Second Day (Part 2)

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When the three of them got back to the Manor, Richard ran up and grabbed his BPD case real quick and then ran back down the stairs.

"So I need to finish this case and the files, but maybe Alfred would like to answer a few questions while I do so?" Dick suggested.

"I would not mind, Master Dick." Alfred said.

"Okay, well," Cierra started as Charlie moved the camera to Alfred, "How long have you been working for the Wayne's?"

"I have worked for Thomas Wayne and his wife when they needed an extra pair of hands and a coordinator of the house while Mrs. Wayne first became pregnant with Bruce." Alfred said.

"And how did you find them or they find you?" Charlie blurted out.

"I found them. They put out a flyer for assistance. However, they did not give an amount anyone would be paid and they used false names, just in case anyone who meant harm would not take the position." Alfred said, reminiscing of the day he was hired.

"Was it a shock to find out who you were having an interview with?" Cierra asked.

"Of course! I had been an actor and a British ops personal, but neither of those prepared me for having an interview with Mr. And Mrs. Wayne. However, they did help with keeping that shock in." Alfred nodded.

"So, after finding out who you were working for, how did you feel?" Cierra asked.

"I honestly felt relieved. I knew I would have job security for a long time with them being who they were. It was just a job for assistance around the house, but once I saw them and realized what was going on, then I knew that it would not be a short-lived job. The Wayne's are a very interesting family and I knew that this job would probably be my last, if I'm quite honest." Alfred said. 

"How long exactly have you been in service to the Wayne's then?" asked Cierra, curious. 

"I have been in their service for 35 years. I started the year Master Bruce had been conceived." Alfred explained, a fond smile on his face. 

"That was a very happy time, I take it, from your smile." Cierra smiled.

"Yes. I came in service about three months before they found out they were with Master Bruce. Master Thomas and Mistress Martha were very happy, but they always longed for a start to their own family. It was a very happy day when they found out. I remember quite clearly that Mistress Martha asked me to go out and grab a few pregnancy tests from the grocery. It was so very joyous to find that she was with child." Alfred said. 

"I know you've had some jobs before this one. Would you like to tell us?" Cierra asked for the viewers.

"Ah, some things are best left in the past, Mistress Cierra. They weren't bad jobs by any means, but none have made me as happy as this one." Alfred said. 

"Okay, I can respect that. I remember a job where I was working fast food for a bit for money to pay for college. I'd very much like to forget that too!" Cierra laughed. 

Alfred chuckled with her, "I understand. Now, I know Master Richard is not done with this case yet. How would you two like to join me in the kitchen while I prepare dinner?" Alfred asked.

"Sure! What are we making?" Cierra asked. 

"Oh no! I could not possibly ask you to help me with any cooking or baking! You are guests here and as such, you do not do any chores or anything but fun." Alfred said, sternly. 

"But I like to cook. Besides, I'd feel bad just sitting and asking you questions while you slave over the stove for all of us." Cierra said.

"Nonsense. Sit down, and enjoy some cookies." Alfred brought over a white ceramic jar that simply said 'Cookies'. 

"Don't mind if I do. Thanks, Alfred!" Charlie smiled, taking a cookie and enjoying it. He sat down on one of the island stools, as did Cierra. 

"If you insist then." Cierra said, taking a cookie. 

"Oh my gosh. Cierra, they're the best cookies EVER." Charlie got real serious. 

Cierra looked at him a bit confused, but took a bite anyways. 

"Oh my gosh! The kids were right. They're the best." Cierra had wide eyes. 

"Why, thank you! It's an old recipe that has served me very well." Alfred chuckled. 

"Alfred, I know stealing is wrong, but can I steal that recipe." Charlie asked.

Alfred chuckled, "Many have tried, but none have succeeded. Besides, it's not written down anywhere, therefore you can't."

"Alfred, you're evil." Charlie gasped. 

"Oh, save it! Just enjoy the cookies!" Cierra shoved another cookie in his hand. 

Alfred laughed while pulling out a 13 x 9 pan.

"I do believe tonight shall be lasagna." Alfred smiled. 


So, did you all enjoy some more of Alfred?

I hope you all enjoyed! ^.^


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