Part Nineteen~ Meeting The Family

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Shoving his hands in his pockets Aditya walked slowly towards a still unconscious Zoya, a week had passed since the incident and there was still no sign of her waking up anytime soon, reaching out a hand to touch her he paused. A part of him felt scared to, she seemed so fragile, bruises marked her body and every few minutes she'd tremble, her face was the worst; eyes dark and swollen, bottom lip cut and blade like slices on her forehead and cheeks. "Zoya" he coughed to mask the emotion "Wake up, please" sitting on the side of the bed he sighed "I need you to wake up, I can't lose you again"

Esmerelda knocked on the door and opened it "Brought you coffee" shutting it behind her she eyed her warily "Still no change"?

"Nope" sipping it he looked back at his wife "But she will be awake soon" he assured her "Isn't her time yet, will you stay with her while I make a call"? Grabbing the phone on the bedside table he held to his ear and stepped outside then turned the corner "Megan"

Lifting her head she smiled "Aditya, how are you, how's Zoya"?

"She's no different" he crossed his arms "I called you here to ask if you had any news about Dr Rowlan"?

"Well I followed all the avenues you asked me to, tracked his phone, tracked the truck but haven't found anything substantial" rubbing her arms she looked around "Never thought i'd see this place, how come you came back"?

"Zoya needed help, this was the closest place" he shrugged "Okay well keep me updated" stumbling into the wall he grimaced "Just tired, don't worry"

"I'll worry either way, look after yourself Aditya, if not for yourself then do it for me I mean Zoya, sorry" dark red tinged her cheeks, she cleared her throat and looked away when he raised a brow "I'll get onto it as soon as I get back"

Ezzie tapped her foot "Well this is boring, you're no fun when you're unconscious" leaning down so her face was infront of Zoya's she sniffed "Why do you smell of water"? Grabbing her hair she lifted it to her nose "Oi, are you faking being unconscious"? Not getting a response she stood up straight "Let's test the theory hm" pouring a glass of water she poured it onto her "Alright, maybe I was wrong, boring, don't really know what he sees in you but atleast you seem to keep him happy" twirling around she pushed open the window "It's like an oven in here and it isn't just because i'm here" giggling at her own joke she looked up as her son walked in

"Why is she wet"?

"Uh, I thought she may have been thirsty, drink your coffee before it's cold" opening the door she turned her head over her shoulder "Red head looks feisty, you trading her in for this one because I could-"

"Megan is just helping me out, Zoya is final game mum" it had been years since he had even called her that, the sudden cold ambience that settled around them only added to the effect of what he had said

"Final game" she repeated "Got it, won't say no more" she knew not to push him at a time like this, grabbing him as he fell she pushed him into the chair "You need sleep lovebug, I had no other choice"

"You drugged me" Aditya fought against it, outrage covered his face seconds before he relaxed and his eyes closed


Martin coughed loudly "Hello, who's there"? He flinched at the sound of footsteps, he blinked fast in order to adjust his eyes to the darkness "Hello"

"People are dispensable, you can always find more and they're all made only to be used" a masculine voice spoke, three gun shots followed the sentence and then in succession three bodies hit the ground. Lifting a hand to the switch the person stepped forward "Remember me"?

"Zoya"? Too dazed from the assault before hand and the bodies on the floor he didn't take in the sudden change from a deep voice to a more light feminine one

"No" Malika shouted, fury burning through her blood "It's always Zoya, Zoya, Zoya with you, she's the only one that matters, the only one that means anything, you didn't consider anyone else, you didn't consider my parents when you murdered them and you never considered me" stepping closer she smiled "See that's why you three are here, it's about time you got to see who I am, the woman you left out, isn't that right brother" she hissed menacingly

Assam shook his head "I don't even remember you, I was a child when you got taken, I-" it was all too much to process at once

"Excuses, excuses, i'm sure you'll remember the song then" sitting down she smiled "Can you keep a secret, I don't suppose you can" she looked around "Sing along or I shoot, it's my time to be the faviourate child"

"You mustn't laugh, you mustn't smile" Assam, Aaraliyah and Martin sang with her, Aaraliyah's breathing fast as she did

"You mustn't make a sound" she clapped giddily "That was beautiful, shame Zozo couldn't be here but she will be soon, and brother dearest you do remember me, loved me so much you used to dress up as me, it's me Malika"

"Let my wife go" Assam begged "She has nothing to do with this, your problem is with us, not her"

"I'm not leaving you Assam" she shook her head, ignoring the hot tears that made her neck itch as they dripped from her chin to her throat "Whatever this is, we do together"

"Aw, how sweet, really, i'd cry if I could" she shuffled forward to a tied up Aaraliyah and grabbed her chin "But he's right, you don't need to be here, so sorry you had to be subjected to all of this" pushing the butt of the gun into her forehead she pulled the trigger "Now where were we, Assam, why are you crying"?

"YOU JUST SHOT MY WIFE, YOU CRAZY BITCH" pushing against the ropes he growled loudly

"Soooo, just get a new one, gosh, why are you all so emosh, Martin will you plait my hair"?


Zoya turned her head to the side, then to the other, groaning she screwed the sheet in her hands then opened her eyes, exhaling loudly as a hand covered her mouth

"Shhh" the man smiled down at her, lifting her up he span her around so her back was to his chest "There there"

Kicking her legs out she knocked Aditya's leg and grabbed his arm, hyperventilating now she tried to ignore the dots infront of her vision, he had to wake up now or this man would knock her out again, biting down on his hand she shoved at the arm on her waist, screaming when she was twisted so her head smacked into the wall, her heart dropped when a hand wrapped around her ankle, relief flooded her once Aditya stood up, ever so gently she was removed from the man's hold and placed back on the bed

In one quick snap he broke his neck, drop kicked him then pushed his foot into his face, crumpling his facial features, rolling his shoulders he turned back to his wife only to see she had gone "Zoya, Zoya" climbing out of the window he ran after her "Zoya" Aditya halted in his steps, unable to believe his own eyes he wasn't sure if the sleep deprivation and hunger was playing tricks on him. Holding his hand out in some way of warning he inched closer, watching as her eyes fell onto him, soft and yet so scared she trembled, the t-shirt she wore was his and was far too big for her, the jogging bottoms were also his and hung over her feet, her eye was still swollen shut, plasters covered one side of her forehead, her cheek, chin and nose. Her arms were thinner, slightly frail and one arm was still bent awkwardly, running her tounge over her swollen lip she held the gun in her hand up higher as more people crowded around. Turning his head he growled "You better hope she fucking shoots you before I get my hands on you, put your gun down"

Zoya quivered "Why did you bring me here, why didn't you just take me to a hospital"? Doe brown eyes now teary as she spoke

"If I took you to a hospital I wouldn't be able to be with you, just come back inside and we can talk" he stepped forward again but she shook her head

""No, no I don't want to, you're selfish you brought me to a place where these people are, people that rape and kill and i'm meant to believe my safety is a priority to you, I want to go home, either you take me or I will leave myself" she held her chin up high "Where is Dr Rowlan"?

"I have people on it, I couldn't exactly leave you and look myself could I? Will you just come back inside" He knew how important keeping his image was, the quiet whispers around him only served as a reminder of that "Zoya, you have no shoes on and there isn't a road for miles, you'll get lost or worse, something will happen to you, heal first and then I will take you back"

"Can't believe he lets her speak to him like that, god if it was one of us we'd be dead by now" someone spoke making him turn around

"If you have something to say then please do share with the rest of the group, all of you go now, she won't put the gun down if you all surround her like vultures swooping in for the kill" waving his hand he waited for them to disperse "Come in Zoya, no one will hurt you while i'm here"

"THEY ALREADY HAVE, just leave me alone, i'd rather take my chances out there then be in here" pushing her hair away from her face with her wrist she limped backwards

"That man is dead now, listen to me, we can't argue like this infront of everyone, some of these people prey on weakness, just calm down and we can talk"

"That's your solution for everything, killing people and i've had enough of it, you've brought me to one of the most dangerous places just so you could be with me, I don't want to talk to you and I don't want to calm down, you've brought me to a place like this and you want me to be calm, to listen, to talk, no it doesn't work like that, just let me go, don't follow me" she made her way toward the forest, constantly hissing and groaning in pain as she did, losing her footing she wobbled slightly just as he held her up "I said leave me alone, I don't need your help" gripping onto the tree trunk she pushed against it to gain some leverage then stopped, fingers ripping the bark she gulped, she knew this tree, Aditya had left her at this tree. Gnawing on her lip she looked around "Aditya" turning she exhaled and rested against a stump, the memories so painful in her heart she wanted nothing more than to see him again, history could not repeat itself "Aditya"?

Stepping out from behind a tree he held out shoes "Here" bending down he helped her slip them on "I swear i'll take you home soon, I just need to make sure you're better first, I know you hate me right now but no more arguing infront of everyone else"

"Who have you got looking for Dr Rowlan"?


Her brow furrowed, bottom lip wobbling "You two got closer while I was unconscious then" blowing out a puff of air she rolled her eyes "I shouldn't have expected any better" Zoya knew a part of her was being illogical but she really didn't care anymore, him bringing her here in the first place had been a mistake and now the fact the man that trusted few could trust Megan to look for a man who meant something to him clearly meant they had become closer, try all she might she couldn't ignore how bothered she was.

Nessie crossed her arms "I'm gonna call you firecracker, anyone that can speak to my brother like that is a friend of mine" she laughed "Come on, i'll take you in"


"Half, i'm Edvardo's full sister, do you know him"? Tightening her hair in her band she smiled "Anyway, i'm Vanessa, but you can call me Nessie, everyone else does" turning to Aditya she nodded "I'll look after her, I swear, come meet Bea, she'll love you, but maybe you should sort things out with him first"

"No" Zoya shook her head "I have nothing else to say"

"This conversation isn't over Zoya" Aditya looked her in the eye before walking away, Nessie and Bea were safe and would make her feel welcome and maybe this way she would look at his family in a different manner

"Maybe he'll finally eat something now, hasn't ate or slept in a week, our leader had to knock him out, rough around the edges but you have put some magic on him" she giggled "As much as I love the fire in you, please don't burn him with it, because he'd happily burn for you, i'd be mad if I were you but yanno, give him a chance yeah, i've never seen him like this"

Watching him leave she gulped "He did all of that because he was worried for me"? Once again she had made the mistake of speaking before she thought

"Oh don't beat yourself up, someone has to keep that man in line, he was a killing machine before you came along, I think he likes you because you don't take his shit, it's good you called him out on it, i'll introduce you to everyone" guiding her towards the photo album she sat her down "Okay, so this is me, this is Beatrice but you can call her Bea" she pointed to the older woman with curly hair stood beside her "Nina" turning the page she clapped her hands "This is Edvardo, he left and married some woman called Katarina" tapping her chin she pointed to the bottom picture "This is Rebecca and Megan, one of the set of twins and-"

"Wait what, they're related too"?

"Oh no, no, they're really distant cousins of Goliath's, he is Aemelius' brother, so they have no relation to me or Aditya but yeah they're a part of the family just not blood related, we have different groups in different places, this is my mother Esmerelda, but the pictures don't do this woman justice" she laughed

"I know her" Zoya crossed her legs and shivered "And I don't think it's in a good way"

"Ah yeah, she kidnapped you and a few of your friends a couple of years back, but Aditya made her stay away from you so she did in the end, bit of a force to be reckoned with but she's harmless if you're on her good side, Adi is her fav so yanno you can't do worse than that, so basically i'm sure you've figured we like to keep it in the family, well Aditya and Avaraa were born out of incest, with a man called Chetan who Esmerelda loves, but Edvardo took Avaraa away because she had a ton of physical issues, the fused limb thing skips every woman, so Ezzie's sister has it, but Ezzie didn't, then Bea has it and I don't and Avaraa has it, anyway that's why Aditya is the fav, because he's the only reminder of the man she loves"

"So Aditya's dad is dead"?

"Oh no, but Aditya hates him, but that's a story for him to tell not me" Nessie smiled sweetly "I know it's really daunting here and I know my mother scared the shit outta ya but ya know, like he won't let anyone hurt you, you're a cool kid firecracker and I don't just say that to any bitch, trust in him and all will be well, there's many others to meet too but a few left and the rest aren't important enough in my eyes, stick with us girl and you'll be fine" standing up she glanced at her watch "I have to get to a meeting but i'll come get you later and introduce you to Bea, whatever you do, don't leave your room without me, Aditya or Bea, kay, not everyone here takes to you being here nicely if ya get me" waving she left her alone with her thoughts about the newly found information

I'M BACKKKK! I've missed you all so very much and I hope you're all as blown away by this chapter as I am x

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