NicoMaki 08

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Nico was trying to prove to Maki how "good" she is playing the piano. But she ended up playing it with the wrong tones. She did not expect Maki would scream at her for that though.

"!!! Hey! Maki-chan!!?"

"What was that about, Nico-chan!? All of the sudden you got it all wrong."

"No I didn't! I just slipped my fingers..."

"Slipped? How could you "slip" your fingers while playing?"

Nico couldn't respond properly and stayed silent. Maki started to figure something's not right.

"Nico-chan...can you play other songs?", Maki curiously asked.

" can't...Wait, I mean..."

"What do you mean you can't Nico? You said yourself you know how to play a piano, you should've learned to play other songs too right?"

"Ummm...well..." said nico as she shows a panicked expression on her face.

"Sigh...I knew it. don't know how to play a piano, do you?", Maki concluded.

"Eh!? *cough* H-how could you say that, Maki-chan?"

"Admit it Nico-chan! It's clear to me now that you don't even know how to play a piano."

"N-no way Maki-chan! I just made a mistake and..."

"Could you just stop lying Nico!?"

Nico was speechless as she had no more excuses to think of. Maki was disappointed that nico had to lie to her. Then she realized something.

"Now I get it..."

"Get what?....", Nico asked nervously.

"What some girls were talking about the other day. They mentioned someone was playing a piano after class. It was you, wasn't it?"

Many days ago, Maki overheard a group of third years talking about it. She thought at first that they were referring to her, though now it appears it was actually Nico they were referring to.

"S-so what? Where else could I find a piano to use? In any case, I've learned how to play a piano. Can't you tell when I played the "Happy Birthday" song for you!?"

Maki can tell Nico was still lying.

"Look Nico-chan, just because you learned how to play one song doesn't mean you're already good at it."

"Oh....r-really...well...then...", said nico as she turned her face away from Maki. It was a really embarassing moment for her.

"Sigh...Nico-chan. You played horribly back then, didn't you? I bet that you played the wrong notes and made creepy sounds with the piano - that's probably why one of the girls mistook you for a ghost..."

"Oh really, Nico-chan? Or did you shouted and screamed at the time because you were frustrated you couldn't play well. *Sigh* I guess you did sounded like a ghost ...just like what those girls said."

"Fine, fine! I get it already! I lied! I'm wrong! Now stop teasing me any further, Maki-chan!", said Nico in frustration. She knew it was wrong to lie but it happened to be her habit to say wonderful things about herself even if isn't true.

She also felt that it would be embarassing to say otherwise. Nico did all this with little preparation, nor was she able to find time for someone to teach her piano lessons.

Still, Maki might have understood her situation. She said: "But.......thank you...Nico-chan.", then Nico blushed when Maki said that.

"I never really thought you'd do all this for me...I never really expected all of this would happen on my birthday...thank you..."

Nico's heart skipped a beat after hearing that.

"I'm glad...", said Nico. She was relieved that despite all her faults, Maki still appreciated all she had done. This is probably a side of Maki that Nico likes. She may sound menacing and all, but in truth, she's just trying to prove a point and is concerned with other people.

"Hey, Maki-chan..."

"What is it?"

"...Happy birthday, Maki-chan...", said Nico with a joyful tone and a cute face.

"Uh...okay, thanks Nico.", responded Maki as she tried but failed to look away. She doesn't notice how happy she is now. But then...

"Happy birthday, Maki-chan!", said Nico again, this time with a more positive tone and smile.

"Nico-chan, you already said that more than once...", said Maki as she felt a bit off with Nico saying that again.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAKI-CHAN!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!", said Nico even more. It seems she wanted to say those words repetitively. Maki got irritated.

"Hey Nico! Are you toying with me again?! CUT THAT OUT!"

Immediately, the room's door opened and 5 girls appeared. They all shouted: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! MAKI-CHAN!!!"

"AHH?! E-everyone?!!", said Maki as she was surprised that Honoka, Umi, Kotori, Rin, and Hanayo were there.

"Maki-chan, did you really think that you're gonna have your birthday without them, huh?", Nico said to Maki. It seemed Nico planned their arrival - it might be that saying "Happy Birthday" to Maki repetitively was her signal for them to come inside.

"Everyone...", said Maki as she was gradually feeling happy that everyone is now here.

"Hehe...sorry if we troubled you with all this Maki-chan. We really wanted the party to be at school...but a lot of things happened...sorry...", said Honoka.

"Honoka...don't be sorry. It's my fault not yours. I was just too embarassed to tell it to all of you. I'm sorry.", said Maki.

"Maki-chan, I understand how you feel, but birthdays come only once a year. It's lonely to celebrate it all by yourself.", said Umi.

"Umi's right, Maki-chan! Learn how to be more open with us, nyahh.", said Rin with an unhappy look on her face. Maki nodded a bit and didn't say a word. Then she noticed Nico was looking at her and was smiling.

"Hey. What are you looking at me like that, Nico..."

"Hehe. I just love that look on your face whenever you feel embarassed Maki-chan. It's cute!" Maki got annoyed by Nico's words, but refrained from saying anything.

"Anyway, now that you've learned *cough* your lesson...let's get this party started!" Soon, everyone got together at the room while Hanayo and Kotori started unpacking things.

"Kotori-chan, do we have everything ready?", whispered Hanayo to Kotori as she checks if everything is set for the party."

"Yep! Everything is all set!", Kotori replied

"What about the cake? Did you manage to finish it?", said Hanayo

"Yep! It's all done!"

The girls started decorating the place and began to set everything they needed for the party - presents, balloons, decorations and other things. While waiting for them to finish everything, Nico and Maki conversed with each other.

"You've done so much for me, Nico. How can I repay you for all this?"

"Just enjoy the fun and smile Maki-chan! That's all you have to do.", said Nico. Maki at the very least was happy she wished for that.

"By the way, I have one more thing to show you." While Nico said that she went to a nearby table where it seemed she was going to give Maki something.

"Please, Nico-chan stop it. You've done more than enough to make me..."

"Here, open it. It's my present for you." Nico held a box in front of Maki as she asked Maki to open it. Though Maki felt Nico was pushing herself too hard, she decided to open it anyway.

"Wait...these are...tomatoes?"

"Hanayo-chan told me that tomatoes happen to be your favorite food. Had I knew more about you, I would have given you something else."

Maki smiled a bit as she looked at her present but Nico was still talking. Nico approached closer to Maki, looked at her sharply and said:

"That's why...Maki-chan...please let me know more of you and what kind of person you really are."

Maki felt a heartbeat when she heard that. From Nico. From a girl she never thought was interested in her. Maki was both blushing and speechless just looking at Nico.

"Nico...if you want to know more about me me a favor first...'

"What favor, Maki-chan?" Maki wanted to ask Nico something. Something she wanted Nico to do for her.

" my..." Maki was nervous as she said these words. She wanted Nico to be closer to her, to be more than just a classmate or a friend...

"Be what?", asked Nico curiously. However, Maki hesitated and told Nico something else.

" more honest!" That was what Maki said. She wasn't ready to tell Nico her true feelings. Still, Nico was indeed caught off guard when she said that.

"I mean seriously Nico! You always say things that aren't true and I don't like that!", said Maki as her tsundere personality ruined a moment. So far, she's never blushed this much. Maki never really thought she'd be so talkative just being with Nico.

With a calm face showing she's learned a lesson, Nico replied: "I'll try, Maki-chan. I'll try." Maki was relieved - and also a bit surprised - she said that.

"By the way Nico, about what you did earlier..." Still Maki recalled what Nico did a while ago. She thought of something she could say...

"W-would you mind if...if I teach you how to play a piano properly next time?"

"Really Maki-chan? Y-you really..." said Nico as she was surprised Maki would offer such a service to her.

"Of course I would! Nico-chan, you played awfully back there! I won't let you screw up again!"

"W-wait Maki-chan! You really don't have too! I only did that for this occasion it's not like I..."

"So you refuse then?", said Maki with an angry face. It looked like she's wants Nico to say "yes".

Nico replied: "Maki-chan...I...I don't know..." with an uneasy face. Even if she was happy Maki would help her out, Nico still felt guilty about the trouble she did, she might have felt she shouldn't deserve it.

Maki meanwhile looked frustrated with Nico's answer. Maki really hoped Nico accepts because it may be her chance with Nico more. Maki tries to convince Nico saying:

"Nico-chan, think about it. You'll get better at being an idol if you let me teach you how to play a piano properly...and also..."

Maki looked at Nico's eyes; gazing at those innocent, pink eyes made Maki blush hard and lose control for a bit and she said:

"We...we...both of us could make songs together I...just the two of us...together..."

Nico was shocked. How could Maki say such sweet things...just thinking about made her blush too. Maki didn't know she was saying this in front of Nico.

She didn't notice her words sounded like she wanted her and Nico to have a date or something.

Just as she realized what she just said, she quickly tried to deny her feelings (again) and said:

"!! D-don't get the wrong idea! It's not what you think it is...!!"

Nico held Maki's face and pulled it closer to her. Then Nico closed her eyes and moved her lips. Maki blushed.

Nico kissed Maki at her left cheek.

"!! N-nico!?" Maki is now completely stunned. Her face was all red and her heart was pounding like crazy. Nico kissed her. No way. She never thought Nico would do that. Even though it wasn't on her lips, kissing her on her cheeks still meant something.

In front of her, Maki sees Nico smiling. Her face was blushing too, yet she doesn't look embarassed that she did that.

"You liked it, Maki-chan?" Maki was speechless when Nico said that. She did like it, but is too embarassed to react and instead she said: "You're weird, Nico-chan."

"At least you care, Maki-chan." said Nico. She kissed Maki because she wanted to thank Maki for realizing someone cared and was giving her attention after all. Maki stayed silent and tried not to look at Nico.

Then, her phone rang. Maki opened it and she read that someone was calling her.

"Did you like your present, Maki-chan?"


"I thought sending your friends at home was the closest present I could ever give you. I asked Nico to do it for me. Sorry, if I won't be coming there soon. But anyway, happy birthday, my sweet little daughter!"

With a huge smile on her face, Maki replied: "Thanks mom. This is really a very wonderful present. I've had a great time."

After that, Honoka and the others finished setting everything up and soon the party started. That was how Maki's birthday happened.


A/N: I'm sorry for not publishing anything for so long. A lot of things happened which forced me to stop writing. I hope you're satisfied with this ending.

Thank you guys for reading my work. I'm inspired now to do more stories in the future. I'm working on another one already so just follow me to get updated. <3

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