Character Sketch

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Cicely Tyson as Tyonna Campbell

Job: N/A

Personality: Tyonna is Rachel's mother, after finally getting custody of Ryan with her husband she has tried many times to push her religion onto Ryan and pull him away from Aditya, she believes only God can show him the right way now.

Danny John Jules as Akoni Campbell

Job: Broker

Personality: Akoni is a strict man with a sense of humour, though he usually keeps his thoughts to himself he believes that Ryan should be allowed to make his own mistakes and that punishing him by keeping him away from Aditya will only end badly.

Tyrel Jackson Williams as Ryan Woods

Job: N/A Student

Personality: Much like his mother Ryan believes in seeing the best of people and refuses to give up on Aditya, though his belief in him slowly wavers over time he still believes that Aditya did not kill his parents. He often misbehaves because he feels like an outsider and only sees Aditya as someone who understands him, going as far as learning sign language just to communicate with him.

Ashley Benson as Rebbeca Griffin

Job: Intern At The Asylum

Personality: Rebecca has quite a chill attitude but spends a lot of time exercising to blow off steam, she sings often and well and tries to get Zoya to see the brighter side of life.

Ashley Benson as Megan Griffin

Job: Trainer At A Local Gym

Personality: The exact opposite to her twin sister Rebecca, Megan is moody and conniving, willing to do anything for her sister she often gets involved with the wrong people. She has been a fan of Aditya Hooda for years, believing he is the change for the better she praises him and his work.

Alicja Bachleda as Anita Basset

Job: N/A Patient

Personality: Anita has schizoaffective disorder, can be very depressed and believes everyone is out to get her she can be violent when she feels no one is listening to her.

Samuel L Jackson as Ezekiel

Job: N/A Patient

Personality: Ezekiel though blind and handicapped manages to see what others miss, unafraid of anyone he spends his time making alliances with people who interest him. Quiet and deadly he tests Aditya constantly

Chaske Spencer as Jay Miller

Job: Therapist at the asylum

Jay has an attitude just like Aditya, charming, funny and sarcastic he enjoys winding Zoya up. Though he may be her new secret adversary after clueing her in on her role in Aditya's life

Zahn McClarnon as Chetan Hooda

Job: Unknown

Personality: Chetan is the man who Ezzie loves the most, though Aditya despises him for reasons unknown

Bridget Regan as Nessie

Job: Works for Ezzie

Personality: Loyal to a fault, Nessie believes outsiders should not be welcome in their cult and is angry at Aditya for leaving and picking Zoya

Maggie Smith as Drazah Desime

Job: Stand in for Dr Rowlan at the asylum

Personality: A perfectionist, likes everything her way and very strict

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