Ryker (Day One- Part Two)

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Sitting next to a famous girl was slowly overshadowed by the storm that rattled both the plane and Ryker. Ryker had bad experiences with storms. When he was three, he had to move from his home town in Boston because his house was torn down by a tornado, he still remembered that night like the back of his hand.


He was woken up by his mom tugging on his shirt. "Wake up Ryker, we need to leave." She said in a frantic voice.

 "But mommy, Buddy and I were just have a good dream together." He said while giving his dog buddy a pat on the head, Buddy's soft black fur made a great pillow for Ryker. His mom was now packing a bag for Ryker.

 "You and buddy can take a nap in the car, ok sweetie.""Okie dokie!" Ryker said and hopped out of his bed,"but why do we have to leave," Ryker questioned just a a flash flew across the three year old's window.

 "Beca-" Ryker's mom started right as a huge boom sounded that rattled the door. Ryker yelped and jumped into his moms arms. 

"It's ok hunny, we need to leave because a big scary storm is coming, now let's go get in the car, dads and airing with snacks." Ryker nodded and put the bag his mom has packed on his back.

Normally Ryker was hungry when he woke up but not this time. The rumble in his stomach couldn't be heard above the rumble in the sky. They drove away from their house and Ryker grabbed tight to Buddy as another cannon went of in the clouds. 


 Ryker never told anyone about his fear of thunder, but even up in the sky, he would shiver when ever he heard a rumble. Ryker noticed Enzo looking at him, with a confused look on his face.  For all he new, Ryker was a jock with no fears. 'What does he know?' Ryker thought to himself, trying to keep the fear from showing on his face as lightning crackled again in the sky. A loud beep came over the plane. The pilot tried to say, "I'm sorry folks, we are experiencing some slight turbulence on our travel," but it came out like, "ma maaa mammmm ma." Ryker decided to to try and drown out the thunder by taking a nap. He laid his head back and closed his eyes and slowly slipped into a chaotic sleep.


 Ryker was awoken by the smell of smoke. He opened his eyes to find nothing. Pitch black surrounded him. "What's going on," he asked no one frantically as the plane dropped uncontrollably. His head was flashing back to that incident when he was three. 

 "An engine was struck by lighting," said a female voice to the side of his head; it was that famous girl. "They can't get control of the plane, so here put this on." Ryker felt something enter his hand, and he realized it was an air mask. He quickly strapped it on as the plane dropped again. He had just strapped it over his head when the plane dropped another time, and it jerked him forward. Ryker's head slammed into the seat in front of him. Usually the seat made for a nice head rest while Ryker was watching movies but instead it felt like a outside linebacker had just wrecked him in the air. His mind shifted out of Jock Ryker Mode, to the side no one saw, Eagle Scout Ryker Mode. Ryker was not in any hurry to let people know he was an Eagle Scout, but he always had a interest in the club. 

He had never done anything on plane crashes. They had briefly talked about it while they mentioned man made disasters, but they mostly focused on explosions and mam made fires. His scout leader had just said that a scout is always prepared so his troop should always read the pamphlet in the seat pocket. He had he had of course, and quickly got into the position it said to get into as the plane dropped again.

 This time his head slammed into the window so hard it cracked. With a swollen eye, he peered through the crack and noticed that they were not in sky anymore; he could see the icy ground of Alaska. The plane slipped out of control once again and this time the pilot couldn't gain control.  It felt like getting blindsided by every football player in the world as the plane slammed nose first into the ground and flipped slamming hard on its back. Ryker opened his eyes unaware that he had closed them and looked in horror as people lay motionless in their chairs, blood fussing out of their bodies. He unbuckled and fell hard at his side. He moaned under the pain, but his moan continued even when he stopped, and it turned unnaturally feminine. Ryker suddenly realized it was the famous girl. He looked up to notice that her eyes were, like everybody else, closed, but she was definitely alive. His scout mind raced to find away to get her off the plane. There was the shoulder drag, no, to much to crap on the ground. He would just have to carry her the old fashioned, damsel in distress way. He unbuckled her, and she groaned as she fell into his arms. Ryker stood up and started forward, ignoring his banging head. He played football and had suffered more concussions than are necessary, he wasn't about to let a little headache stop him from surviving.

It was the fire that bothered him. It was everywhere, the fire made him warm, but right now, he preferred the cold. He emerged from the plane and put the girl down in the snow. He too fell down in the snow, and he wasn't even worried about hypothermia. Ryker slipped back into sleep, this time though, not on purpose.  

Chapter Written By: pageturner142

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