A Psychopaths Morgue Holds More Than Dead Bodies.

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A Psychopaths' Morgue holds more than dead bodies." ~ ZQ

          "You are exquisite on my new autopsy table." Infamous smiles in excitement. His thoughts swim and revolve around the one person who cares enough to not scream. 

     Syrënna lingers casually on the morgue dissection tables and strains her neck to look at the one guy who has the decency to not try anything at this point. Holding back a smile that chants to that thought, she replies in her thick foreign accent.

      "What does ex-quis-ite, mean?" She struggles to pronounce the foreign word in her thick Russian and French accent. Syrënna curses at herself for looking so helpless.

        Infamous holds a smug grin over his scarred lips, lined with segment ring piercings along his top and lower lips.  Shining black along his lips and slightly in his cheeks, his mouth an assortment of metal to make a metal scarecrow mouth.

      A sain person would see an ungly boy trying to be rebellious with his face, but Syrënna sees a story being told. Breaking the trance Syrënna was in from evaluation of his metallic smirk, Infamous chuckles into a servere look.

      "Exquisite; extremely beautiful and,  typically, delicate," he slowly emerges from the Dark Shadows of the room, ", such as a lovely rose, so delicate and deadly... "

        Infamous trails off as he rembers the memories of being drug into his demise as a young boy. Remembers... Seeing.

           Trees pass with an assortment of plants and flowers in the massive blur of colour. Getting close to it's destination for the dark haired boy. The large creatures features mimic a horse with bat ears and wings, claws where the front hooves should be, instead only one set of hooves hang from the back.  The face of  death that is hidden with in the horses fully black eyes and dripping from the carnovios fangs hanging from the mouth. The creature as Infamous would soon research, was a NightClaw.

      The NightClaw weaved into branches and sticks jagged from falling from their homes.  Fear trickeld in every part of the boy as he flailed in the clutch of the tared front claws. The mass span of large-mutant bats that would soar from cave ceiling to catch their flying dinners. Gliding through the trees with ease the creature snickered at the boys flails, amused.

      Crying out for help, for someone to run for his safety. Nobody answered. Sticks, twigs and logs all launched themselves at his frail body, ripping his  English suit. His tie was long gone from the start of the flight once the NightClaw attempted go choke him from behind. The young NightClaw snickers again before axcellling higher above a thicket of thorns and red beads of beauty.

            Hot tears stream down the boys soft cheeks as he began to cry for something, anything, to help him. Looking around frantically he took his last chance to glance at the beauty of  the scenery. The sobs whimper into small sniffles as the sunsets warm glow hushes his fear. The trees aliens with the sunsets pinkish/orange color, the colour of  peaches fresh from his garden at his catstle.

         The thought of home flutters into his mind like a black butterfly, dark and beautiful. Silent tears fall to the dark thicket below his bare feet. The only thing the boy could think of was..."Death. So this is death?!"

                    His little British accent cracking in fear. Suddenly his stomach flips and he is plummating to what he thought was his death. Sobbing the boy flailed his little arms and curled his armed around his eyes and nose.

        Immediately thorns stabbed every inch of his body as he fell through the layers of roses and vines.  The KnightClaw flies farther away. Infamous's youth looks up at the creature as sobs out,

       "Come back you berk! Finish what you started...!"

        Pain surging through his veins like cold ice, he couldn't move from the pains construction on his limbs. Barley able to get his insult out.

           The winged creature comes spiralling down towards him. Eyes filled with hatred at the scrawny bleeding British kid.  The kids glares back trying to be brave, tears collecting fresh blood as it makes a river, staining his expansive tail coat. Royal blue turning to black.

        The creature crashed into the boy, a load scream leaves his bleeding lips, almost choking. Suddenly they fall through the ground and everything is dark.  Pretty dying sunlit skies turn to darkness and death. The boy cries as he frantically look around...

      The creature was gone.  Left alone in the darkness, waiting. What the boy thought were hallucinations, we're real.  Creature made of dark puffs of cloud walk around, some fighting, some avoiding the fights, and most looking at him. Panic emerged along with his heart beat pounding into his rib cage, suffocating. Struggling to breath his skins starts to rip.

           Screaming and gripping his skin his face, hot with a boiling sensation. Like when you spill a little coffee or tea on your good pants.  Ripping at his clothes he attracted more and more attention. Attention he didn't want.

          The creatures snarl and lunged. Quickly the creature drops to protect his prey. His baby hiss makes the creature snicker and chuckle like hyenas in the night...the laughter that was catchy..like the Bubonic Plague. Chuckling in his tears grabs the attention and silenced the others. Chaos erruots and the NightClaw grabed his prize, suddenly appearing in a meadow surrender of trees laugh at him. Then the NightClaw attacks again.

     Kicking and screaming the boy defends what he thinks is the last of his now demented and tramitized life. Yet it's to get worse. The KnightClaw leaves the child in the middle of the dark forest, unconscious...

          Infamous glares at the tile floor infront of Syrënna. Syrënna snapped her fingers multiple times to drag his livid expression towards the motion.

       "Did you even hear me? " Syrënna's expression unimpressed. Infamous resists the urge to chuck her in a wall, clenching his gloved fists.

           "No. " Stern and vicious he grabs one of the discecting tools he freshly sharpened. Syrënna shocked, she grabs a dagger from her thigh holster ready to throw.

              His low chuckle from deep within his throat fills the room. Syrënna just watches amused at how that just went from 0 to 110 real fast. Syrënna crawls slowly on the table as he circles like a shark.

         "You know infamous?" Syrënna chimes, catching his attention.

        "Yes? Lovely Toxicity." He smiles, as he navigates around the table, knowing his power. She stares deep into his sunglasses and at her reflection. Her white hair flows in the black background of his shades, only to glimmer parts of the other colors. Her heart swimming in a pool of emotions. Gripping the dagger tighter she answers with an amused smile. The reflection reveals back her sharp razors that line her mouth, as shiny as her eyes.

         "I think you'd look alot better..."

            Infamous steps back, knowing she'd use her excitement as a jumping block. Syrënna dives off the table and attacks him with the dagger. Her swips prove defenseless against his blocking with the ustensal.

     Swiping the weapon from her he smiles knowing her expression would've contorted to a look of disbelief. She glances at her dagger he skid across the floor. He strikes and gashes her right arm, twisting she dodges the next ones. Getting to the floor, she slid between his legs against the cold tiles. She quickly turns while he's off balance and kicks him into the dissecting morgue table. Laughing he jumps up as she swings go knock him out. Already atop the table he dances on the moving table while she swings with other ustensals.

      Syrënna gets frustrated and kicks the table.  The table skids across the room, making Infamous duck to get leverage. Her smug smile fills her heart with flutters of exciment. Infamous grabs the last utensil from the rack. Tweasers.

        Chuckling at weapon of choice, Syrënna watches as he sighs in annoyance. Syrënna advances towards the table, catching her breath.

        "Breathless?" Infamous smiles, "I'm flattered!"

       He lunges off the table and kicks her across the floor.  The impact makes her grunt out the last of her breath on the floor.

        She strains her neck to look at him. "Are you serious?!"

       She drops her head, knife still at her side. "Where's your manner-"

            He cuts her off by the sound of metal hitting the tile flooring. He dropped the Tweasers from his gloved grasp.  She looks over shocked as he towers over her. Syrënna continues to attempt catching her breath slightly, looking confused up at him.  He offers his gloved hand down to her.

         She snickers and grabs his smooth leather hand.  He pulls her up with such force that she clashes into his chest. The air she just gathered leaves her lungs in one huff and pain tweaks in her chest.

        Syrënna looks into his sunglasses fixated on what lies behind them. He smirks and the metal expands to make a morbid allinment of piercings that look like stitches.

        "I have more manners than you do, pirate girl." Infamous twirls a piece of her curls around his finger. Syrënna fights a blush and looks at him, breath intertwined in a heat mass of air.

         "You've never been so right, Little boy. " She smiles and gashes his arm with the dagger she retrieved earlier. He jerked back and look forward as he brings a hand to see how big the gash is.  He chuckles and brings her closer by the lies of his fingers to tell her a secrete.

           "I'm always right, even if I'm wrong." He launches his arm into her gut and the impact lifts her on her tip-toes. Grunting she raises her middle finger towards him and curses, her accent thick. Infamous turns the light off with the will of his mind as he walks out of the room and puts his hood up. Syrënna watches as he disappears into the light, heart fluttering.

       "Idiot." She whispers and starts to wrap her wound with some gauze she found on the counter next to her.

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