming my name loud and clear in mine."

"Do we have a deal or not? I can tell you that if you don't let my brothers go, you won't have a moments silence in your life until you kill me. And you won't kill me until you get what you want from my mate." What could they possibly want from Caden?

"You're a smart little wolf aren't you?" He sneered at me. I thought he was going to say no deal, but when he spoke I felt my eyes go wide. "Deal. Now come over here." He was standing on the other side of the guys. Away from the fighting.

Shaking my head, I point to my brothers on the ground. "Not until they are released from your men. I don't trust you to keep your word. Once they are safe I will come to you willingly." I feel a slight shiver of fear trace down my spine at the thought of him touching my skin. It made me want to throw up.

Not one word was spoken, but my orders were obeyed. All the wolves slowly moved away from the guys. Once they were behind their Alpha, I lunged towards Taylor and Theo. They were both alive and within seconds of getting up were on each side of me.

               "I've done my end of the deal, now it's your turn," He goads. The smirk never once leaving his devilish face.

               Taking a step towards them, I get stopped by a paw on my foot.

               "You're not going to him. I told you Claudia, we will be the ones to kill you, not this piece of filth," Taylor snarled at me.

               "I see that we will have to pull out our magic weapon now. It's a shame you wouldn't come to us. You are the one who made the deal."

               "I'm not that young to believe you wouldn't have killed them the moment you had me in your grasp. I may be a female, but I'm not stupid," I yelled.

               "Well put." His gaze shifted towards the two wolves at my sides. "This may hurt a little bit." At his words, Taylor and Theo fall to the muddy forest floor. Not moving.


So how many of you hate me?

I bet a lot.

So did we finally see Theo and Taylors true colors? 

What is the rogue going to do with Claudia?

And is Caden truly searching for another mate to take Claudia's place already?

Please dont' forget to show some love. :) Vote COmment and Fan..

Only 2 more chapters left until the book is finished. 

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