Part Seventeen~ Count Me Out

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Personally I feel either will work but take your pick, this one relates to the scene:

If you prefer dramatic music for a dramatic scene then play this when Zoya runs outside:

For such a long time now it felt as if something had been missing from her life, there was this strange emptiness that haunted her every movement, attached to her like a shadow, always there but not always visible. It was now as she looked down at him she saw him in a different light, the whistle of the wind against the trees and the heavy fall of rain against the window only set the tone even more, the feeling was surreal. Unable to stop herself she raised her hand and ran her fingers over his lips, it only felt like now she was really seeing him, now she was really touching him, she'd never understand how hard it had been on him but if it was anything like how she felt now she knew it had to feel excruciating. Her hands moved to his cheeks then his hair, down to his neck then his sturdy, muscular shoulders. She deserved this, deserved pain for not listening to him "Do your worst Mr Hooda, treat me like the rest"

Though confused at how she was touching him he pulled her closer by her shirt "You have no idea what you're asking for Zoya"

She didn't but she didn't care, she had to prove herself right, he wouldn't hurt her because he couldn't. "Then show me"

"I know what you want Zoya and you can't have it, I know you want more than anything for this to mean something, it won't, whatever we had is over now, sometimes you never think you'll find better" his eyes met hers "Until you do, why return to you when there is better out there"?

"Because no one else is good enough for you, I know you and I know how much you want-" she had to believe in herself or she would falter at the first step

"Megan, yes, she seems the type to succeed in the bedroom, trust me i've witnessed it and she does"

"That the best you got, lies"? She challenged him not expecting to be proven wrong

Aditya put her down then held his pillow up "See the red hair"?

"No" Zoya shook her head, voice breaking and hot tears freely rolling down her cheeks "No, no you wouldn't, you wouldn't do that" she hiccuped "To me, not to me, no" grabbing the pillow she threw it to the floor and grabbed the top of his white plain jumper "Tell me you're lying, tell me you're lying" she screamed

"If I did, then I would be lying" her smack echoed around the room, he hit the wall when she pushed him back

"I hate you, you hear me, I hate you" slapping him again she let out a cry when he grabbed her hands and pinned her to the wall "Let go of me, get off" her eyes wavered over his raised hand "Go on then, hit me, GO ON" his hand quickly covered her mouth leading to her screams becoming muffled but still slightly audible, kicking her legs she closed her eyes and continued to cry

"Shut up, all you do is cry, cry, cry, and that's exactly what I told you not to do, a strong woman is what I want and you" he looked her up and down "Are weak"

Biting into his hand she gasped for air when he pulled it away "Fine, if i'm so weak, and she's so much better than me, then why kiss me huh, why kiss me"? Trying to pull her hands back she released a frustrated sigh "I don't know what your wife ever saw in you, you are cruel"

"Don't" Aditya shook his head "Don't bring her into this"

"Why, do you think she'd be proud of the man you are today, I don't think so, I think she'd be disgu-" her whole body stiffened when he moved his hand to her shirt and ripped it apart, two buttons hit the door then fell to the floor "What are you-" she backed up more against the wall when his hand gripped the elastic waist of her trousers

"No, carry on, she'd be disgusted huh"? He snarled "What else, come on, I want to hear it all"

Suddenly feeling self conscious she tried to cover herself but his hand on her wrists prevented her from doing so, she wasn't ready to back down yet, in her eyes he would push but he would not hurt her "You wouldn't degrade me like this, all you're doing is trying to scare me and i'm not scared of you Aditya Hooda" finally releasing one of her hands from his hold she cupped his cheek "So stop, I know this is because i've hurt you, you're using Megan to hurt me but you wouldn't sleep with her because you would never hurt me like that, right"?

"Wrong" he rolled his eyes "AGAIN, you asked me to do my worst, now you want out, it doesn't work like that"

"Go on then, do it, I know you won't" she flinched when he leaned toward her face, crushing her face between his hands he kissed her, once again roughly, he bit down onto her lip and held her face too hard, shaking in his hold she tried to control herself, turning her face away as he let go she sniffed and wiped away her tears as he moved to bite her neck "Ow" quietly sobbing, her shoulders shook and her breaths came out in pants "You're, you're scaring me, please stop" she whined when he didn't, instead he pushed her shoulders into the wall "If you do this, if-"

"If I do this what"? Aditya tried to ignore her shaking body and broken expression, she wasn't his Zoya, she was just another person who had wronged him. "Go on, what will happen"?

"Do you really want to hurt me this bad, is this what you're capable of"? She ran her tounge over her lip and hissed painfully "Look at my stomach, look at all the bruises, I got attacked again today, I came here to ask for your help and maybe I don't deserve it but i'm terrified Aditya, I don't feel safe anywhere except when i'm with you, now there isn't a single place I feel safe, there isn't a single person I can trust, you said I needed someone to handle me and that only you could and i'm drinking and I just wanted you to take it away, I wanted you to protect me and keep me safe because I feel like they're going to ruin me but you're horrible and I hate you and you broke my heart and now I have no one, no one" pushing him she dropped her head and cried "You won, I believe you, i'm nothing to you now"

"Good" he looked away "Then you can leave, don't come back" he cleared his throat while her fingers wobbled when she did up her buttons and pushed her hair from her face, as she went to walk to the door she hesitated stepped infront of him

Zoya looked up "You may have switched your emotions off so you don't get hurt again but I know that somewhere this hurts, I believe you didn't want to do any of this and I believe you haven't touched another woman in that way, if i'm wrong then i'll never bother you again, but remember one thing Mr Hooda, sometimes the things we do stay with us for a lifetime and if this is the man you want to be then you can count me out, your wife did not fall in love with a monster, your wife fell in love with a man" slamming the door behind her she pushed her hair from her face and swiped her tears, wanted to remain pulled together she walked slowly towards her office, cheeks still itchy from all the tears she rubbed them with her wrist, halting in her steps she looked at the four suited men with sunglasses on

"Martin Rowlan, i'm afraid you'll have to come with us, you're under arrest for harbouring a fugitive" handcuffing him they pushed him forward and followed him outside

Tapping her foot on the floor she turned to see Aditya leaving his room then turned her head back to the guards, after the realisation of who she was her boss suddenly meant a lot more to her, clenching her fist her face paled "They didn't show I.D" turning on her heel she ran as fast as she could up the long corridor, skidded around the corner and pushed open the doors, jumping from one step to another she slid through the gate and stopped before the large white truck "Stop, you can't take him"

Edvardo looked down at the monitor and banged his fist on the desk, picked up the phone and held it to his ear "Rebecca, outside the asylum now, who's taking Dr Rowlan" shoving the lamp off his desk he gritted his teeth "I pay you to keep an eye on these things, if you cannot do the job properly then do not do it at all" slamming it back down he moved back to the monitor "Come on, come on"

Martin looked around the dark van and then up at the two men glaring at him "You won't get away with this, I hope you know that" he yelled out when a foot was pushed into his shoulder, his glasses dropped to the floor, smashing beneath his knee

Moving around the truck she smacked the door "Open up" she jumped back when the engine roared up once again and drove forward "Dr Rowlan" she screamed, placing her hands on her head she bit back tears "Shit, shit, shit"

Megan looked down at her phone "Boss, what's up"?

"Outside the asylum now, the truck is coming back"

Racing out of the gym she looked around "Zoya" huffing when she didn't turn around she shoved past a woman and ran up the pathway, legs burning the faster she moved to get to her

Aditya looked up from his cigarette, his blood turning cold as he watched something hit the truck then fly up into the air, dropping it from his hand his eyes widened "Zoya" grabbing the gate he hoisted himself over just as her body smashed back onto the hood of the truck, blood splattering across his face as her arm bent backwards so the windscreen wipers hooked onto her shirt, then it was moving again, raising his hand to his face he glanced back down at the dark red blood running down his fingers, his jaw clenched, eyes turning as red as the blood on his fingers and a lone tear rolling down his cheek.

Zoya's eyes shot open, a chilling scream escaping her mouth once she realised where she was, grabbing the wiper with her other hand she rolled toward the window, eyes darting from one speeding car to another, she yelped when the wipers were switched on so her body thrashed from one side to the other, the sound of her shirt ripping made her grapple to hold on, but her body swung to the side instead, her right hand now bloody and slippery, lifting her legs she tried not to let them hit the wheels. Then the speed increased causing her head to knock into the metallic plate on the side, gripping the open window blood hit her face when it shut on her fingers, her scream drowned out by the engine. It was only as she was falling that she heard her back snap, scrunching her eyes shut she awaited the fall, only it never came

Probs would have worked better with Ekta Kapoor's dramatic music but I have none so soz x

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