The Vampire Siblings

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Both Grace and Serena rush to the window to find a teenage boy with black, raven hair and tattered clouthes, and younger girl who also looks teenage with blue hair and tattered clouthes, along with an injured pikachu.

The two rush them on to beds and imediantly start to treat them.

Sudenly notices something in the boys hand

Serena: Whats this? A photo? (Looks at the photo)

Serena imedaintly gasps and drops it

Grace: Whats wrong Serena? Whats in the picture?!

Serena: Those eyes!

Grace: WHAT?!

Grace picks up the picture

Grace: Oh My God they're vampires!

Serena: What do we do?! *sees something on the back of the picture* It says something on the back of that picture...

Grace: Huh? It says, "In Loving Memory Of Mom And Dad.
'Always remember to care for humans and never turn your backs on them no matter how cruel they can be-' Mom and Dad"

Serena: *sympathetic* Oh.. it looks like their parents died when they were young... Wait, does that mean they are homeless?!

Grace: I guess we will have to wait for them to wake up first to find out, if so We are going to find some place to stay because no child deserves to have to live on their own and fend for themselves on the street, vampire or not.

Serena: And even if they are vampires, based on what the photo says, they must be pretty fond of humans...

Grace: Well lets stay in here until they wake up because if they wake up in an empty unfamiliar room they might think there in danger by what ever did this to them and start to get hostile.

Serena: Your probably right...

2 hours later

???: uhg, where am I?

Grace: Um you were thrown up against our balcony uncontios, so me and my daughter nursed you back to full house, my names Grace by the way

???: Thank yo- Wait! DAWN! PIKACHU!

Serena: Im Serena, and if your talking about your Pikachu and Younger Sister then they are here too, and they are fine! *smiles*

???: *sighs in relief* Thank goodness...

Grace: If you dont mind me asking me asking, what happened?

???: Well I was attacked by these other 2 vampires named Trip and Gary, and they overpowered Me, Pikachu, and my sister Dawn... oh I forgot to introduce myself! Im sorry about that, My name is Ash!

Grace: Well, Ash I just wanted to let you know that picture you were holding of your family is right there on the nightstand.

Serena: Excuse me, I'm gonna use the bathroom

Serena leaves to use the bathroom

Ash: Oh okay, and thank you for not being freaked out by the fact that I'm a vampire. Everybody that meets me is... And you read the back i presume?

Grace: Yeah we did... about that, we were wondering; are you homeless?!

Ash: *sadly sighs* yeah...

Grace: Well your more than welcome to stay here if you want

Ash: Are you sure? I mean, I would bad just barging in like that...

Grace: Oh its fine! Well we only have one spare bed so as long as your fine sleeping with your sister...

Ash: That's fine... *sighs*

Grace: What's wrong?

Ash: Its Nothing... I'm just relieved that Pikachu, Dawn, and myself will finally get to stop worrying about Gary and his gang...

Grace: How long do you think it will be until Dawn wakes up?

Ash: Any minute now...

Suddenly Dawn wakes up

Dawn: ugh, where am I?

Ash: *walks over to Dawn* Hey Dawn.

Dawn: Ash? Where are we?

Grace: Your at my house. I'm Grace by the way. You and Ash are gonna be living here.

Dawn looks at Ash for confirmation. And Ash nods in approval.

Serena suddenly walks in.

Serena: So you finally decided to wake up. I'm Serena by the way.

Dawn: Wait, you both are fine with us being vampires?!

Serena: Yeah, we saw the back of the photo and quickly figured out your intentions so its all good! *smiles* Now! Lets get you into something more fashionable!

Dawn looks at Serena confused when she starts to drag Dawn into her room

Dawn: What do you mean by fashionable? Ive never heard that word.

Serena: I mean that im going to get you some prettier clothes!

Dawn: *has stars in her eyes* REALLY?!

Serena: *smiles then giggles* Well somebody is excited!

*One fashion sense later*

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